Ruling Question about Dunsparce LM/Spinda LM


1337 G33K
If someone uses Tripping Turn into a Spinda, against a Basic Pokemon of course, what would you flip for first?

Spinda's Pokebody or Dunsparce's Confusion status?

I thought that if they flipped for the Pokebody, and failed, it would pretty much keep them safe from Confusion..

But, I don't know if you're supposed to apply any Pokemon Powers/Bodies first, or if status conditions take precidence.

I know you have to discard any energy for retreating or attacks (Flamethrower, etc.) before Confusion, but I don't know where the Pokémon Powers/Bodies fit in.

Also, what's a good double/triple Energy card to have with Pokemon-ex?

In the deck, does Claw/Mysterious/Root Fossil ONLY count as a Trainer and only as a Basic Pokemon in play?

If I have a Blastoise ex in my hand, along with Rare Candy and Swoop! Teleporter, can I use Swoop! to change my current Active Pokemon, that has been out for 2+ turns, to Squirtle then evolve that same turn into Blastoise ex? I'd think so, just because the new Pokémon takes the place of the old one with health, status, etc., therefore that Pokémon is the same as the other and has been out 2+ turns.

What is the best 'new hand' card out of Steven's Advice, Rocket's Admin., Prof. Elm, Copycat and Prof. Oak's Research? And, which is the best 'draw' card out of Fieldworker, Bill's Maintenance and Prof. Cozmo's Discovery?

Lastly, are there any good Trainers that search out just other Trainers besides Scott searching for Supporters/Stadiums?

And, that's about it.. unless I go on to ask the meaning of life, lol.

RE: Question about Dunsparce LM/Spinda HL

Poké-Bodies/Powers fit all the way BEFORE thee attacks. Let's say:

I attack Spinda LM (Yea, THAT is the one with the Body) with Tripping Turn. Poké-Body enters first, as you have to apply any effects BEFORE doing any damage. So, if I flip tails, that attack won't do anything, even the Switch part won't work.

AS for the Energy thing, the only GREAT one is Holon's Megnetrodeform (Electrode, Magneton & Castform). other than that, a cool choice would be boost energy.

For Fossils, to resume, they only count as BSIC Pokémon when they are on your starting hand or in play.

Going to the Swoop! thing, Squirtle CAN be evolved into Blastoise ex. Even if the card said it couldn't, Rare Candy can evolve anything, anywhere, anytime and whatsoever. But you can Swoop! and then evolve.

The only thing that CAN shuffle back and draw other than those cards is Cleffa from Unseen Forces, I think. As for the draw part, TV Reporter is a good choice. Or then, Steven's or even Fieldworker are great.

And for the trainers that search others, no. There aren't any trainers that search others besides Scott. At least in Modified.

Hah, do you REALLY want to ask the meaning of life? Well, you could ask me...because I KNOW THE MEANING OF LIFE o_O!!!!
Thanks, Lord.. save for the first question.

I still need to know about that one.

If you use Tripping Turn as Dunsparce, and switch it to your bench to bring out Spinda, who would then be your active Pokemon..

When your opponent attacks.. would he flip for Spinda's Pokebody first, or the confusion status?

I didn't mean using TT against Spinda, I meant Sparce and Spinda on the same team.
Oh, yeah...

Well, I can't really understand your point here...but I think that your opponent can choose whether one to flip. As they both happen at the same time, he or she has the right to choose.