Ruling Q: pls A:

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Venomoth uses (GG )Disturbance Dive (50)
[Prevent all effects of an attack, excluding damage, done to Venomoth during your opponent's next turn.]
on a Haunter with Poke-Power Transparency[: Whenever an attack does anything to Haunter, flip a coin. If heads, prevent all effects of that attack, including damage, done to Haunter. This power stops working while Haunter is Asleep.]
and failed the Transparency check
Then during the player with the haunters' turn he retreated the haunter for
Mr.Mime Ex. and attacked Venomoth with (CP) Breakdown
[Count the number of cards in your opponent's hand. Put that many damage counters on the Defending Pokemon.]

my question: will Venomoth's Disturbance Dive affect Mr. Mine Ex's Breakdown or was it nulified by haunters Transparency?
well...i think Mime's breakdown will be affected ad haunter's transparency says that prevent all effects of attacks including damage DONE to i guss any other effects not affecting haunter should still be applied
Thanks for your answer.But to get this right I'll have to compare to different answers and the majority will be correct.So the total is 1yes:0 no. Please post your answers to see which is correct.
Mr. Mime would not be affected because the effect would have been placed on HAUNTER. Haunter was then RETREATED, and therefore, the effect that was on Haunter in the first place, ends.

Effects do not transfer like you are assuming, unless specifically stated.
Do the transparency Poke-Power got a head or tails?
If the transparency Poke-Power is a head, then Mr.Mime ex attack will have effect on Venomoth;
If the transparency Poke-Power is a tail, then Mr.Mime ex attack is a failure...

This should be makes things clear.
duke_lanes, that's some bad logic. What if you get a majority of wrong answers, like you just got?

Yeah, that's right, everyone in this thread is wrong.

Disturbance Dive is an effect on Venomoth. It says so on the card - it prevents all effects of attacks, excluding damage, done to Venomoth.

It doesn't matter what you flip on a Transparency check because Transparency only protects Haunter. If the person controlling Haunter flips heads, he is saved from the 50 damage Disturbance Dive does, since that 50 damage is on Haunter. Disturbance Dive's effect has nothing to do with Haunter - it's an effect on Venomoth. Only Venomoth is affected by it.

Now, if Disturbance Dive also said "Venomoth does 10 damage to itself" and you attacked Haunter and Haunter flipped heads, Venomoth would still take that 10 damage to himself, because it's an effect on Venomoth, not Haunter, and Transparency can't do a thing to stop it since Transparency only affects Haunter.

So, if Haunter retreats on his turn for Mr. Mime ex, and does Breakdown, Disturbance Dive will block it. Breakdown is an effect, and Disturbance Dive prevents effects, done to Venomoth.

Venomoth will block the attack.
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