prime absol and ampharos .. could they work?


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i was thinking of how to make use of my ampharos. then i saw prime absol and ampharos .. could they work? i mean you technically prevents power drops which is nice i guess

what do you guys think?
This idea has been tossed around several times. It works okay, the only problem is that Absol has to be Active for its 'Power. And what with LostGar in the format... it doesn't work too great against that.
If your meta is LostGar-free, it could work okay. I think it's commonly run as spread: Miasma Valley is a common card used, as well as a good amount of Crobat G/PokéTurn.
The main problem is Absol's attack and HP just being sort of meh. But it can work.
I made a working deck with this strategy. And a list is up ,on another forum >.> (i can send you my list if you want) The deck can hit hard and fast while it can power lock so it's a good deck. But if you plan on making it you need to tech vs gyarados (so play energy so ampharos can attack, and lucario gl is an option) and vs donphan/machamp since both hit on weakness and machamp can just use take out. And playing mew prime is an option too (but remember that absol prime is the main attacker) So playing 1 machamp SF, 1 umbreon UD and 1 Jumpluff HS?(if you want) so you can send them to the LZ and then later use mew to stall if needed or take out sp pokemon.

i would like to do it like some sort of amphitric deck. can you PM me your list. that would help i guess. is prime ampharos good here if i added her up?
(Sending list through pm) I don't think you have the room for amphy prime. But since it's your deck you can build it however you want.

I think it's best kept simple; Ampharos, Absol Prime, Miasma Valley, and some snipe to finish things. The various flavours of Honchkrow come to mind immediately.