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Standard Post Rotation SUM-On Kingdra GX/Electrode GX


Aspiring Trainer
This is what I'm currently testing. Thoughts?

Pokemon [21]
4-2-3 Kingdra GX
2-2 Quagsire
2-2 Zebstrika
2-1 Electrode GX
2 Lapras GX
1 Tapu Lele GX

Trainers [27]
4 Ultra Ball
4 Aqua Patch
3 Rare Candy
2 Choice Band
1 Rescue Stretcher
2 Field Blower
3 Cynthia
2 Acro Bike
3 Guzma
2 Wake
2 Brooklet Hill

Energy [12]
12 Water Energy
I recently made a deck build like this, its very interesting and if played well can resukt in massive energy acceleration damage. However, the cost of giving up 2 prize cards for 5 energies is a massive risk. However i like the idea of Zebstrika to discard.

I recommend:
- 2 Acro Bike
+2 Sightseer (it can discard many more cards) also you dont have much drawal support. I know you have zebstrika, but its also nice to have sightseer. Maybe even 1.
-1 Lapras GX?? Maybe both?? (There are quite a lot of pokemon and a Lapras would probably take up space, especially since you are looking to attack with Kingdra)
+1 Choice Band or a Rescue Stretcher

1 rescue stretcher is too inconsistent but an extra choice band would be nice. Imagine if both of your choice bands get field blower-ed off.

Crasher Wake is a great tech that you should definitely try and keep.

Hope i helped :)