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Standard Post Rotation Sceptile-Gx

Alolan Vivillon

Aspiring Trainer
Pokemon - 20

3 Fomantis SUM 14
3 Lurantis PR-SM SM25
4 Treecko Fairy Rise 3
4 Grovyle Fairy Rise 4
1 Sceptile CLS 10
3 Sceptile-Gx Fairy Rise 5
2 Tapu Lele-GX GRI 60

Trainer Cards - 31

3 Net Ball Fairy Rise 42
4 Ultra Ball SLG 68
2 Rare Candy SUM 129
4 Cynthia UPR 119
3 Guzma BUS 115
4 Choice Band GRI 121
1 Energy Switch SUM 117
2 Field Blower GRI 125
2 Judge FLI 108
2 Max Potion GRI 128
1 Rescue Stretcher GRI 130
1 Steven Decisions

Energy - 9

9 Grass Energy

With this deck, it's extremely important that I can get out as many Grovyles out as possible turn 2 so then by turn 2 or 3, I can have multiple Sceptiles in play or get out any Lurantis needed. Once I get Sceptile out I can oppress things like Zoroark with their abundant DCE. Once I get out Choice Band and Lurantis I should be able to do 130 Base, with an additional 50-90 damage with CB and Lurantis. I'm not used to this post rotation, the only thing I can think of throwing in here so then I can guarantee the CB more is Adventuring Satchel once that is also added.
If you read this please give any suggestions. I'm building it off the primary concept as if it's the Altaria Garchomp deck back in the day, but this is the best I can think of. I'm thinking of maybe the Masked Royal being added so then I can have some safer set up, but I need to know peoples opinions.

Below this line I will add changes as they come in:
-2 Energy Switch
-1 Rescue Stretcher
-1 Field Blower
-1 Rare Candy
+1 Cynthia
+1 Ultra Ball
+1 Stevens Decisions
+2 Nest Ball

Thanks for reading, have a good day!
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why do you run 3 energy switch? what is the purpose of the 2 rescue stretchers, if your main goal is sceptile GX?
It also seems you are missing draw support, with only 5 in total. What would the masked royal do for this deck, it currently already seems very energy efficient. you may also want to think about adding a few nest balls for first turn setup
I would
-2 energy switch
-1 rescue stretcher
+ 1 cynthia (good reliable draw card)
+1 ultra ball(I see no reason not to play 4)
+ 1 Stevens decision/alolan vulpix (both are very good as a first turn card, letting you get out your strategy reliably)
why do you run 3 energy switch? what is the purpose of the 2 rescue stretchers, if your main goal is sceptile GX?
It also seems you are missing draw support, with only 5 in total. What would the masked royal do for this deck, it currently already seems very energy efficient. you may also want to think about adding a few nest balls for first turn setup
I would
-2 energy switch
-1 rescue stretcher
+ 1 cynthia (good reliable draw card)
+1 ultra ball(I see no reason not to play 4)
+ 1 Stevens decision/alolan vulpix (both are very good as a first turn card, letting you get out your strategy reliably)
I made the changes you recommended, and some additional ones. Thanks for helping out :)
I'm used to my other deck, so I put more rescue stretchers in here thinking of my other deck. However, upon self reflection I realize that was dumb of me.
Thanks again
I think you should try to get at least a 2-2 line of Leafeon GX in there and maybe a Hala or 2.
Grand Bloom onto a bunch of Treecko and then being able to get a bench of Sceptiles T2 is just insane
I think you should try to get at least a 2-2 line of Leafeon GX in there and maybe a Hala or 2.
Grand Bloom onto a bunch of Treecko and then being able to get a bench of Sceptiles T2 is just insane
That would mean I would have to pull out a lot of other cards, and that would mean less of the Sceptile line because having 4-4-4 3-3 and 2-2 would not be viable in any deck ever. I don't think I'll be doing that, and if I do then that wouldn't be a Sceptile Lurantis deck, that would have to be a Sceptile Leafeon deck and frankly that just doesn't seem to work to me. That wouldn't boost the numbers like Lurantis would. Sure you can get Sceptiles T2 but late game you would be hurting bad with only 160, you could only OHKO Wailords and Lapras just about, and that doesn't sound appealing to me. I think I'll just stick to Lurantis Sceptile unless you can find a better use of space in here.

I may consider Hala's, but the issue is without doing your hypothetical option of Leafeon that's not as much of an option, because I need to be saving Sceptiles Gx attack for the best point possible.

Again, if you have suggestions for more specific things to remove let me know. Thanks for suggesting these things, have a good day :)