Pokemon Pokemon Therapy, (Are you ashamed of your hobby?)

RE: Ashamed of pokemon?

I play pokemon with my family and go to prerelease's but when it comes to school NOBODY knows that i play pokemon
RE: Ashamed of pokemon?

also me nobody except my best friends know that I play pokemon but really I am not ashamed of playing the best videogame in the history of videogames
RE: Ashamed of pokemon?

I only have 1 friend who still plays pokemonj. But when other friends come over they say stuff like " oh, you still have pokemon cards" but i say "yeh, I like it". Then there are two options they or I take:

The first one is they shrug it off and forget!

The second one is after staring at my cards they say " how do you even play that game 2 or something. THen i teach them basic rules and they like it. Two of my friends don't collect cards, but always play when they coe over to my house!


apart from that, no-one really cares if i like pokemon or not. Why should they? there have been a few problems with really mean people but i never let it get to me. Once i bought some cards to school to show someone and 'left them' on a bench in the playground. It was really funny to see the guy who was teasing me go and take a look at a pikachu from base set, pick it up and consider taking it! After a while, i reavealed i was watching him and told him to go away. i wasn't going to let someone bully me hypacritically (sorry if i spelt that wrong).


Anyway, dont let people bully you about pokemon. They are jealous that you aren't caught in the craze time warp thingy! I always thought it was stupid that a craze comes in for a week adn by the next week, everyone is doing something else! Im glad that i have found something that i like and can stick to. Well, i have done for 7 years!
RE: Ashamed of pokemon?

Frankly, I'm one of the weirdest kids at my school, and pretty proud of it. It' sorta my shtick.
Strangely enough though, 95% of the school population doesn't mind me because I'm witty enough to make good jokes in class.

I'd say about 50% of the people at my school know I play Pokemon, some think it's funny, some don't mind, some play it themselves, and some think it just makes me weirder. (Which is fine, because most of the time, that's what I go for)

I don't see why people try to "hide" or be "ashamed" of Pokemon.
Why should you be ashamed of something so great?

RE: Ashamed of pokemon?

Well considering how many fans pokemon has it cant be that embarrassing. Everybody has some hobby or another. I know somebody who collects sporks (the fork/spoon thingys) and I also know about 5 people who collect barbie dolls and they are in their twenties. One of them has the barbie beetle car in every single colour. Popularity is just a figure of our imaginations. If you get to know these "popular" people then you find that actually they are not that cool at all.
RE: Ashamed of pokemon?

I haven't read the topic entirely but I would just like to let you know that Just because Your a starting football player doesn't mean you cant be weird or a nerd or any of that. I have played football for all four years of my high school career (Started all of them also: Defensive end) and Now play football in college. So there is nothing wrong with playing something that makes you happy. As long as it makes you happy it shouldn't matter what it is that makes you happy.
RE: Ashamed of pokemon?

Im like 90% popular at my school, and within my town and the towns around it, i'm the only one that knows, sadly.  So, yes, i am a little ashamed of liking pokemon.  I LOVE pokemon, completely dedicated, actually, but social positions take over.:(

Also, chansey master, be happy you have people to talk about pokemon with.
RE: Ashamed of pokemon?

bacon-boy said:
Some people say you should never care what other people think, and that you should do your own thing.

Well, sod that.

The truth is you should always pay attention to what others think of you, because those people can make your life a misery. I was smart enough not to let anyone know I played pokemon, and I enjoyed a happy time at school because of that awareness. But others I knew weren't so lucky, and sometimes got bullied* for what they did as a hobby (not pokemon related, though).

So I just thought I'd share a little wisdom there. The idea of "not caring what others think" belongs in a fairytale, not in real life.

*In school, everyone gets appointed a role in the community. Some get the "bully", others get the "teachers pet". I got the "Agony aunt" in a way, so I heard about this kind of thing.

Yup, bacon-boy hit it right on the dot. I never tell anyone at all that I play TCG or like Pokemon in General. In the class, probably in my whole primary school last year, and the year before and so on, I am the only one who actually likes Pokemon. Therefore, it is very shameful and embarrasing to tell people. Yes bacon-boy, I agree that "you shouldn't care about what people think" is false. People bully you and tease you to death because of telling them, unless they play too, but in my case, doesn't happen. This is reality people, no one is kind.
RE: Ashamed of pokemon?

Well, I hid it as long as possible, but it finally came out in the news paper this tuesday....the article was pretty cool...and I guess it got everyone at my school to talk about pokemon...but not in a positive way at all. X_X
RE: Ashamed of pokemon?

Sadly, no one in my school knows that I play Pokemon.  A ton of people in my grade have fun making fun of Pokemon, so I just keep a low profile.  But if there ever is another Pokemon craze...(DOUBTFUL)
I'll be ready to beat the snot outta everyone since I'd be the only one who would know what I'm doin

My answer is no, I am not ashamed that I play Pokemon, but I am ashamed that no one else in my school does.
RE: Ashamed of pokemon?

i am i look a tv an it is a think that ever one makes fun but also no one at my school no i to also keep a low profile to stop this problme
RE: Ashamed of pokemon?

Im not ashamed, although I feel unconfortable in some enviornments thats about it. Then again the place I live in right now is utter crap to.
RE: Ashamed of pokemon?

A person would most probably not be ashamed when his or her friends play or enjoy Pokemon as well. But, if your friends do not, then you're going to have a tough time, for most people.
RE: Ashamed of pokemon?

I'm a freshman too and I would not say that I am ashamed to play pokemon, but that's because I have friends who do..
RE: Ashamed of pokemon?

What really is a shame is that because people feel they have to hide any connection to pokemon, people do not get the chance to go and trade with other fans. bullying can really hold you back. I am 18 and have left school so I feel no need to hide. But if I was just starting school I would probably hide it because some of the people in my area are seriously rough.
RE: Ashamed of pokemon?

yes but that what make it fun for me to
know that every one around me does not
like it but i do i feel like
i am not following and i am
a 15 year old tenth grade to
RE: Ashamed of pokemon?

I start on the Varsity Baseball and Football.I'm All-State in both. I date the Head Cheerleader, you know, everyone's dream. I'm living it. And I wear my Worlds shirt to school all the time. Why should I care? They all want to be me anyway
RE: Ashamed of pokemon?

I am in varsity.....my friends used to make fun of me that i love pokemon so much. But that time has passed and they now have accepted it for how it is. so i am happy.
But still when i am watching pokemon in da dorm, i feel bit queasy about others seeing me...