Pokemon Ranger and the Prince of the Sea: Manaphy

Water Pokémon Master

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about manaphy. It seems like he's the new mew, celebi and jirachi. His awakening looks like the one of jirachi. I think he's water psychic.
this is just a guess but maybe manphay normal type cause azuril is normal and it evolutions are water but manaphy stills looks like a water pokemon.
did any of you see the trailer or the picture, he acts like mew/celebi/jirachi
ps: ever saw a non-psychic, non-ghost pokémon float???
Magneton floats. But yeah, hasnt every legendary so far been psychic from that, so water psychic is the most probable. As I said, i'm hoping for more dragons and more combos of types rather than dragon flying. ID love a steam cloud, which was water fire, though I doubt it will happen.