Finished Pokemon Mystery Dungeon (Beta Version): A.S.F.: Game to be restarted with edits

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Lolz :3
Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: A Sinnoh Forgotten


When I saw my roots, my legacy withered in my minds eye...
Long ago, when the world was anew, five giants rose above to lead the newly born Pokémon in a world that would otherwise be overrun by chaos. Peace was the dominant force at hand, civilization became great, and brotherhood ran deep in every vein. All was perfect, that is until one of the giants disappeared, swallowed up by a sphere, darkness shooting out in tendrils, wrapping around the giant and dragging it headlong through the center. Unrest and betrayal soon consumed the land, until three distinct groups led by one or more giants battled for control. The Luminescent, headed by Cresselia would seize power from the Oblivion, dominated by Darkrai, at the Cobalt Pillars in a last ditch effort to capture the peace that they had longed for since the vanishing of Arceus. As the Luminescent army celebrated their victory the Oblivion army became as dust instantly while the third army of Reflection soldiers was never found and their leaders, Dialga and Palkia, are said to have become envious of the total power that the other sect leaders had obtained and began a civil war lost to another dimension altogether. Now we are all that is left, descendants of the Luminescent left to run the world of Sinnoh that we’ve inherited from battles waged by our forefathers.

Present Day​

Things have been different now, those days are long behind us. We are still led by Cresselia but our army has become made up of regional forces known as Pokémon Explorer Teams whose sole purpose is to protect the peace the others would covet to shatter. Each team is made up of three members specialy trained to rescue other Pokémon and defend Sinnoh from threats, ancient and modern. A recent surge in the population has suggested though that our foes from generations past have returned. We fear that even our explorer teams have not survived untouched by our foes.

Game Summary:

Based off the classic game of Clue, you will play the part of a Pokémon mystery dungeon explorer team, either Luminescent or of other origin. Both your team and the other teams within our sector are under my jurisdiction, I being your commander. Recently our base has been swallowed up in a void that has sent us into the distant past along with an Oblivion squad of dittos that have replaced one of our teams and now they are trying to undo history so as to make the Oblivion sect gain total control over the world by eliminating one of our teams that is from the past and is the squad that wiped the Oblivion leader off the map. The only catch is that no one other than the team that was there knows which team exactly is that squad. We’ve meet up with the Luminescent army in the past explaining the situation and now we have to not only determine which team are the Oblivions, but protect our existence by in turn protecting the Savior team.

How it Works:

• At the beginning of the game, after everyone wanting to play signs up (maximum 42 people), I will divide you into teams of three (one team of four is one extra player, two teams of four if there are two extra players). Team leaders will be appointed and I post the intro the next day.
• (Monday and Tuesday) Next we will begin the game week with two days of discussion between teams on who might be the Oblivions and who might be the Saviors. You will discuss using this thread or by PM within your teams. Please use the in and out of character rules when speaking at all times (see rules below)
• (Wednesday and Thursday) Then the entire team will go on a mission together. A clue will be given as to who the saviors might be in the form of a puzzle and the clue can be debated while you and the entire group act out the mission through posts, please play the part or risk modkill (actually act like your making your way through a dungeon (ex: describing your actions)). Please use the in and out of character rules when speaking at all times (see rules below). This will last another two days
• (Friday) Now we will move onto the squad missions. These will be performed by a single team within the period of one day. Each day you will pick an area labeled on the map of Sinnoh provided to journey there to complete a challenge to earn a clue for your squad about who is the oblivion. Once you think you have the answer to challenge or riddle you will have your squad leader send it to me and I will inform you if you are correct. As a warning though this may only be done once during the day and if it fails you will not have another chance. During this time the Oblivion squad leader will inform me via PM which team they would like to use their power of mind control on to eject that team from the game. This will start the second week and has only a fifty percent chance of working. (The savior team will play like a normal team in this part) The forum will be frozen during this time and if you post you risk modkill
• (Saturday) When everyone returns from their mission the next day will start with discussion about who the oblivions might be and who the saviors might be. After this your team will have the option of making an accusation. (see accusation rules below) Accusations may only be made during this day. This will last one day and please follow the in and out of character rules as always.
• (Sunday) Now the next day will begin. During today the game will be frozen and dream items may be granted and all those who have actions that occurs Sundays will PM me their actions. Also the team that the Oblivions were after will be reviled and if they succeeded in their attemts of mind control or not. No posts may be made during this time in the thread. You may PM your team though.

Map of a Game Week (shorthand version):

• Monday and Tuesday: Group Discussion
• Wednesday and Thursday: Group Mission
• Friday: Solo Squad Missions
• Saturday: Group Discussion, Accusation, and Oblivion Mind Control Attempt
• Sunday: Dream Items, Oblivion Attempt Results, and Solo Powers

Rules and Various Mechanics:​


Submitted by PM using the form provided below, this is a final guess at whom the Oblivion team is. This may only be made once and if you are wrong your team loses the game along with being ejected from it. The first team to have the correct accusation wins. Accusations may only be made Saturday by your squad leader and must be confirmed by one PM from each of the other people on the squad stating the same answer; otherwise the accusation will be null and void.

Accusation Form:

We would like to accuse (please list all names of the members of the accused team):
Reasons (if any, will be shown at end when the results are revealed):
Names of Teammates:

The Players and Player Types:

The Team - Our sector within the Sinnoh region, teleported back in time. They have no special powers other than the ability to make an accusation and gain other powers
The Savior Team - The explorer team that destroyed the Oblivion leader, Darkrai, in the past. If the savior team is killed by the Oblivion team, the game is lost (Won by the Oblivion team). They will know who they are and they are the exactly the same as a normal team other than that the game is lost if they are lost.
The Oblivion Team - The team of Dittos that have infiltrated our ranks and seeks to rewrite history by eliminating the Savior team thus saving their leader, Darkrai. They will also know who they are and they have the power of mind control to eliminate one team per game week on Saturday (starting second game week). If the Oblivion team is successfully accused, the game is won by the team that accused them. If two or more teams accuse them at the same time the teams share the win.
The Navigator: If you have this role you may travel to two places each day but you may only answer one riddle
The Treasure Hunter: Having this role guarantees you a dream item at some point in the game due to your abilities to seek out rare treasures lost to time
The Spy: Every Saturday the person who has this role will PM me which team they would like to spy on thus learning what clue they gained during their solo squad mission the team earned any clue at all
The Librarian: If you have this role you may get hints for up to four riddles throughout the game
The Reflections: A teams of the reflection soldiers that reappeared in the future, having nothing better to do your squad joined the explorer teams and you ironically ended up back here, if you have this role you may ask for the answer to a riddle twice during the game. You must eliminate both the oblivions and the saviors to win (you will give me the names of two teams at your accusation)

Specific Game Rules:
•	All forum rules apply
•	You cannot post during a game freeze
•	Follow the in and out of character rules:
       o	If you are posting in character (actually posting like you are within the game world) please post like so by putting and In: before your message:

        Ex: In: But I could’ve sworn that I saw a light in the cave ahead of us

 o       If you are posting out of character (if you are talking about anything not relevant to the game or something from an outside source) please put an OoC: before your message like so:
Ex: OoC: Just got back from work, did I miss much?

•	You may communicate via PM to your squad members, but if you talk about the game with a member not in the game via PM you will be modkilled instantly, no question about it
•	When sending your accusation to me please use the form I provided (see accusation section above)
•	You cannot edit your posts, doing so once will result in a public warning, twice and your modkilled without question
•	Once you have been eliminated from the game you can no longer post within this thread until the current game is over. You may no longer talk about this game in PM with anyone or help anyone from another team that is still playing, doing so will result in modkill without warning
•	If you are going to be gone for an extended period of time you must notify me via PM and post in this thread saying you will be gone. An extended period of time is defined as a week or more.
•	Have fun and when signing up during well, sign up please enter the word vortex for the answer to if you have read the rules or not otherwise I will simply send your PM back to you stating that you have not read the rules thoroughly 
•Also the winning team gets to pick three guys out of my trade thread (Video Game) to receive for free on a 4th gen pokemon game or older. I'll consider giving something to every participant though but I'm still on the edge about that

List of Areas and their Descriptions:

Just incase they are unreadable I have a nice list:

Amber Mines: The base of the Reflection sect, they are filled with spectacular amounts of amber because of the ancient forest that rested upon the ground where this now stands
Cobalt Pillars: The fortress of the Oblivion sect, formerly an ancient burial ground, sometimes weird things may occur without warning
Waterfall Crest: Stronghold of the Luminescent sect, a lush and beautiful landscape surrounds the sturdy compound
Forlorn Temple: A long forgotten temple to an unknown deity whose origins are unknown
The Lakes of Insight, Torment, and Solace: Each a different location within the region, these lakes are the remains of temples that have been flooded leaving little about water level
Verdance Valley: All life is said to have spread from this valley, relics found here may date back before recorded history
Forest of Life: Before the foundation of the great leaders this forest was home to many who dared not venture into the unknown abyss
Sunrise Town: A small town of pokemon that are neutral within the sects, fear is what binds the town and trust is a common between its inhabitants
Sunset Village: Abandoned many years ago, shrines litter the village that was fully devoted until an accident happened
Charcoal Mountain: Mounds of charcoal from a great fire that threatened the existence of all life have been brought here not only as a collection but a monument to all our sins, ghost pokemon are common here
Downwind Chasm: A deep gorge, it is difficult to traverse what is only made possible by the rocky columns jutting out from the walls almost resembling a great bridge
Chain Islands: A small collection of islands surrounded by a veil of fog during most of the year, traveling to these islands is treacherous because you may miss the islands entirely when venturing by boat
Land of the Forgotten: Frozen completely to the core during its creation, it is uninhabitable to most sentient beings, no further history on this location is available

Mechanics and Challenges:

Mind control - used by the oblivion team to attempt to eliminate one team each week starting the second week.

Challenges - each mission a puzzle will be encountered which, if solved, will provide a hint at who the savior is. At each location there is one puzzle and when you send me a PM using the form provided its random chance on which riddle you will get. All of the riddles have a Pokémon as their answer and its always forth generation or older

Dream Items - Dream items are given through PMs and are to be kept secret unless you and may only be used during Sunday by PM-ing me that you would like to use it (if it is a usable item)

Tarot of History - One of the divination cards that were lost to time that shows records of all that has happened, all that will happen, and all that could happen, the trouble is figuring out which one is which, reveals who is the savior to the holder, given randomly once throughout the game to a player who isn't the savior or the oblivion teams

Hawthorn Crown – Grants the user the ability to eliminate one team from the competition without using their one accusation, can’t be found by the Oblivion Team

Divination Cards - An incomplete deck of cards hand crafted by ancient Pokémon, most of the cards left have no meaning but if found the user may protect his team from elimination for one round

Entangled Circlet - A small ring crafted of a mysterious green alloy, its bearer may use it to gain understanding of a puzzle or riddle once, cannot be found by the Oblivion Team

Cracked Stone Slab - Covered in runes long forgotten, its purpose is unclear to all but those who can decipher the runes


Modkills are inflicted if a player breaks forum rules during a game and becomes banned or some other infraction of the rules is made. These are you ways you can earn yourself a modkill which will eject you from the current game and ban you from the next, modkilled players may be replaced and do not affect their entire team. You will receive a public warning before you are modkilled unless you are banned.:
-Becoming banned
-Inactivity- defined as not posting for two weeks in the thread
-Breaking other rules within the specific game rules section (see above) an example of which would be posting during a game freeze

How to Join: Send the following form filled out to me during the sign-up period in a PM. In order to join you must have at least 50 posts that aren’t spam

Form to Join:
Forum Username (yes I need this because of some circumstances):
Character Name:
Top five favorite basic (TCG term for that it is the first form of it ex: weedle) Pokémon (no legendarys, shinys, or fifth generation, your first one listed not chosen by anyone else is what you'll be) listed in order:
Preferred Teammates? (All three members of a team (one of which is you) must have the same entered in otherwise your team will be random like the others):
Have you read the rules? (Not a yes or no question, look carefully):

Non-Player Characters (NPC):


Commander Neon (aka me, ElectricPokemonMaster): Leader of the Southern Sinnoh Explorer Teams


Dialga and Palkia: Leaders of the Reflection Army


Cresselia: Leader of the Luminescent Army


Darkrai: Leader of the Oblivion Army

Current Teams and Players:
(Forum Username: Character Name; Pokemon)


Team 1: HypnoticLuxray, Slickmario, and BrOkenICE


HypnoticLuxray: Lux; Aron


Slickmario: Slick; Charmander


BrOkenICE: Chill; Poochyena

Team 2: Darkvoid57, Lukey, and legendhunter32


Darkvoid57: Victor; Chatot


Lukey: Somnus; Bulbasaur


Legendhunter32: Dark; Turtwig

Team 3: Ludicolo909, Dark Sonic J, and PikachewTofu


Ludicolo909: Maxy; Skarmory


Dark Sonic J: Ace; Eevee


PikachewTofu: Blu; Absol

Team 4: Decmaster, shampoo-thief, and mlouden03


Decmaster: Dec; Horsea


Shampoo-thief: Gerik; Spinarak


mlouden03: Gaius; Ghastly

Team 5: Gleafeon and Umbreon/Espeon


Gleafeon: Gleafert; Munchlax


Umbreon/Espeon: Jay; Starly

Team 6: Pokemon99 and Ice_Master


Pokemon99: P99; Nincada


Ice_Master: Serenity; Staryu

Team 7: catutie, safariblade, and crystaltheumbreon


Catutie: Catutie; Larvitar


Safariblade: Safariblade; Seviper


crystaltheumbreon: Sakura; Vulpix

If you have any questions feel free to ask them below otherwise you may discuss​
Credit to Bulbapedia for the unedited version of the map of Sinnoh and credit to for the pokemon sprites
RE: RPG: Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: A Sinnoh Forgotten (Join by PM): Sign-ups end Sunday

I want to ask a question before I sign up. What happens if we are busy on a certain day? Could we contact our team and let them know that we will be busy and the just catch up the next day? For example, I want to join, but will be on a mission trip this next mon and tues. Just wondering if that would be a problem.
Announcement Board!

Latest Announcements:

Riddle Solution and Announcement Board:

ElectricPokemonMaster said:
Nice job role playing so for guys :D

So here's the riddle again:

My third form hidden until recent times, first one then three, then one last time

And the answer is...... Magnemite, Magneton, or Magnezone (anyone of these three would have been right)

Huh? Oh, I see.... (what your gonna be thinking pretty soon as a heads up)

So heres how it works:

My third form hidden until recent times, - Magnezone was not available until the release of Diamond and Pearl

first one then three, then one last time - This refers to the number of bodies that make up the Magnemite evolution line but it can also refer to the number of eyes they have (Magnezone has one main eye)

Also the third post in this thread is now an announcement board!


Game Start and first clue/ riddle (Riddle now expired):

ElectricPokemonMaster said:
Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: A Sinnoh Forgotten! Game Start!

Where are you? Who am I? You wake up in a small room that you remember to be your team room within the explorer base with question spinning around in your head about the night passed. All you can remember is that you were on a mission with your entire explorer team section when you fell into a hole. As you fell you heard laughing and then the sounds of people jumping. The world went black and all you could see or hear we the words "We have fallen from our time and landed within yours! Now fate has given us our chance and so we should rule again! Our leader will rise and the Oblivions shall rule, our enemies from ages past cannot stop us now! Our lives should be your undoing and our land should be your tomb, now you will joining in a your fears!" Darkness, pitch black, and then you were here, exhausted you passed out while your leader staggered ahead to find help. And now here you are, in a room that seems like home yet it isn't.

Nearby you, you find a note that says, "My third form hidden until recent times, first one then three, then one last time." Assuming it is from your commander who is just full of riddles you know you are safe while you ponder the riddle.

And the game starts now, your first clue as to whom the oblivion is and an example of a riddle left for you to solve. Now please follow the in and out of character rules from now on and my luck should be with you in the upcoming weeks.

Poll 1:
Hows the game so far?
Is it hard or easy?
How are the riddles?
Do the clues make any sense at all?
What do you think about the storyline so far?
Is there anything I should change about how the game's played or anything major like that?
If you have any other comments please let me know as the answer to this question :D:
RE: RPG: Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: A Sinnoh Forgotten (Join by PM): Sign-ups end Sunday

Ok thanks for the quick reply. I shouldnt have any problems with long periods of activity.
I just finished reading the rules. I'll be signing up shortly.
Mission Board!

The Mission Board!
This board will be a record of all our full guild missions. Full guild missions will involve every team doing the same thing, getting the same clue as to whom the saviors are, ect... Exactly the same thing for every team :D

Practice Mission! 3/28/11: Complete!

Mission: Journey to the Lake of Solace to find the Dummy Crystal dropped by one of the last guilds to visit there!

Clue as to whom the Saviors are: We found a stone tablet on the side of the temple in the center (written in what seemed like unknown), it read:"They were sparks, the abyss couldn't touch them and neither could we. Stars in the night sky, one we could have sworn was a more caustic than a raging grizzly bear, for he could have done away with us in short work. Then they left, an army that couldn't exist fallowing in their wake"

Reward: KIT KATS!!!! I'll even consider filling the pool with them :p

Suddenly Serenity comes running back to the train, fear stretched wide across her face. Neon come running back too, shooting a lightning bolt at the tie between the passenger car and the caboose which had a gaping hole in it, severing the tie cleanly in two. "Hop on! Quickly now!" He yells as he slams the door shut behind him, everyone already on board. He plugs his tail into a nearby semicircle shaped slot in the wall and the train springs to life, lurching forward, gears turning with the sound metal meeting metal load in your ears. Suddenly the light go out and in the distance a black form shoots out of the center of the lake, an awful howl echoing through the air, waking everyone who was already asleep and those who remained awake began to shake with fear. Another scream, the figure turned and shot towards the train, lightning bolts flying from Neon nearly missing the pitch black form as it careened over the top of the car. Silence, then an moan, more miserable than what one could ever imagine, came from the distance and the train speed forwards ever faster. "Everything should be okay now," Commander Neon said. "I don't know what that thing was but for now I think were safe, just try to get some rest. I don't think its best to discuss this here anyways. Since the caboose was blocking our way back to base, I've sent us on the long route thats full underground and we should be back home in the morning."

Neon woke with a jolt at the sound of movement, his battle instincts from his years in the explorer teams never failing to stay strong, even throughout the ages. He glanced about quickly, seeing that everyone was in the lounge still he began to speak aloud the thoughts that had bothered him throughout the night:"Attention please, what you saw last night was an Oblivion general, a particularly malicious one at that. We're lucky to have lived through that because most of the time Oblivions will leave no survivors if they spot a group of another sect, luckily it didn't recognize us because I haven't given out a few things yet. As for your mission don't worry about it, I found the crystal and I've hidden it within the base with yes, another riddle leading to it." First to find it may ask me for a clue leading to whom the saviors are or the oblivions are. You must post and PM me when you think you've found it :D

Here's the riddle (leads to a location in the base):

"Roses are red and violets are blue, worlds rocked are no different then a ship below the blue"
RE: RPG: Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: A Sinnoh Forgotten (Join by PM): Sign-ups end Sunday

BUMP! I've updated the game with a few special roles that I have listed here:

The Traitor: If you have this role you will be forced to switch teams during round five if you survive that long
The Treasure Hunter: Having this role guarantees you a dream item at some point in the game due to your abilities to seek out rare treasures lost to time
The Spy: Every Saturday the person who has this role will PM me which team they would like to spy on thus learning what clue they gained during their solo squad mission the team earned any clue at all

These will not be given to anybody on the Oblivion team or the Savior team so more people can enjoy having a special part.

Also the winning team gets to pick three guys out of my trade thread (Video Game) to receive for free on a 4th gen pokemon game or older. I'll consider giving something to every participant though but I'm still on the edge about that
RE: RPG: Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: A Sinnoh Forgotten (Join by PM): Sign-ups end Sunday

Looking good so far. C'mon people! This game will be great! Consider this post a support bump.
RE: RPG: Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: A Sinnoh Forgotten (Join by PM): Sign-ups end Sunday

Thanks for the bump, I've just finished an updated banner that doesn't get sliced off at the end :)
RE: RPG: Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: A Sinnoh Forgotten (Join by PM): Sign-ups end Sunday

If anyone wants to join me and make a team later in the game, PM me. Make sure that I actually know who you are first :)
RE: RPG: Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: A Sinnoh Forgotten (Join by PM): Sign-ups end Sunday

In fact if anyone wants to join now but doesn't have anyone they want to be teamed up with yet, you can join and then talk with either people not in the game convincing them to join if you want them on your team or you can just talk to other people in the game now if you want to make a team that way. Either way just let me know and I'll do my part :)
RE: RPG: Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: A Sinnoh Forgotten (Join by PM): Sign-ups end Sunday

Bump! Sign up now people, we need at least 16 people if we want teams of two, if we have less than that you'll each be on your own and trust me, its pretty tough to crack some of my riddles (all the riddles I've made up so no internet cheating :p). Also I'm going to be gone for a good portion of the day today but when I'm back tonight I can answer any questions you may have, but if you submit an entry form know that I'll check it out tonight :D
RE: RPG: Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: A Sinnoh Forgotten (Join by PM): Sign-ups end Sunday

Bump! Please join now if you want to play, the game will start with no teams soon if you don't sign up now!
RE: RPG: Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: A Sinnoh Forgotten (Join by PM): Sign-ups end Sunday

I'm going to start the game soon since no one has applied yet but I'm looking for at least one more person to play. I'm also redoing the map to make it easier to read.
RE: RPG: Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: A Sinnoh Forgotten (Join by PM): Sign-ups end Sundayish

EPM, I'm unbanned because SR is amazing. <3

Question: Are we allowed to communicate with teammates through any other form except in this thread?
RE: RPG: Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: A Sinnoh Forgotten (Join by PM): Sign-ups end Sundayish

Darkvoid57 said:
EPM, I'm unbanned because SR is amazing. <3

Question: Are we allowed to communicate with teammates through any other form except in this thread?

Yeah, it should say in my rather wordy rules that you can communicate through PM too
RE: RPG: Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: A Sinnoh Forgotten (Join by PM): Sign-ups end Sundayish

Last call for people to sign up! I'm going to start the game soon but part will not be sent out until Sunday so people in the game may discuss until that time
RE: RPG: Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: A Sinnoh Forgotten (Join by PM): Sign-ups end Sundayish

Are we allowed to communicate via email, AIM, and other means if we're on a team?
Also, what time on Sundayish?
RE: RPG: Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: A Sinnoh Forgotten (Join by PM): Sign-ups end Sundayish

Yeah, though we don't have enough people signed up for teams (we need at least 16) so if you guys want teams you'll have to convince your friend to play. And just probably Sunday sometime in the afternoon

Edit: The time we start really depends on what you guy want, if you have any specific requests for time you can just post in the thread
RE: RPG: Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: A Sinnoh Forgotten (Join by PM): Sign-ups end Sundayish

I'm fine whenever. Just please send me a PM notifying me.

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