Pokemon: Endgame

Crazy Weavile

I'm back!

A strange force has struck the world, causing the legendary Diaruga and Parukia to vanish and the space-time continum to begin to unravel... Already, Kanto, Johto, Hoenn, and Shinou existed, but now they exchange matter, turning them into a mass of pieces from diffrent regions... and diffrent times. The Pokemon rebuild their homes, the open road... But how will the cities of man fare?

In the places of Diaruga and Parukia, however, a Diamond and a Pearl now stand...
The Diamond has been retreived from the seafloor by a young private detective, and the Pearl has since vanished...

Cross Stage: 1

New City Flow:

Multiple seafloor caverns, all of Shinou is at the sea floor.

Instead of Littleroot: Goldenrod City (present)
Oldale Town (present)
Petalburg City (present)
Rustboro City (future)
Instead of Dewford Town: Pewter City (G/S era)
Slateport City (past)
No other diffrences yet.

No diffrences prior to Goldenrod City.
Instead of Goldenrod City: Littleroot Town (future)
No diffrences until Mahogany Town.
Mahogany Town (future)
Blackthorn City (past)
In addition, Silver Cave has been replaced by Celadon City. The city can be accessed by Cable Car.

All unmentioned cities in R/B era.
Instead of Pallet Town: Futaba Town (prior to flood)
Instead of Pewter City: Dewford Town (present)
Instead of Celadon City: Top of Mt. Silver, and thus Silver Cave (present)



Pokemon (no legends):
Current City lived in:
Bio (optional):


Name: Garin
Age: 19
Pokemon: Weavile, Dorapion, Absol, Shiftry, Tyranitar, Sharpedo
Hometown: Futaba Town
Current City lived in: Goldenrod City
Appearance: Grim and determined, Garin wears a black jumpsuit. He also has dark brown eyes, short black hair and black boots. This type-matching look is broken only by the strange diamond pendant around his neck.
Other: The pendant is the Time Crystal, the item left when Diaruga departed from the planet. What secret does this hold, and what powers does the wearer have? Only time will tell.
Bio (optional): Growing up in the rough part of Futaba Town, he was given two Dark type Pokemon -Sneasel and Dorapion- for self-defense against the Psychic-using gang, the Mystos. Shortly after his 9'th birthday, his parents were killed by the gang war, and he vowed to destroy the Mystos and their rival gang, the Annons, using Dark Pokemon. He was adopted by a billionair industrialist in the good part, and he suceeded in his goal after training for 7 years with Dark Pokemon. Now, he lives in Goldenrod City running a private detective agency. But one fateful day, he went on a walk to Ecruteak, only to find that this wasn't Johto...
Sweet idea.

Pokemon:Eevee (shiny), pachirisu, cherimu, bouysel, dorapion, perap.
Hometown: Goldenrod City
Current City lived in: Goldenrod City
Appearance:A normal 6-year old pokemon trainer. (Don't see those everyday.) Has blond hair, but it's covered by a red cap. He wears a blue shirt with a pokemon jacket on it. He wears blue jeans with a few pokemon designs on them.
Other:Ryan's pokemon have some attacks that they look like they can't learn, but they have them. Like his eevee has tri attack.

I walked in the game corner in Goldenrod City and walked up to the counter.
"Okay Lucky, choose an item of your choice."
Lucky jumped of Ryan's shoulder with a sparkle and looked at the items. Lucky came down with a bluish-red disk.
"TM Dragon Claw, eh?" Ryan asked. Lucky nodded.
A manager walked up to the counter and said "That will be 4000 coins." Ryan looked through his coin case and got out 4000 coins and walked out with his new TM.
"Lucky, you ready to learn this attack?"
Lucky shook his head no.
"But you wanted it!"
Lucky pointed to a pokeball.
"Oh. So you want Static to learn this?"
Lucky nodded.
"Okay! Come on out Static!"
Out of the pokeball contained a little white squirrel with blue stripes. It had orange cheeks.
Ryan put the disk on Static's head and took it off 15 seconds later.
"Okay Static, use dragon claw!"
Static's hand grew white and slashed through the air.
"Great! Return!"
Ryan continued walking down the path to find his home.
Ryan and Lucky turned completely white.


Ryan and Lucky ran screaming for the hills.

"Lucky, do you know who that guy is?"
"Crap! We better run faster!"
"This can't be....." Ryan said. "My best friend lives in Ecruteak City." "Who's your best friend?" Garin asked. "Leslie. She was always there for me." Ryan starte crying. "I wonder where she is...."
Garin: She's back in Johto. Diaruga and Parukia have vanished, and the space-time continum is unwinding. But, if we can find a way to bring them back, we can save the world. If you want, come with me. Don't worry- I'd just be taking you to an office full of people, if it's comforting. I need to show you something.
"What kind of people?" Ryan asked. "Where is this place? If it's far away, I can ride there with Picasso." Ryan said as he threw a pokeball in the air, revealing a large Perap about two times the size of Ryan. Garin was surprised. VERY surprised.
Garin: It's a detective agency in the Goldenrod Underground. The people? Just my clients. Not too far, is it?
* Garin lets out his Dorapion and Weavile to look around.
"Wow!" Ryan said while returning Picasso. "I have a Dorapion, too! Come on out Scorpino!" A Dorapion about half the size of Garin's Dorapion came out and looked at the other Dorapion. "I think Scorpino likes your Dorapion." Ryan said smiling.
"What does spar mean?" Ryan asked confused. Lucky jumped off Ryan's shoulder and looked at the 2 Dorapions look at each other.
"Okay." Ryan said as he caught up to Garin. Ryan looked back. "Lucky! Scorpino! Come on!"
*At the office, Garin pulls a pendant out of a drawer.
Garin: See this? This is the Time Diamond. It has the ability to summon forth Diaruga when with the Space Pearl and Jirachi. The problem is that the Space Pearl has disappeared...
When Lucky saw the diamond, his eyes turned blood red and started using tri attack everywhere. "Lucky! Stop!" Ryan said worried. "Put that thing away! It must have a connection to Lucky!"
"Yes!" Ryan said. "That's when I got Lucky! Is there a problem with that?" Lucky blasted a tri attack at Ryan.
Garin: Then I think Lucky is the reincarnation of Parukia. The Time Crystal brings forth Diaruga, but enrages Parukia. Only by obtaining the Space Pearl can you restore Lucky to Parukia!
"Lucky's my best friend!" Ryan said. "I don't want to lose Lucky!" Ryan thought for a bit and returned Lucky to his pokeball. "If I do it, I'll lose Lucky forever and peace will be restored. But if I keep Lucky the way he is, then the world will fall into oblivion! There's GOT to be some way to bring back Parukia without transforming Lucky!"