BW/BW2 Pokedex

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Iris being a Dragon Gym Leader would explain her Kibago.

I knew that the Ground/Ghost would be either a zombie or ancient relic/artifact. A Golem for Ground/Ghost would make sense of the relic.
Oh... My predictions were a mile off! I thought Hiun City would be the Flying-type gym. :( WAIT! Maybe they'll pull a Sinnoh and make us go all over the place as opposed to walking in a linear fashion! If that's true, then maybe Hiun will still be a Flying-type gym! The Bug-gym just looks better-suited to me in the forest North of the East mountain. Come to think of it, my predictions weren't that far off! I got the Flying and Bug gyms the wrong way round, I assumed the Dragon gym would be a Ground-type gym, and I thought the Ground-type gym would be a Steel gym. Apart from that, I was moreorless correct! :D And Iris is a gym-leader!? Cool! I guess that's why she's in the games and was seen discussing Dragon pokemon. I can see her ending up with Ononokusu in the games because in the anime, she has a Kibago (a Dragon-type), and Kibago is confirmed to be Ononokusu's pre- pre- evo.
Only nine unknown pokemon left, there has to be burokko, a dark type vulture, a fire type ant eater, not sure what else.
lol I dont think they have, I hope it is a pokemon in memory of brock, because it sounds similar, but I doubt it becuase in the japanese version he is called Takeshi
Is that picture from the manual? I guess so. And if so.. more will follow people, it means that the first games have been shipped and arrived.
@Time Oh god thats awkward

THe gym leaders look worse than Gen 4's -_- Aside from Aloe and that flying gal :D
Mechanos7 said:
Only nine unknown pokemon left, there has to be burokko, a dark type vulture, a fire type ant eater, not sure what else.

Well the pokexperto pokemons dont have any names yet so burokko could be any of them.

Also, where did people get the info there have to be a anteater, vulture and stuff??
Sorry Timeshift(er), I guess that Hiun has the Bug gym
Also If the games have reached their destination, I am going to jump with joy, and stay up all night, even if I have school In the morning and I am ill
True, didn't exactly think about that. Also, it was from general stuff Melkor said on the pokexperto forums and comments I believe; wasn't very exact however.
Beetle Badge, Bolt Badge, Quake Badge, Jet Badge, Icicle Badge and Legend Badge.

I believe that's the order after Aloe, although her's wasn't revealed, and Dento, Kon, and Poddo's gym badge.

Just the thought of Ash travelling with TWO gym leaders is kinda weird. And I cannot wait to see the look on his face when Iris exposes her as the Gym leader. :D
WOW! I totally forgot about that. It seems that I have totally forgotten about that because it's been so long. Brock has been with him so long it doesn't really seem he's a gym leader. And how could I forget Misty x)
Easy. She's like a spoiled girlfriend who would kill to ruin your life if it meant getting her way all the time.

Anywho, they're really trying to go back to the old days if two gym leaders are traveling companions again, but will it be as good?

Why is the ground leader a cowboy? Enough stereotypes man.....-_-
Atleast the Ground Gym Leader isn't an old women. o_o That seemed off with me, but Bertha is still cool <3 :)

And I like the Ground Gym Leader, his design, from what I've seen its pretty good. I wonder what his gym will look like.
624: Warrior Pokémon. Steel / Dark Type.
625: Warrior Pokémon Steel / Dark Type. Both based on Kamen Raider

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