Writing Pokémon: The legend of Aura (12 Chapters)


I'm more special than you!!!
This story is based on the historical events that took place in "Pokémon Movie 8: Lucario and the mystery of Mew", and is tied together with the historical events in the Pokémon Ranger games.

Book 1: Aura Training
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4

Book 2: The Three Princes
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9

Book 3: Assasination
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12


The world is at war, it withers and dies. But when time is right, Aura will illuminate the skies. The Aura Guardian is soon to come, and by his will, all evil...be undone.

This prophecy was made nearly 100 years ago, when a seemingly never-ending war started between three kingdoms. Centuries ago, long before the existence of Pokéballs, the only way to capture Pokémon was to cage them, and eventually tame them to do their master's bidding. The kingdom of Almia used these methods to create armies of Pokémon. The other kingdoms were against this, and to their regret, the only option they saw was to create similar armies to counter Almia's. The Fiore kingdom, a country similar in size as Almia, was the biggest threat.

The third and smallest kingdom, Cameron, was merely stuck in between, unable and unwilling to create an army of their own. Since the start of the war, Cameron was seen as the only peaceful kingdom, and therefore, the only refuge. While Almia and Fiore always kept Cameron out of the war, both sides often influenced Cameron to join their side.

In the Cameron Kingdom, there lived a 13-year old kid named Aaron, who often dreamed of being the legendary hero mentioned in the prophecy. Little did he know, that it was exactly that what destiny had intended for him...


let me know if you're dying to read more ok? :p

(note: this is only a prologue, actual chapters will be far longer)
RE: Pokémon: The legend of Aura

I've only written one chapter so far, it might take a while for me to complete chapter 2, so don't get impatient :p

Chapter 1

A young man, dressed mostly in black and blue colors, entered a cave, a chamber filled with crystals. In the center of the room, he noticed a large crystal formation with a bright ray of green light emerging from it. Inside the light, he saw the shadow of a strange pokémon he had never seen before.

"The Tree of Beginning...is where it will end..." A mysterious voice echoed.

"What're you talking about?!" Aaron replied.

"Aaron! Aaron, wake up!!" a woman's voice yelled.

"Huh?....What..." Aaron said to himself as he lifted his head and looked around in his room.

Aaron lifted himself off the bed, and dressed himself. He wore a darkblue tunic, beige pants, and a hat and boots in the same darkblue color. On the hat was a yellow symbol that seemed ahead of it's time. After a few more impatient and irritated wake-up calls from his mother, Aaron finally managed to put on his boots in a hurry and stumbled down the stairs.

"It's about time!" Aaron's mother said. "It's your turn to go to the market, and you're late...as always i guess..."

"Yes, mom..." Aaron replied indifferently and headed to the door, grabbing an apple to make up for the breakfast he missed. He also signalled his Pidgey, who was casually flying around the house as always, to take the usual spot on his shoulder.

"And don't forget the milk this time!" Aaron's mother yelled after him.

As he heard his mother nagging again, Aaron ran the last couple of steps towards the door in an attempt to get outside faster. He closed the door behind him, and was greeted by a warm sunrise as he looked up, covering his eyes from the light of the sun. He walked through the massive crowd towards the market, lost in thought about his recent dreams. He snapped awake when he heard some commotion coming from the alley he passed by.
He saw three thugs harrasing an old and seemingly homeless man, completely cloaked in old and worn robes. The thugs used their pokémon, two Houndours and a Sneasel, to threaten the man, who didn't even bother lifting his head.

"Hey, you may be a bum, but we know you got at least some money on you!" One of the thugs said.

"Yeah, hand it over!" Another one of the thugs added.

"Enough of this. Sneasel, tear him appart and see what he's got!" the last thug, and apparent leader of the gang, commanded.

Aaron saw the whole thing, and even though he was severely outnumbered, he ran into the situation without even realizing what he was actually doing.

"Pidgey, use whirlwind!" Aaron commanded as his Pidgey flew off his shoulder and sent a whirlwind flying at the Sneasel, knocking it into the back wall of the alley before it could attack. The thugs looked in the direction the Pidgey came from, and sent their two Houndour to attack Aaron. He realized Pidgey couldn't get back in time to counter the attack, so the only option Aaron saw was to cover his face with his arms and closing his eyes, hoping he could protect himself that way. By now, the old man's attention was drawn to Aaron. Not one second before the Houndour could attack Aaron, a blue wave of light covered Aaron completely, knocking away his attackers and smacking them into the thugs, apparently knocking them out.

Aaron re-opened his eyes when Pidgey landed back on his shoulder, and wondered what he did, and how he did it. The old man stood up, walked into Aaron's direction, and removed his hood. The man looked at Aaron with a strict face, as if he was examining him. Aaron only stared back in confusement.

"H-hi....My name's Aaron..." Aaron said, still slightly confused.

"I know...you could be the one we've been waiting for all these years. Come with me!" The old man replied, and touched a stone in the back of the alley, sending a ripple of blue light through it, revealing a hidden passage.

"But i...hey wait!" Aaron said as he ran after the old man. He barely managed to get inside before the door closed again.

Aaron walked down the stairs infront of him, it was completely dark, lit by only few torches every now and then. He noticed the old man a bit ahead of him, and caught up.

"Hey, you said you were...waiting for me?"

"The world is at war, it withers and dies. But when time is right, Aura will luminate the skies. The Aura Guardian is soon to come, and by his will, all evil...undone." The man said as Aaron only became more confused.

"The Aura Wielders are a select group of people in secret service of the queen of Cameron. Our goal is to protect the royal family and await the coming of the Aura Guardian." the man explained.

"But Cameron isn't invloved with the war! So why--" Aaron said, being interrupted.

"Cameron isn't involved YET! Soon we will have no choice..." the man explained again while nearing the end of the hallway, coming up on an old wooden door.

"So you think i'm the Aura Guardian? Is that what this is about?" Aaron assumed.

"No...I know you're the Aura Guardian. Or soon to be at least." the man replied while opening the door.

They entered a large hall, both humans and pokémon were sparring with one another. Aaron noticed they all used attacks with focussed blue light, much like what he did earlier. At the end of the large hall, which was quite a distance away, Aaron saw a throne made of ivory, embedded with gold here and there. The man sitting on the throne wore a white robe, covered with golden armor plating. Aaron was guided to the throne by the old man.

"Girat, who did you bring this time? Another 'Aura Guardian'? " the man inquired.

"I know i have made mistakes in the past, my Lord, but there's no question that..." Girat said as he kneeled.

"That you brought yet another questionable character to our sanctuary!" the man spoke.

"You...what's your name?" he asked.

"A-aaron, sir..." Aaron replied, slightly intimidated.

"You have a strong aura within you. You could be a fine addition to our society, but pay no mind to Girat, he's brought dozens of 'Aura Guardians' to us. I am Lord Arc. I have overseen the Aura Wielders for over 100 years, ever since i made the prophecy of the Aura Guardian." Arc explained.

"I...i really should get going..." Aaron said, not knowing wether he was afraid of the current situation, or the reaction of his mother when he came home.

"Then Girat will guide you outside, and he will be waiting for you should you feel the need to return here." Arc said.

~End of Chapter 1~
RE: Pokémon: The legend of Aura

Wow, just wow. You truly are a good writer! Not good, great =P

This story seems really cool. I was sort of annoyed though when Girat KNEW he was the Aura Guardian, but then when Arc explained that he had made mistakes countless times, it was sort of a relief, even though we know he IS the Aura Guardian. Great story and I hope you continue. Two thumbs up!
RE: Pokémon: The legend of Aura

Chapter 2

The castle of Almia, home of king Krai, and the three princes of Almia, is located in the frozen lands of Hia Valley, where it offers protection against everything except the ice-cold pelts of continuous hail and snow. However, an attempt on king Krai's life was this time made from inside the walls.

"Father, you can't do this!" Luco yelled.

"How dare you call me 'father'?! After what you've tried to do!" king Krai said angrily.

"What we've tried to do? We tried to do what was best for Almia and it's surrounding nations!" Cress responded.

"Enough! Cress and Ran, as of now, you are banished from Almia. You shall be killed on sight if you attempt to cross my borders!" Krai commanded.

"As for you, Luco, you will remain here in Almia Castle. Despite the fact that you just tried to kill me, i still need an heir." he continued.

"What makes you think i'll--" Luco spoke.

"What makes you think you have a choice? I can handle one of you, that's why only one will remain here." Krai interrupted.

"Guards! Escort these traitors outside, and take Luco to the dungeons for his 'treatment'. I will be departing for the Chroma Temple." he continued.

"And as for you Aaron, you should wake up!" Krai spoke.

Aaron again woke up with a headache, caused by the confusion of his dreams. Unlike other days however, his mother didn't keep yelling for him to wake up. He put on his clothes and walked downstairs to find his mother sitting at the table, staring into nothingness. Pidgey was sitting on the table, staring back at Aaron's mother with a look of confusion.

"Mom? What's wrong?" Aaron asked softly, hoping nothing bad happened.

"It's...your father. He and his squad were patrolling the northern borders...they got caught in a battle between Almia and Fiore....they...he didn't..." Aaron's mother hesitated. She was unable to finish her sentence as she was choking back tears.

Aaron looked down as Pidgey landed on his shoulder. He understood what happened as tears were forming in his eyes as well. Aaron had a hard time handling the truth, and ran outside. The startled Pidgey had some trouble staying airborne as he fell off Aaron's shoulder. Pidgey flew outside as well, trying to catch up with Aaron. He walked into the alley where he met Girat just two days ago, and backed up against the wall, he let himself slide down and sat on the ground, snorting and choking back tears. Pidgey soon landed back on his shoulder, his mere presence comforting Aaron just a bit.

"Finally decided to show yourself huh?" Girat spoke, catching Aaron off guard. Aaron looked up at Girat, his eyes still watering.

"I heard what happened to the northern patrol...news travels quickly among the Wielders..." Girat continued, and lowered himself to Aaron's height, putting his hand on the shoulder Pidgey wasn't occupying. Aaron stood up, wiping off the last few tears, and started accepting the situation.

"Girat...sign me up!" Aaron said with full determination.

"I'm glad to hear that, but i hope you realize revenge won't bring your father back." Girat replied.

"I know...but at least i'll be able to make a difference. A difference my father couldn't make..." Aaron said, again looking down when he thought back of his father, he was unable to cry however.

"Then your first lesson shall be opening the door to our training grounds. You will only be accepted into the order of Aura Wielders if you can open this doorway without being explained on how to do it." Girat explained.

Aaron walked up to the stone wall, and placed his hand on it, trying to imitate what Girat had done when he opened the doorway. He closed his eyes and focussed, unsure about what to focus on. Nothing happened. Hours passed as Aaron tried to open the door, never removing his hand from the wall. Then suddenly, a memory of him and his father flashed through his head, and he again felt the emotion, and the determination that came with it. Aaron's aura rippled through the wall, and the door appeared. He and Girat walked inside. Just before heading down the stairs, Aaron wrote a note, attached it to Pidgey, and sent him home. On the note he wrote what happened, and what he was going to do. Just after Aaron sent Pidgey home, the doorway closed again. Aaron was escorted to his new room, and was told to wait there while Girat reported to lord Arc.

"My Lord, Aaron, the boy i brought here a few days ago, has returned, and decided to become an Aura Wielder." Girat said as he again kneeled.

"Something tells me that's not all you have to report." Arc replied

"He was able to open the door...in just a few hours, my Lord...many of our students took days, even weeks to just do that!" Girat exclaimed with an exciting tone.

"I see you still believe he is the Aura Guardian, but that has still to be proven. Assign the boy to Palia. She will be the one to train Aaron." Arc commanded.

"Palia, my Lord? She is sort of harsh...i don't think--" Girat protested.

"What you think is none of my concern. I believe Palia and Aaron would make an excellent pair." Arc reassured.

Night came quickly after Aaron was informed of what would happen. So far, Aaron has only spent the remainder of his day inside the dormitories, and was greeted by the other students after their training was done. After a while, the group of people around Aaron dispersed, and they each went to their usual spots, chatting with one another. Even though it seemed he would get along quite well with everyone, Aaron felt more alone than ever. The only one Aaron could truly get along with was Linc, a boy who joined the Aura Wielders for the same reason Aaron did. Linc's clothing style much resembles Aaron's, favoring green over blue however. Linc also wears a peculiar green and pointy cap. Both of Linc's parents were killed as a result of the ongoing war, and was found by the Aura Wielders shortly after. Aaron quickly found out that most of the students he shared a room with were orphans by cause of the war.

The next morning, Aaron awoke drowsily as he felt someone or something pecking his forehead. He opened his eyes and noticed his Pidgey sitting on his chest, staring at him with a blank expression. Aaron looked around, he expected to wake up in his own bedroom, momentarily forgetting yesterday's events. He noticed he was the only one still sleeping, as the rest of the students already left for training.

"Smart bird you have there." a woman's voice said as Aaron's view fixated on her.

"He swooped into the hidden entrance when i opened it this morning. He also seemed to know where you were...he got here before i did." the woman explained.

"W-who are you?" Aaron asked as he yawned.

"My name's Palia, i'll be your instructor for the next few months. I suggest you get dressed and meet me outside, we're behind schedule as it is, courtesy of your sleeping habits..." Palia said and walked out the door. It took Aaron a few seconds to take in what just happened, especially since he only just woke up.

~End of Chapter 2~
RE: Pokémon: The legend of Aura

Wow, great chapter once again! Very interesting but sad that his dad was killed, or well, not found. Great stuff man =]
RE: Pokémon: The legend of Aura

Yeah, i'm not very good at writing emotional stuff :p but i have noticed that in Pokémon movies and episodes, they tend to avoid the word "death" or anything connected with that word, so i decided to do the same :D

those of you perceptive enough may also have noticed a small refference to Legend of Zelda :p
RE: Pokémon: The legend of Aura

Hm interesting I must say the least. Very detailed I say the least and also very clear. An 8.5/10 goes to you.

RE: Pokémon: The legend of Aura

Chapter 3

Aaron woke up only a few minutes ago, and was told to meet Palia in the forest just outside Cameron. Aaron, knowing he was late, hurried through the halls of the Aura Wielders sanctum, and to many of the exits, one of them leading straight to the forest. Palia saw Aaron approaching in the distance, and as he came near, she started explaining the situation to the rest of the students.

"Ok, guys. Since we have a new student as of today, let's review the basics one more time." Palia announced in front of the small group of students.

"Kira, how many types of aura control are there?" She inquired

"Three, ma'am. offensive control, defensive control, and technical control." Kira answered without even mulling it over.

"Linc, how are these different from eachother?" Palia asked again.

"As their names make it sound obvious, offensive control is used for attacking, Pokémon have a natural aptitude for this type, while humans have a harder time with it. However, defensive control is where humans are at an advantage over pokémon. Technical control, is easily used by both, and is mostly used for detecting enemies, and dodging attacks." Linc replied, giving an overdose of explanation which would cause most students to call him a show-off afterwards.

"Allright, as you all know, the most basic and most needed technical aura would be Aura Vision, so we'll be working on that today. It allows you to scout ahead, and dodge attacks. It also allows you to sense the aura around you, which makes it easier for you to control your own techniques. Aaron, since you're the most recent addition to our class, and since you don't know anything about this yet, you'll go first!" Palia said.

"But...how do we do this? I don't know anything about using my aura, it only happened by accident last time." Aaron asked hesitantly.

"Kira, armor. Linc, blindfold!" Palia commanded.

Before Aaron realized, his fellow students strapped him up with a leather cuirass and a blindfold. Afterwards, they guided him a bit forward.

"There are three wooden logs suspended up in the trees ahead of you, and behind you. On my signal, they will be released, and they'll swing at you like a set of pendulums. The point here being...Dodge!" Palia exclaimed after which the wooden logs were released, and Aaron was caught off guard.

Aaron felt the first log passing right by his ear, causing him to slighty panic. The second log hit Aaron's leather armor, and he fell back. He stood back up almost immediatly. When the third log was about to hit him, he saw something. The darkness of the blindfold faded as he almost saw his surroundings, despite the fact that he was blinded. Like in a dense fog, he saw the log appearing right before his eyes, and barely dodged it. The first log that passed his ear before swung back from the other side, and strangely enough, he could feel it approaching him and ducked out of the way, but still in a very tense and panicking manner. After a few minutes, the fog clouding his vision faded almost entirely, and he could see the logs long before they would hit him. Now, the three logs infront of him, along with the three behind him, threatened to hit Aaron at the exact same time. Aaron wouldn't know how to dodge this, and once more, his instinct acted before he did. Aaron's aura covered his entire body, and and crushed the logs to splinters as they hit him.

"Well...it's a start i guess..." Palia commented indifferently, trying to hide the fact she was actually quite impressed.

"With this, i'll give you a warning though. And this goes for all of you, so open your ears!" Palia said. "Your aura is your life force, your essence. Every living being has it, even though many have it only in lesser amounts."

"So you're saying we could die if we overuse it?" Kira asked.

"Thanks for putting so bluntly, but yes. Using too much of your aura will endanger your life, so use it in moderation!" Palia warned.

"So i did pretty good, right?" Aaron asked.

"Well, for a beginner, it wasn't bad. But you only took the beginners course. Riku, show him what a more advanced Aura Wielder is capable of doing!" Palia commanded. Riku replied with a nod, put on the blindfold, and stepped to another pair of trees, this one with dozens of logs attached to them.

The wooden logs were released, and came at Riku from all possible sides, leaving only a few inches for him to dodge everything. Riku moved easily, and without breaking a sweat, kept dodging the logs for a good fifteen minutes until he majestically jumped out and landed right infront of Aaron as a pure display of skill. Just as Riku landed, Aaron lost his balance and fell down. Riku reached out to pull Aaron back up, and as he did, pulled him in close, and whispering something into Aaron's ear.

"Try not to blow up the training course next time, there's other newbie's around who would've been dying to try out the kiddie course!" Riku whispered, mocking Aaron, and walking away with an obvious grin on his face.

"Ok, that's it for now. Let's take a break!" Palia announced.


That night, Girat awoke at the sound of a sinister voice. A voice he knew...a voice he feared to hear.

"Girat....have you forgotten?" the voice echoed through the darkness of the room.

"W-what? Who--" Girat spoke, startled by the sudden noise. He got up and stared into the darkness of the room, but saw nothing.

"Have you forgotten what it's like to feel your true power?!" the voice repeated it's question in an agitated manner.

Girat was intimidated. He fell to his knees as if he was forced to do so, he felt the pressure of something pushing him down. Soon, the force of it made him fall even more, and rested his hands on the floor as well. He widened his eyes trying to withstand the pain that surged through him. The pain stopped after a while, but he was still pressed down.

"No...Not at all, my Lord." Girat spoke, with a slight hint of fear and fatigue in his voice.

"Then why have you failed to acquire what we need!? To truly access the crystal's power, we need the strength of you and your companions!"

"I know, but i can't just ask Arc where they are...such things take time, my Lord..." Girat answered.

"He used you and your equals for his creation, then he robbed you of your true power. If you want revenge--" the voice spoke.

"More than anything...but patience is needed. It's only a matter of time before i discover it's location..." Girat said.

"You...have grown weak, as are your companions. Do not fail me!" the voice called, and left the room.

Girat no longer sensed his presence. He was able to stand up again as the pain subsided. Girat backed up to his bed and sat down, not being able to sleep after what he just went through.

~End of Chapter 3~

The plot is starting to unravel now, so this means we're actually moving on with the story :p, which also means i'd like your fair opinion on it. (it looked kinda "stereotype" to me when i wrote it, so...)
RE: Pokémon: The legend of Aura

Awesome chapter, I love how the story is folding out. Keep it up ^.^
RE: Pokémon: The legend of Aura

You have a fanfic now O_O

Nah Jk, good stuff man. Nice plot twist (if i should even call them that lol)
RE: Pokémon: The legend of Aura

Chapter 4

Several months have passed since Aaron started his training as an Aura Wielder. And as his training progressed, so did his friendship with Linc. After a while, Palia's group of students was split into a smaller group, to help improve their skills more rapidly. This also made it easier for lessons on teamwork. Palia's attention was mostly diverted to only Aaron though. Girat also showed great interest in Aaron's progress, however in a more discreet manner. Girat also realized he was running out of time, as his mysterious master grew more impatient.

"You summoned us, Lord Arc?" Palia asked as she and her brother, Dio, appeared before Arc.

"Yes...I need you two to do something for me. Girat has been absent, lately. He's not his usual self." Arc said.

"So what? You want us to cheer him up for you?" Dio spoke.

"Not quite. I'm saying he's not up to anything good. At times, he seems to be very inquisitive about certain matters. I don't trust him." Arc admitted.

"You want us to spy on one of our own?" Palia asked with a sense of disagreement in her voice.

"See it as...keeping an eye on him, rather than spying. If you notice anything suspicious, report it immediatly!" Arc commanded.

Just as Dio got up to leave the room, and headed to the door, he looked back at Palia, still standing infront of lord Arc. Dio, having a rather impatient and lively personality, sighed and leaned against the wall.

"Palia, you have something else to report?" Arc asked.

"Yes...It's about Aaron. I'm amazed by the amount of progress he's showing, he has done things in months that took students years to get the hang of. He even surpassed some of the students who got here before him." Palia explained.

"I see..." Arc noted. "Girat also seems to be interested in the boy's progress. It may be tied to whatever it is he's doing. To this day, Girat still believes this boy to be the Aura Guardian, it can't be a coincidence!"


Meanwhile, Linc dragged Aaron along for a walk through the forest, to a nearby lake. Linc was mum on the reason though.

"Ok...so what're we doing here again?" Aaron asked in an annoying tone, placing his arms on the back of his head, with Pidgey flying a couple of feet above them.

"I've heard stories. Stories of a Gyarados in the lake nearby." Linc responded.

"So what? There's nothing special about that..." Aaron said indifferently.

"A red Gyarados, and i assure you there's something special about that." Linc replied again, with his classic know-it-all behaviour.

Aaron decided not to continue the discussion, as it would seem he'd not win it anyway. Just as they reached the clearing where the lake could be found, they heard a scream. It didn't seem to be that far away either.

"AAAAAAAAH! SOMEONE, HELP ME!!!" the voice cried, apparently a young female.

Aaron and Linc rushed into the woods behind them and crawled out of the bushes onto a path. As they looked around they saw two pokémon dashing by, one of them carrying a girl on it's shoulder. Aaron and Linc quickly ran after them, unable to catch up with the amazingly fast pokémon. Their knowledge of the area worked to their advantage here as they were able to cut off the path of the two pokémon, and forced them to stop in front of them. When the pokémon stopped, they saw what they were dealing with. Two Gallade's clad in a red armor, red armor that belonged to Almian troops.

"Pidgey! Fly back. Fly back and get help!" Aaron commanded as Pidgey flew off in a hurry.

The two Gallade's knew the only way through was by fighting, though they didn't see their opponents as much of a threat. The Gallade not carrying the girl stepped forward and faced Aaron, punching his fists together a couple of times to show he's ready to fight. At near-blinding speed, it rushed towards Aaron, who calmly closed his eyes. Using aura vision, Aaron easily managed to dodge the barrage of punches and kicks that Gallade threw at him. Aaron slowly stepped backwards as he dodges, leading Gallade to a rock wall behind them. As Aaron backed up against the wall, Gallade's attacks ended up hitting the wall behind Aaron, causing a minor avalanche. As Aaron noticed the rocks fall, he quickly moved out of the way as the rockslide covered the Gallade entirely, putting him down for the count.

"Now what? If we attack this one, we'll risk hurting the girl!" Aaron noted, thinking of a way to attack.

"Leave that to me, you just focus on bringing down Gallade." Linc said.

Aaron nodded, and ran towards his opponent, going for a slide in an attempt to knock him down. At that time, Linc jumped into a nearby tree, and pushed himself off in Gallade's direction, grabbing the girl just before Aaron hit. Gallade seemed to be temporarily knocked out, but quickly stood back up. At that moment, someone's shadow blocked out the sun, and landed between Gallade and the three kids. Aaron's Pidgey soon followed.

"Having trouble, are we?" Girat said as he looked back at the kids, looking for possible injuries.

Gallade snapped out of the daze he was in and noticed the third person standing infront of him. Girat just looked at him with a stern look on his face. Gallade seemed to nod at Girat, and ran off.

"Thanks for saving me. My name is Rin." the girl said, introducing herself to the two boys.

"Rin? That name sounds familiar..." Linc noted, but his question was soon answered.

"Princess Rin, are you okay? This is no place for you to be, especially without an escort!" Girat asked, a bit worried.

"Princess?!" Linc and Aaron both thought.

"I know, Sir Girat...I do apologize for the trouble i've caused you..." Rin said.

"It's allright, i guess. You're safe after all..." Girat replied.

"You two should get back, I'll guide princess Rin back home." Girat commanded.

Still slightly dazed from their encounter with the princess of Cameron, Aaron and Linc walked back. The sun was slowly setting as the nightly pokémon began to make their appearance. Aaron kept discussing the red Gyarados with Linc for a while, until they reached the hidden entrance and opened it. They immediatly headed to their dormitory for a good night's rest.

~End of Chapter 4~

note: the "Dio" in my story is not to be confused with a certain rock star :D.
RE: Pokémon: The legend of Aura

I liked the whole chapter except the end. Aaron and Linc seemed out of character, or well, not like what they would be. But good nonetheless.
RE: Pokémon: The legend of Aura

I know :p i was kinda tired and i needed something to fill up the chapter a bit, but i realized it could do without that last conversation.

You'll notice i made a small change to the end of chapter 4 now.
RE: Pokémon: The legend of Aura

Time-skip time! :D i hate to say there's alot of talking in this chapter though.

Chapter 5

7 Years have passed, and many of the students, Aaron and Linc being among them, now earned the right to carry the title of Aura Wielder. They have passed every challenge they were faced with, save one. A trial. Split up into smaller groups, they were to accompany an Aura Wielder on one of their missions. Due to their friendship, and more likely, their knowledge of eachother's techniques and sense of teamwork, Aaron and Linc were paired up for their mission.

"Aaron, Linc...you have done well, these last few years." Arc said. "I grant you the title of Aura Wielder, but first, like all other students before you, i will send you on a mission, so you can prove you are truly worthy to carry such responsability."

"What is this mission, then?" Linc asked

"At request of the royal family of Cameron, we are to attempt an infiltration mission on Almia Castle, and attempt to kill Almia's king. I tried to convince them that the prophecy would be fulfilled eventually, and killing king Krai is a useless gesture, but they insisted... And in such case, we have no choice." Arc explained.

"You're entrusting this sort of mission to us?! No offense, but that's impossible!" Aaron objected.

"No, you are right. Such a mission would be dangerous for you, but in order to infiltrate the castle, and discover it's location in the first place, we'll need help from someone who's been on the inside. That's were you come in. Years ago, the three princes of Almia were banished for reasons unknown to us. Right now our only hope is to find them, and hope they join our cause." Arc continued

"So we just have to look for these princes? ...That could take a while." Linc noted

"Before their banishment, the princes were each in possesion of a single sphere, and are even to this day, kept safe, guarded by mythical pokémon. The spheres aren't important, but the pokémon that guard these spheres are still connected to the princes by an unbreakable bond. They will know where the princes are at all times. And fortunatly, we know where those pokémon can be found." Arc explained.

"So, what kind of pokémon are we dealing with here?" Aaron asked out of general curiosity.

"Unfortunatly, no one knows. I have sent Dio out in advance, he will meet you on Shamuti Island, where the spheres of the princes are supposedly kept." Arc finished.

Having overheard the conversation, Girat quickly retreated to his room, just before Aaron and Linc left. He kneeled in the somewhat darkened room, and summoned his master.

"My lord...i have some news you might find interesting..." Girat spoke, not knowing if he would get a reply.

"News of what sort?" the mysterious voice replied.

"I've overheard a mission briefing from Arc...he mentioned three spheres. I'm positive these spheres aren't what we're looking for, but they could be of use to us." Girat said.

"I know the items you speak of... my sons were once their owners. Ever since their banishment, i have made sure the guardians of these spheres obey only my command. Long story short, your information is of no use to me, neither are the spheres. Now leave and don't dare to return until you know of something i can actually put to good use!" the voice yelled, intimidating Girat.


Meanwhile, Aaron and Linc reached the harbor of Cameron, where they would travel to Shamuti Island by sea. On their way to the ship that would carry them across, their attention was diverted to a small gathering of people.

"Fight! Fight! Fight! Fight!" the crowd yelled as Aaron and Linc pushed their way through.

"Let's not make this more complicated...I have some urgent bussiness to attend to in Hoenn, so why don't you just stop whining and help a man out here?" One of the men standing in the center said. This man, as made obvious by the Weavile standing in front of him, was the trouble-maker.

"No money, no deal! I wouldn't set out for people like you even if you did have the money!" The other man, apparently captain of a ship, replied.

"In my opinion, you need to...cool off! ...Weavile!" the man said as his Weavile prepared himself to attack. "Weavile, use an Ice Shard to make him see the light." the man continued.

Before the Weavile could use it's attack, Aaron's now fully evolved Pidgeot swooped out of the sky, and used a Sky Attack to knock Weavile out. The Weavile's owner needed a few seconds to take in what just happened right before him.

"Well that brings back some akward memories..." He thought to himself.

"Still picking on people smaller than you?" Aaron called out, and stepped into the ring created by the people surrounding them.

"You know, kid...If you hadn't gotten in my way all those years ago, i would've had the money to pay this guy!" The man pointed out.

"You can swim to Hoenn for all i care. You have about two minutes before my good friend up there is ready to attack again." Aaron warned.

"This isn't over yet, kid." the man yelled, and headed through the crowd, passing by Aaron on his way. "The name's Willis...remember it!" Willis said and dissapeared into the crowd.

Shortly after, the group of people dispersed and things turned back to the way they were. It was almost as if nothing happened in the first place. The man who was being attacked came up to Aaron and Linc.

"I thank ye fer yer help, if there's any way fer me to repay ye, let me know." the man said.

"Well, do you know a man named Briney? He's the captain of a ship that was supposed to ferry us to Shamuti Island." Linc asked.

"Briney, says you? You're in luck, lads! As far as i knows, i'm the only Briney 'round these parts! I take it you be Aaron and Linc then?" Briney assumed.

"That's right, but...how do you know our names?" Aaron asked.

"Them Aura Wielders ye be a part of, I cross the seas only for them. That's why yer Weavile-abusin' friend attacked me." Briney said.

Moments later, Aaron and Linc boarded Briney's fairly small boat, looking more like an over-sized dinghy with a cabin on top of it. The ride across the sea seemed to take forever. Except for a few pokémon popping out of the water every now and then, the view wasn't all that great either. After a full three-day journey, Aaron and Linc finally arrived on Shamuti Island. Just when they were done praising the solid ground for being able to walk again, they were greeted by Dio.

"About time you two got here..." Dio said lazily, crossing his arms.

"So what's the current situation?" Linc asked.

"Well aren't you the straight-to-the-point kinda guy? I've asked around about the spheres, and the pokémon that guard them, but no one seems to be of any help. It's not that they can't, they just don't want to help it seems..." Dio explained.

"I did hear rumors about some sort of shrine on the other side of the island though. I've been meaning to check it out, but i decided to wait 'till you got here." Dio continued.

With that, the three headed off to the far side of the island.

~End of Chapter 5~
RE: Pokémon: The legend of Aura

Nice chapter. A pretty long skip xD, but you made it good. Although, how old is everybody now? Just curious :3
RE: Pokémon: The legend of Aura

That's a pretty long skip. Might not have been a bad idea to show more about the Aura Wielders first. It also seems like you're over-connecting things. It's centuries in the past, you don't have to completely tie up all the mysteries of the Pokemon universe.
RE: Pokémon: The legend of Aura

Vergere said:
That's a pretty long skip. Might not have been a bad idea to show more about the Aura Wielders first. It also seems like you're over-connecting things. It's centuries in the past, you don't have to completely tie up all the mysteries of the Pokemon universe.
Well, the latest chapter isn't really "connected" to the second movie. I'm just using the location as a setting for the next few chapters :p

But you're right about the Aura Wielders thing. It's just that i only had the main story-line in mind :p i might make some filler chapters though.

Lenny said:
Nice chapter. A pretty long skip xD, but you made it good. Although, how old is everybody now? Just curious :3
You know how old Aaron is if you read the prologue, consider Linc (and other students of that group) to be of the same age. As for Palia and Dio, they went from 24 to 31. Girat went from 48 to 55. And Arc, well, i guess he's about 1000+ (seriously, he is)

i might work on a character profile before i make another chapter though, so you at least know a few details about the main characters :p

I said:
Before the Weavile could use it's attack, Aaron's now fully evolved Pidgeot swooped out of the sky, and used a Sky Attack to knock Weavile out. The Weavile's owner needed a few seconds to take in what just happened right before him.
And before anyone gets a chance to say something about this part: This is NOT the game :p so don't bring your base-stats crud here. xD
RE: Pokémon: The legend of Aura

Chapter 6

"Should've dressed warmer, Riku..." Kira smiled.

"W-w-well, no one s-said anything a-about c-c-cold..." Riku noted while wrapping his arms together as the two, being guided by Palia, walked through the snow that reached up to their waists.

"Well if you payed any attention to the mission briefing, you'd have known where we were going!" Palia yelled back, being a bit ahead of the two. Even though she yelled, the sound of the blowing wind still made Palia's comment near incomprehensible.

"Don't bother, ma'am. He's too 'cool' to listen to mission briefings." Kira remarked, smiling. Riku wanted to respond, but realized he couldn't due to the amount of cold he was feeling.

Palia, Kira, and Riku were put together as a team for their mission to Snowpoint, where Almian troops were seen 'excavating' something from the nearby temple ruins. However, the locals who saw the Almian troops couldn't quite describe what they were doing exactly, since they couldn't get close enough. The group of Aura Wielders approached the cliff west of the temple, and oversaw the Almian troops as their pokémon were carrying rocks and massive chunks of ice outside. Swiftly and without being noticed, they made their way inside the temple. Upon entering, they entered a large hall, ice covering some parts of the walls and floor. At some points, the ice was sticking out of the ground like solid pillars.

"Okay, so now what?" Riku asked as the three were hiding behind one of the ice pillars. At the far end of the hall, they noticed another staircase going further down, again with mostly Machokes and Golems carrying rocks to the surface. Kira looked around, and a couple of feet away, a dim light seemed to be emerging from underneath the ice. Unnoticed by even her own teammates, she slid over to the spot of light, hiding behind another ice pillar in the corner of the large room. The ice was thin there, and was easily broken once Kira smashed it with her heel, completely unheard as the sounds of rocks being smashed filled the temple. Riku and Palia both noticed Kira's advance and followed her lead.

"I think i've found what they're looking for..." Kira noted as the three looked down the hole. The room they were observing was undiscovered by the Almians, but the ice lit up the room with an enchanting blue glow, unlike other parts of the temple.

"What is that thing? It kinda looks like a pokémon statue..." Riku said.

"I've only heard stories about it, but i think that thing might be Regigigas...It is said to be one of the most powerful pokémon in terms of physical strenght. Except, no one ever knew where it was." Palia explained.

Until now..." Kira added

"With that thing in Almia's army, Fiore won't stand a chance..." Riku noted.

Just then, the stone wall of the room crumbled, and several Almian soldiers entered the room, lighting it up with torches. The room was now filled with dozens of Almian soldiers when someone else entered the room. This man, clad in heavier armor than the rest of the troops, wore a helmet that covered his entire face, also changing the sound of his voice. Under his arm, he was carrying a large purple crystal. Quickly, the soldiers lined up infront of their apparent commander.

"Attach the Dark Shard, then put the armor on him!" He commanded, after which the soldiers quickly went to work. Not an hour later, the armor was placed on the gigantic pokémon, with the Dark Shard engraved into it. Shortly after, one of the soldiers adressed his commander.

"Sir, H-ho-how do we...awaken it?" the soldier hesitantly asked, afraid of the possible reaction.

"I don't care how you do it! Just make sure it's ready for the assault!" the commander replied irritated, but more calmly than the soldier expected him to be.

"Sir!" the soldier replied, and walked back to the giant statue, contemplating on ways to awaken it while their commander left through the hole they made earlier.

Palia, Riku, and Kira observed the situation for a while longer, watching the soldiers hopelessly trying to awaken the large creature. They tried everything from throwing rocks to letting several pokémon attack it, but the statue didn't move at all.

"I wouldn't worry about this too much, guys. They won't be able to awaken Regigigas even if they had a million years worth of time..." Palia commented with slight relief.

"What do you mean? The key to unleashing that thing is probably somewhere in this temple." Kira noted.

"That's just it." Palia said. "The key isn't here."

"Then you probably wouldn't mind telling me where it is!" a voice called behind them as the three turned around. The man in heavy armor they saw earlier stood before them, a great deal larger than the three Aura Wielders. After feigning a bit of fear, Riku stepped forward while channeling aura to his fist, and punching the man's cuirass. Riku only managed to put a dent in the armor, but it did make him flinch, which gave the three a chance to run for the exit.


"Ok, this should be the shrine i've heard about...If there's anything we should know, it should be here." Dio said while he, Aaron, and Linc entered the cliff upon which the shrine was located. Aaron walked up to the shrine, and as he neared the top of the small staircase, he noticed three pedestals, and only then did he notice three more islands in the distance. He headed back down and around the shrine to take a closer look.

"Hey guys, take a look at this!" Linc said, reffering to a stone slab sticking out of the ground. On it was a message.

"Disturb not the harmony of Fire, Ice, or Lightning,
Lest these Titans wreak destruction upon the world in which they clash.
Though the water's Great Guardian shall arise to quell the fighting,
Alone its song will fail. Thus the world shall turn to Ash.
O, Chosen One, into thine hands bring together all three.
Their treasures combined, tame the beast of the sea.
From the trio of islands, ancient spheres shall you take,
For between life and death, the difference you'll make.
Climb to the shrine to right what is wrong,
And the world will be healed by the Guardian's song."

"What do you think this means?" Linc asked.

"I don't know...but if i was that guy's mother, i'd name him Bob instead of Ash..." Dio noted somewhat indifferently.

"I'm guessing those islands up ahead are connected to the three spheres, check out that shrine there and you'll see what i mean." Aaron said, after which the other two headed up to the shrine.

"Allright, i didn't want to do this, but it looks like we should split up. We'll each check out one of the islands." Dio suggested.

~End of Chapter 6~

I said:
"I don't know...but if i was that guy's mother, i'd name him Bob instead of Ash..."
oh, the irony! xD
Sorry i just had to put this joke in :p