Writing Pokémon Max's Story: Betrayal! Now with 44% more temporal paradoxes! Chapter Five is installed!

Max Shade IV

Pokémon Collector
Let's make this short: If you ask about my last story, I'll report you. you can take a fork and stick in that story and call it done. I rushed into it too quick and had writer's block so bad it made my head hurt.

Now onto the REAL sequel to Pokémon Nightshade: Birth of a Master!

Now, my characters:

Maxamillion Grant Shade IV (Max): Max Shade IV
Richard John Spade (Rich): My best friend in real life
John Christian Spade (J.C.): My best friend in real life's little brother
April Summer Capri (April): The most amazing girl I know (Sorry Amt)
Emily Sekura (Emily): My good friend who is like my little sister
Jay Nercinator (Jay): Nercinator
Shadow Song (Shadow): ShadowSong
Paul Abad (Abad): Black Rayquaza
James Hunt (James): James
Richard Raptor (Ricky):Tobi_Atkasuki's_Idiot
Jason Reyes (Jason): Boracay Jason
Joseph Fallen (Crash): The Fallen
Christopher Riku Berk (Riku): Elite_Riku
Jackson Michelangelo Artisto (Jack): Aqua Smeargle
Edwina Elric (Ed): Light Venusaur°
Haley Grace White (Amt): Amt (Formerly Amt (Formerly Amt)
Kevin Garrett (Kay Gee): Kevin Garrett
George Walker Forest (Georgie): Señor Noobnerd
Anthony Winters (Spiral): bacon
Purple Googol McDonald (Purple): Heavenly Spoon :F
Benjamin Conrad Walker (Ben): Pimpwalkin' Mateo Johnson
Bela (Full Name Unknown): Holy Star
Doc (Full Name Unknown): DocRobot_K-176
Michael Faldon Avalon (Michael): Porygon
John (Full Name Unknown): Water Pokémon Master

No, you aren't going crazy. The mods are in this. And once again, no, you are not going crazy, I really have put in Holy Star. So let's clear up some things on these characters:

It goes full name, the name they go by in parentheses, and then who they are on the forums. There are four characters NOT on the forums who are my friends.

Let me make something perfectly clear:


So now, the journey begins. You are about to read a story the likes of which PokéBeach Forums has never seen. I now proudly present:

Pokémon Max's Story: Betrayal​
RE: Pokémon Max's Story: Betrayal! The Third Installment Arrives! Contains New Char

Betrayal? Something to do with Holy Star, I know it...hmmm...

And I'm not in this? I'm so sad. Lol, I don't think I'll remember each main character, my brain is going to explode!
RE: Pokémon Max's Story: Betrayal! The Third Installment Arrives! Contains New Characters That EVERYONE Knows!

On the contrary, Holy Star has nothing to do with the main plot. In fact, you'll be surprised at who is the bad guy in this fic. It is going to be a work of genious, if I say so myself.

Anyways, I will put up the Prelude tonight, and hopefully the Prologue (They are two completely separate things)
RE: Pokémon Max's Story: Betrayal! The Third Installment Arrives! Contains New Characters That EVERYONE Knows!

Is the bad guy made up, or is he on the forums?

Sounds good. Very good. Can't wait to see more.
RE: Pokémon Max's Story: Betrayal! The Third Installment Arrives! Contains New Characters That EVERYONE Knows!

The bad guy is someone I know personally. We'll leave it at that.

Anyways, I'm going to grab my flash drive and get the prelude off of it. Expect it soon!
RE: Pokémon Max's Story: Betrayal! The Third Installment Arrives! Contains New Characters That EVERYONE Knows!

Pokémon Max’s Story: The Journey


It was once believed that only the Pokémon of time, Dialga and Celebi, should travel trough time. They are the ones who control the timeline as we know it. But, Celebi made a grave mistake.
I’m sorry, my name is Grant Shade. In a timeline that no longer exists, my son, Max, was the greatest war hero of his time. He won two great wars against the NPZ, led by my ex-wife’s new husband Chris Pesos. He also defeated our once evil family members, the LPC. And, as his last great act, he brought about the death of two tyrants. To say the least, he never thought of himself. But deep down, all he wanted was a normal life.
After my son’s death, Ho-oh, the legendary Pokémon of life, gave up his own life to bring Max back. Since Max had been traveling with Celebi, allowing me to retire, Celebi felt the need to thank Max for all he did, and gave Max the option to go back in time to live life how he should’ve.
While Celebi’s intentions were pure, it was unaware of the consequences. My son Max has won many championships as of now, Kanto, Orange Islands, Johto, Hoenn, and Sinnoh, just to name a few. But he is unaware of the disaster ahead of him. Celebi gave him a life without dealing with the evil forces, and now, those forces are ready to strike.
Because I’m traveling with Celebi, I cannot warn my son. Instead, I pray to Arceus every night that he will prevail, and bring peace that this world deserves.


My name is Maxamillion Shade IV, but for all intents and purposes, you can call me Max.
My parents are divorced and my stepfather runs the No Pokémon Zone, better known around here as the NPZ. It’s strange though, since my family gets along so well. Chris is basically the guy I go to for money.
My dad is pretty cool. He time travels a lot, so as a kid, I stayed with my aunt, Delia Ketchum and my little cousin, Ash.
I’ve got some pretty amazing friends, especially Richard and John Christian Spade. They’ve been my friends ever since I moved to Pallet. We call John J.C. for short.
Then there is Emily Sekura. She lives out in the Hoenn Region. I’ve been visiting her since she was born. She’s kind of like my little sister, in a way.
Then there is April Capri. When me and Rich first started our journey, she was with us. We’ve always looked out for her as she’s done for us.
And of course, I can’t forget about Paul Abad and James Hunt. Those two guys led me through the Orre Coliseum Championship. Both of them are powerful trainers. I’ve had the luxury of never facing them in battle.
Then there is Richard Raptor and Jason Reyes. Now those two are a couple of clowns if I ever met one. Ricky is a computer genius and Jason is a bit eccentric, but they are both good guys.
Then, there is Jay Nercinator and Shadow Song. I traveled the Orange Islands with them. Jay is rather dimwitted at times, but his Pokémon battle techniques are flawless. Shadow is a seer who was raised by the Eon Pokémon, Latias and Latios.
I’ve won countless tournaments, correction: WE’VE won countless tournaments. I accredit my Pokémon for every victory I’ve ever had. After all, if it weren’t for them, who would battle? Not me, that’s for sure!
To say the least, I’ve had a peaceful life. I train with my six Pokémon (Charizard, Treecko, Nidoking, Furret, Squirtle, and Elekid) everyday.
My dad told me about this alternate timeline I was in, in which my daughters who will never exist gave me the ability to go back and relive this amazing life. I thank them for it everyday.
But, I find it strange. Winning tournaments no longer brings joy to me. I want something new. Something fresh. Something that will keep me on my toes. My dad said I was a war hero and I hated it…right now, it sounds pretty exciting.
So here I am, eighteen. I’m in the prime of my life and bored as a Slowpoke. But hey, the world can’t keep quiet forever.
I don’t know…maybe I’ll set out on a new journey. For what you ask? That’s a good question, when I find out, I’ll let you know.
My name is Max, and this is my story!

Alright, not my best Prologue, but you'll live.
RE: Pokémon Max's Story: Betrayal! Prologue is installed!

Good to see a new story MPM. I can't wait to see where you take it.
RE: Pokémon Max's Story: Betrayal! Prologue is installed!

That was amazing! Great Prologue! I actually liked it a lot. Good job!
RE: Pokémon Max's Story: Betrayal! Prologue is installed!

First things first...NERCINATOR IS ALIVE!!!!!!!!

Second, I'm working on Chapter One. However, I'm very tired, so I'll finish it in school tomorrow and post it in the evening.
RE: Pokémon Max's Story: Betrayal! Prologue is installed!

My my, the long awaited new story by Max...! It looks great so far, and i can't wait to see what happens! The cast is pretty swell, for the least to say about it! ;) It's cool, since I also know some of them, and not only from beach! I'm waiting for chapter one mate! ;)

totally irrelevant:

Did you check out my story already...?:p guess not, but oh well xD

Greetz, James :D
RE: Pokémon Max's Story: Betrayal! Prologue is installed!

Sorry James, I've been meaning to, honestly, but for the most part when I get on the computer I only really have time to update the Library. But, if you could do me a favor and put your whole story into a MS Word Doc. and put it into our Sharing Folder on MSN, I'll be sure to read it at school.

Second, who do you know that not just from the Beach?

Third, Chapter One has nothing to do with Max, just thought I'd point that out.
RE: Pokémon Max's Story: Betrayal! Prologue is installed!

MAX!!( :D ), your back writing stories!. I really waited, day and night for this!
~ Well, I really know that this will be succesful just like your 2 previous stories. The truth is, now, I'm not much active here in 'Beach, that I just read stories by B.Ray, James and other members, and now, yours!.

I just wish you luck, I hope you'll finish this like the previous 2 you did!

Again, I hope you luck in both your story, and, of course, in RIT!
RE: Pokémon Max's Story: Betrayal! Prologue is installed!

I can't wait for the next chapter (also, for when I come in).

I can make trainer cards for the people who are in it, to show what Pokémon they use.
RE: Pokémon Max's Story: Betrayal! Prologue is installed!

LV, Trainer Cards would be great! How about for starters you make one for your character and Max? I'll send you more character info later for more TCs!

Anyways, I don't have time to finish the chapter until later tonight. But, rest assured, I'll be posting it either tonight or at the lastest tomorrow. School is bogging me down a lot, but I'm glad to see some returning fans and some new ones.
RE: Pokémon Max's Story: Betrayal! Prologue is installed!

Chapter One: The Chase

It was dusk. John was at his mansion, sitting on the balcony. He held a cup of Earl Grey tea to his lips, inhaled the pleasant scent, then took a sip. He watched the slowly setting sun. After five long years, it was complete.
For five long and grueling years, John had been developing the PokéBeach resort on an island in the Orange Islands.
There were so many people who stood by his side to help him. There was Michael Avalon, his childhood friend. Then there was also Benjamin Walker, better known as Ben, Bela, and Doc.
“Hm,” John thought to himself, “I don’t think I’ve ever found out Doc’s real name.”
Then her thought of the others who had aided him over the years. There was Kevin Garret. Everyone called him Kay Gee. There was also little Georgie Forest. He was the youngest, but quite possibly the smartest. Then there was the ever loony Purple McDonald.
“Vindictive mother?” he questioned silently.
Then there was Anthony Winters, a.k.a. Spiral. John never found out why he called himself that, but it didn’t bother him. Then finally, there was Haley White. The guys all called her Amt. She was the only girl in the bunch, and a little over a month ago, she left the island to be with her family.
“What on earth does ‘Amt’ stand for?” he thought again, this time as he sipped his tea, “She was the only girl around…maybe it means ‘Another man’s treasure’?”
He became lost in thought. This had been the first time in years he had relaxed. But it wasn’t his choice. Michael ordered him to. He ever threatened to beat him so bad if he didn’t take a break that John would then be forced to. Seeing as just going with it would be a lot less painful, John took the day off.
John had many of his Pokémon on the island. Since the island was not home to any wild Pokémon, his Pokémon roamed about freely. His Spearow landed on the railing of the balcony.
“Hello Spearow,” John said in a kind voice. He untied a small note attached to Spearow’s talon.
“Let’s see,” he said aloud, “ ‘Dear John; I am so happy you finally finished the resort! I know it’s been a long, long time, and I’m sorry I left so abruptly. Anyways, I will come and visit soon, and that is a promise! And by the way, you should really take a break as soon as you get this, something tells my Michael is ready to beat you senseless! Yours truly, Haley ♥’
“It’s almost like she’s psychic…Spearow, are you too tired for another trip?”
Spearow shook his head.
“Alright!” said John, “Take this to Pallet Town and give it to Professor Oak. Hopefully, he’ll know where Max Shade is. That guy has been slipping under everyone’s radar for months.”
John gently tied an envelope to Spearow’s leg, and Spearow dove off the balcony and over the sea.
As john finished his tea, he watched his Spearow fly off until he was invisible to the naked eye. He sighed softly to himself, and then there was a knock at the door inside in his bedroom.
He walked inside and opened the door. It was Bela, and he was in a frenzy!
“What’s wrong?” John asked.
“It’s George!” Bela shouted, “He’s been attacked!”
“Let’s go!”
John ran out the door and Bela followed. John gripped a PokéBall tightly in his hand.

When they arrived at George’s room, Kay Gee and Spiral were helping him to bed.
“Georgie!” said John, “Are you okay?”
“Little shaken,” said George, “But I’ll be fine.”
“Good…Kay Gee, gather the others and fan out. Whoever did this I want him in jail tonight! Spiral, stay with George.”
“No problem!” said Kay Gee as he bolted out the door.
“Careful boss,” said Spiral.
“Don’t know the meaning of the word,” said John, “Bela, take the east side of the island, I’ll go west.”
“You got it,” said Bela as he darted out the door. John followed and they split pathes down two separate halls to go out two separate exits.

John had found a set of tracks that led up to the mansion. They were of human and a Pokémon…looked like a Clefable?
John followed the tacks backwards, and eventually reached the beach. Unfortunately, the tracks ended where the water of the beach rose in and out.
John cursed, and said, “Where are you?”
“Right here!” yelled a deep voice from behind. The voice wasn’t natural; there was some strange device that must be altering his voice.
John swung his body one-hundred and eighty degrees to come face-to-face with a masked man. And this wasn’t just any mask, it was the mask Max Shade had used in an alternate timeline!
“Nightshade, I presume?” asked John.
“You presume correct,” said Nightshade.
“This won’t work, Max has no memory of his other life. You can’t pin the blame on him for this.”
“I believe you are wrong.”
The masked man pulled up his left sleeve and there was some strange device on it.
“How did you get that?” John asked in shock. The device had no name, really, but John spent years with Doc developing it. The device would allow transport into another timeline. The only glitch was, there was no way of controlling what exactly would happen in that timeline.
“Perhaps you shouldn’t leave a bunch of teenagers in charge of guarding it. Go Clefable!”
“Staryu, let’s go!”
“Metronome!” yelled Nightshade.
Clefable shot out a powerful Discharge.
“Dodge!” yelled John. As Staryu narrowly escaped a definite knock out, John called, “Use Psychic!”
The red gem on Staryu’s center began glowing, and Clefable flew high into the air.
“Hydro Pump!” yelled John.
A high-pressured jet of water burst from Staryu’s gem and blasted Clefable sky high!
“Return!” yelled Nightshade. He then pulled out a .44 Magnum, and aimed it at John’s chest.
“Now do as I say, and I won’t kill you,” Nightshade continued.
“If you even thi-”
Nightshade shot the gun into John’s leg.
John cried out in pain, but despite that, he returned his Staryu and ran. John knew every inch of the island, there were many hiding places. He ran into the jungle, and once he was sure Nightshade had followed him in, he ran back out into the salt water.
His Staryu popped out to keep him afloat, and as a perk, the salt water would clean his wound.
Keeping his head close to the surface, he watched for Nightshade on the beach. But, the first person he saw was Bela and Ben.
“Hey!” called John, “Out here!”
“John!” called Bela.
“I got this!” said Ben, “Go Lapras!”
“Go get John!”
Lapras swam out to John, and he grabbed the horns on her shell and hoisted himself up.
As he got off, Ben and Bela saw his blood-soaked pants.
“What happened?” Bela asked, concerned.
“I got shot,” said John with a heavy breath; his adrenaline rush was ending. He passed out.

John was lying on his back. His eyes were closed, and he didn’t have the strength to open them.
Then, a cold cloth was placed on his head. He opened his eyes and saw Haley.
“Hey,” said John, “I thought you weren’t coming for another week?”
“Actually,” said Haley, “You’ve been out for a week.”
John closed his eyes and moaned.
“Anyone else in here?”
“Just Georgie,” said Haley, “He’s been worried about you. He fell asleep in the chair though.
“I didn’t fall asleep!” said George groggily, “I was…uh…resting my eyes…Yeah, that’s it!”
“Do me a favor kid,” said John, “Go tell Michael to tell the authorities I’ll pay one-hundred million dollars to anyone who captures him.”
“You got it!”
George ran out of the room. As he did, the telephone in his bedroom rang. Haley answered it.
“Hello?” asked Haley.
“Hey, it Purple,” said Purple, “Is the gimp awake yet?”
“He’s awake.”
“Is he up for a visitor?”
“Let me ask…John, you’ve got a visitor.”
“Really?” asked John, “As long as he doesn’t mind the fact that I’m in bed, send him in.”
“He said send him up.”
“No problem,” said Purple.

Downstairs in the living room, Purple was with a blue-haired man who had a Treecko on his shoulder.
“John says you are welcome to see him, but he’s kinda stuck in bed at the moment.”
“So I heard,” said the blue-haired man.
“Follow me.”
Purple led the man upstairs, and the man walked into John’s room.
“Well, if it isn’t the infamous John,” said the man.
“Max Shade,” said John, “We’ve been expecting you.
RE: Pokémon Max's Story: Betrayal! Prologue is installed!

Cool chapter. But who's Nightshade? Did I have to read your other fanfics to know? Well, I kinda assumed it was a villain from another fanfic.
RE: Pokémon Max's Story: Betrayal! Prologue is installed!

Max Shade IV said:
LV, Trainer Cards would be great! How about for starters you make one for your character and Max? I'll send you more character info later for more TCs!
Just to let people who are in this story, I'll be useing Pokesho sprites with a custom blank (which I'll be makeing from the TCG blanks (like my Manaphy Egg one)).

Love the 1st chapter also, keep it up.
RE: Pokémon Max's Story: Betrayal! Prologue is installed!

PokeLen: in my previous story, Nightshade was an alias used by Max so he could preform vigilante work without anyone finding out it was him.

LV: Sounds awesome! When you get the TCs done, I'll post them by the characters' names.