Pokémon Acanthite – The GSC Prequel (UPDATED 30th AUGUST!)

RE: Pokémon Acanthite – The GSC Prequel

Lol...I thought you had to something else...

Well, just wait, I'll remove THIS when I've finished with my map.
RE: Pokémon Acanthite – The GSC Prequel

I'm not accepting any new mapmakers.

What's new in the world of Acanthite?

A new, and much better weather system has been made (haha Dubealex!! Mine pwns, yours ... doesn't pwn quite as much :D). It's much easier to set up teleports now, and it relies on a timer rather than an ongoing event. It's integrated with ccoa's weather effects script, so I was able to customise the rain effect somewhat. RMXP's default rain is disappointingly out of place in a Pokémon game - so I ripped the graphic from Emerald. I then made a system out of common events that would randomly trigger a weather effect, and also be able to hide it if you went indoors - although if it rains, you can still hear the sound effects, just a bit quieter.

Not only does it rain, but you can also now get a full storm, an overcast effect, and a bright sunlight effect (bright sunlight only occurs during the main day phase, never during morning, evening or night). However, if you travel to the snowcapped region, it will not rain or storm - it sometimes snows or even a full scale blizzard may occur with howling wind to complete the effect.

Time for a few shots

I won't bother taking shots of the storm or blizzard as you can scarcely tell the difference between rain or normal snow in a screenshot - it's the speed, direction and sounds that give it away (and the lightning in the case of the storm). Also, cloud isn't that interesting :p it's just the slight darkening of the screen without an additional effect.





What else? Ah yeah....

Not only is there fame for all the battles you win, but there is reputation, or alignment so to speak, based on the things you do. There's a new feature added to this game. Rather than you following the story, the story follows YOU.

You're given choices throughout the game that dictate whether you are good or evil, whether you assist Team Rocket, either for their or your own gain, or work against them.

You effectively do good or evil missions, and your reputation points change as according. It ranges from -100 to 100; the lower it is, the more evil you are; the higher, the more good. Somewhere in the middle is simply neutral.

The people you meet in game might react differently to you depending on how well known you are and how good or evil you are - you are either respected or feared (or if a person is evil, such as a Rocket, you are respected if you yourself are evil or otherwise treated with contempt).

It's an indicator of which Legendary you will obtain first - the counteracting Legendary will disappear until you have completed the main game.

By the time you face the champion, your reputation score will dictate which of the 7 endings you will see. Oooooh ;)

Thanks to everyone on the team as always, some brilliant ideas and sprites are coming through, and some more cool music from Ivar. Brilliant stuff :D
RE: Pokémon Acanthite – The GSC Prequel (Update 11th August - Page 3)

So what ever happened to your card set???

u where supposed to update sometime yesterday or did u forget???
RE: Pokémon Acanthite – The GSC Prequel (Update 11th August - Page 3)

Woot! I like how the game is coming! I can't wait to play it!

About the music, I like it very much, it's soothing, then it goes up to medieval content and then loud battle, and again the chilling... WOOT!

Also, Rickraptor, I dunno if he stated it here, but Cascade has had a problem in his computer and so, Fang took the opportunity to dedicate some more time to Acanthite.
RE: Pokémon Acanthite – The GSC Prequel (Update 11th August - Page 3)

Ah yeah, the cards are on hold until Cascade's PC is fixed and also once he's finished with some other major commitments. So for now I'm working on the game - and it's doing great.

Any comments on the game at all...?
RE: Pokémon Acanthite – The GSC Prequel (Update 11th August - Page 3)

It's great, but could you tell me what kind of jobs are still open to apply? Lol, that's because I'm confused...xP
RE: Pokémon Acanthite – The GSC Prequel (Update 11th August - Page 3)

Wow, all these features you're adding in are simply great. I don't know how you do it! Might even be better than DP... excluding wifi. Or are you guys planning on making this online?
RE: Pokémon Acanthite – The GSC Prequel (Update 11th August - Page 3)

We've got potential to go online if the script works out.

We are however putting more emphasis on telling a story, which is our priority.
RE: Pokémon Acanthite – The GSC Prequel (Update 11th August - Page 3)


I can't wait for it to be finished!!
RE: Pokémon Acanthite – The GSC Prequel (Update 11th August - Page 3)

Cheers for the comments! I'm updating the Pokémon list again! We're only 4 off completion now.


Today is the 1 year anniversary of Pokémon Acanthite (Revised). On this date in 2005 the project file was first created.

This is the PokéGear clock. The icon being displayed is the wrong one and is the default for the day without a weather effect going on.


Geary goodness with the icon corrected for the Night phase.

Geary goodness with all the cards added. The new one at the end is a PokéRep.

New underwater effect, courtesy of the ever helpful ccoa!


As ever, just a dummy tester. The underwater sprite for the character will change.

A battle system has for some time been in the works. I'm told that the completed version is extremely close to release, and I am pretty psyched for it. Here is a shot or 3 of the demo of the system I was sent several months ago. There were some errors, such as CharmEnder, and the fact the names aren't totally capitalised, but these will be eradicated by the release of the full version, and I shall be using a different cast of characters of course ;)

This is merely to show you the outline.




RE: Pokémon Acanthite – The GSC Prequel (UPDATED 17th AUGUST!)

Wow, cool game, will you put it file2shack or rapidshare to download this to us??
RE: Pokémon Acanthite – The GSC Prequel (UPDATED 17th AUGUST!)

I will have some form of hosting for people to download from :)
RE: Pokémon Acanthite – The GSC Prequel (UPDATED 17th AUGUST!)

Some interesting things in those new screenshots...

Is this the first time where there is only your dad? Most (if not all) of the other games have your mother as the sole parent and I can't remember a time where there isnt (except for Norman but that's a little different). I like the whole father idea, makes it a little more interesting and is a change.

Looks like the Radio is back. I quite liked the Radio which was in G/S/C where they had those game show winnings, etc on them. The phone will be good, I actually enjoyed it when the people rang asking for battles, but it got really annoying when they rang for pointless reasons so I hope that's been changed or something completely different has been implemented.

Would you be giving any information away about PokeRep any time soon? Since it's never been in the games before i'm a little curious to what it does.

Anyway, nice work as always, this game is going to be fantastic when it's released.
RE: Pokémon Acanthite – The GSC Prequel (UPDATED 17th AUGUST!)

Indeed, you never have a mother figure in Acanthite. You have your father who appears only twice, and briefly, but you are in regular contact via the PokéGear. You also have a sister, she is your rival in a way, although you're both out to help your father, she will challenge you every so often to see if you're any good with your Pokémon.

I'm hoping that the radio works out like the GSC one, I'm a bit concerned about getting the gameshows in! We'll hope :p

The PokéRep is an interesting tool that allows you to keep track of your fame and reputation. You get fame points for your battles.

If you win a small battle, you get +1 point. Lose, you get -5 points (harsh eh?). Losses are very bad for anyone hoping to build fame, as nobody wants to know about people who lose to your every day non-noteable trainer.

Too bad, I guess.

Gym battles and stuff are worth more.

Now, reputation is whether you're good or evil. And it comes in levels. 3 stages of evil, 3 stages of good, or neutral, based on your reputation points. -100 is as evil as it gets, +100 is pure goodness. Around the 0 mark is obviously neutral. You get reputation points for missions and subquests you may do that involve some affiliation with good or evil.

For example one of the key moments of Acanthite is joining Team Rocket or refusing their offer. This basically dicates the kind of game you will play and what missions you will be offered. As the whole game is based on mystery, lies and deceit, I thought it would be good to be able to play it from different angles depending on your choices. You either do evil things for your own gain, or out of loyalty to Argus (again, your choice), or you do good things for your own self satisfaction or at your father's request (he often will phone you to get your help with something he can't do himself - he IS stuck in the mountains after all).

For key plot points, your Reputation points score basically decides which of the 7 endings you will see after the Champion battle. It also dictates whether you will face Anjewl or Diavil in terms of Legendary Pokémon.

NPCs in the game will react differently to you according to your Fame and Reputation. If you're very famous and a good person, everyone respects you. If you're mildly famous and pure evil, a few people who know you will fear you.

A certain wild Pokémon only appears if you are neutral.

So it's a good idea to keep an eye on those Reputation Points ;)
RE: Pokémon Acanthite – The GSC Prequel (UPDATED 17th AUGUST!)

You should contact nintendo and show them your work :D

First DP, and now this... all I...can say... is...

RE: Pokémon Acanthite – The GSC Prequel (UPDATED 17th AUGUST!)

I never realized how important was this Reputation thingie at all! And the Fame is also a good idea!

Will you have a Fan Club?
RE: Pokémon Acanthite – The GSC Prequel (UPDATED 17th AUGUST!)

OMG...how did you do it in RPG Maker XP? Of course, you had to do your own graphics, duh for me >.<

Anyway, looks nice, but the icons displayed on Pokégear are a bit weird. Any way to improve them a little? It's just a small thing, so wouldn't matter if it's improved or not :).
RE: Pokémon Acanthite – The GSC Prequel (UPDATED 17th AUGUST!)

Can you tell me when will you finish the game?
Will it be this year?