Pics to be used in avataars


^ Is win.
All to be used in avataars.
They are supposed to be blurred







More coming soon.

LuckyLugi7,I'm now doing the ex series as you wanted.
Do some more later today.
If you cut out the card and had the square from the picture they would be better.
True...... I did it fairly quick, and they can be used for banners also. I was trying to get the same effect as I got for the Giratina in my avataar, but failed miserably.
What you do is not that special. All you do is have 2 of the same images then fade one of them and slide it to the side. Your work would be a lot better if you cut out the images and do that. Kind of like what Prof. Shinx said.
Prof. Shinx said:
If you cut out the card and had the square from the picture they would be better.

I do agree with what Prof. Shinx said, but your style overall is rather cool and different... almost refreshing, lol. :p I've never seen avatars like that before, and I like to see more of your work. Take some pictures from some ex cards, and try to blur them as well. The blur effect is a really neat idea. :)
The Blaziken one is sweet! That one is awesome, because it actually looks like it's running.