RMT Over 9000: TFS Style - OR - Vegetasaur: Rise of the Saiyan Elite


Competitive VG Tutor and Gizoid

Yes, I chose a DBZ theme for this because Mega Evolution is essentially going Super Saiyan for Pokemon and that EPIC Season 4 finale in MLP.

Over 9000: TFS Style
- OR -
Vegetasaur: Rise of the Saiyan Elite

Yes, the title is also a plug to 'Dr. Strangelove Or How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb'. Deal with it.

The picture. It's a fitting YT link. Click it... CLICK IT!!!

In case you didn't want to click it:
TFS DBZ-A Episode 9 said:
Nappa: Vegeta! What does the scouter say about his powerlevel?
Vegeta: It’s…one-thousand-and-six.
Nappa: Wha- really?
Vegeta: Yes. Kick his a** Nappa!
Nappa (getting pummeled): Yaayy--OOOWWW! Ow ow ow ow! Dah! Dah! Doh! Doh! Doh! Doh! Doh!!
Vegeta: That doesn’t seem right.
Nappa (in background): That one doesn’t bend that way. My arm doesn’t bend that way! *arm breaks* OW! NOW IT DOES!
Vegeta: Wait, wait wait wait! NAPPA!
Nappa: Whaaaaaaaaat?
Vegeta: I had the scouter upside-down. It’s over nine thousand.

Yes, I know that was not referring to any of the characters the members of my team are named after, but it still fits reactions to my team perfectly. Most opponents take one look at the team preview, expect an easy battle, then are dumfounded as they lose member after member of their team while barely making headway against mine
(and they usually get annoyed when all the battle seems to do is 'drag on.' See what I did there? #Semi-ObscureDragonballJoke)

Overview of Strategy:
Yes, this team is quite often outclassed in battle, but that usually works in my favor. Between the element of surprise with several unorthodox (though probably soon-to-be-standard sets) and the ability to massively outpredict my opponents, my current iteration of this team has been pushing a 85-95% win rate (including against wifi-battle trolls using Ubers such as 'Majintwo' (Mewtwo-Y), Standard Mewtwo, and Blaziken to try to net an easy win) but this first version servers to illustrate the basic ideas much better, despite only a slightly lower win rate (percentage still around the mid to lower 80s). This team is a bulky attack/stall team and rightfully plays as such. I believe this is proof enough Gen 4 stall is back, eradicating teams with a vengeance , not even stopping to take names after being all-but killed by the Gen 5 power creep, coupled with permanent weather.

Vegeta (Venusaur) (M) @ Venusaurite

Trait: Overgrow
EVs: 252 HP / 4 Def / 252 SDef
Careful Nature (+SDef, -SAtk)
- Leech Seed
- Knock Off
- Curse
- Synthesis

DBZ said:
Vegeta: KAKAROT!!!!
I see this, my own custom set, as screaming that line/name every time the Curse animation plays. I know I've been somewhat guarding this set, as it is very useful and I didn't really want counters being developed, but seeing as the couple of friends I've shared it with (Mainly Equinox and several previous PB members no longer on the forums) convinced me to, I gave in. I developed it while toying with 5th gen only (at least thus far) tutor moves and the new gen 6 move mechanics, and it worked much better than the gimmicky set I expected. Since Knock Off is a gen 5 only tutor move (and Curse is an egg move) I was forced to go with Overgrow instead of Chlorophyll. As my Mega, 'Vegetasaur' doesn't miss it in any case since Venusaur is not as bulky/useful without Mega Evolving, thus losing either ability it may have. Also, a shiny Gen 5 HA Venusaur is not legitimately possible.This [admittedly simple] set has forced numerous rage-quits (together with the rest of my Toge-Ubre-Saur core). Essentially it can set up on things that normally wall most Mega Venusaur (boosting to metaphorical immortality - or the level of Super-Saiyan - whichever your fancy is), then proceed to sweep (when the opponent doesn't leave after they realize can't deal enough damage to finish it off without heavy losses).

This set does surprisingly well under sand, and can decimate most of it's checks at even +1 (since the only real threats are Flying types [usually either physical attackers or with weak enough Def to die from a +1 Knock Off when holding an item] or Psychic types [which die to a +1 Knock Off for obvious type weakness, plus held item boosting the hit further]). Non-STAB Flying and Psychic moves generally don't do enough damage to pose a threat and aren't common as coverage moves. Despite sand weakening Synthesis' heal percentage, Leech Seed is usually more than enough to make up for it, plus other grass types that try to block use of LS are ineffective against Vegetasaur here. Even opposing special-attacker Mega Venusaur can't even deal enough damage with Sludge Bomb for me to need to switch out. I can usually get off a Curse or two between each Synthesis without loosing too much HP that I'm in danger of being KO'd.

After 1 Curse, Vegetasaur's defense passes even its ungodly special bulk. Even Talonflame Can't KO after the second Curse (provided the second is on the switch in) and will die either to recoil from Brave Bird while I spam-heal, or die to Knock Off if they try to Roost with a LO set. Curse also ensures opposing ditto cant beat me (seeing as [1] My Def is always higher than my ATK thanks to parallel boosting, [2] Knock Off doesn't get increased power against properly held megastones, [3] I can heal off all the damage done by an incoming Knock Off even under sand, and [4] Ditto's inferior HP plus KO-vulnerable item work against it. On a side note: a poisoned ditto will still take poison damage even after transforming into a poison or steel type, which Umbreon often ensures is the case :p) Vegetasaur is also my main answer to Gliscor, as it is both immune to Toxic and can overcome its physical defense with Curse, not to mention being able to out-stall it's sub-protect on top of nullifying Poison heal via Leech Seed should they futilely try to KO me. Most of the time my opponent knows i don't have an offensive grass move or ice coverage move by the time the two face off, so they usually don't switch Gliscor out (not that it would help after I foil their stall plans by setting up).

Burn does pose a problem in many cases, and if I'm not at +2 or higher Offensive Heatran (as opposed to Torment-tran) poses a respectable threat to Venusaur, but Umbreon's Heal Bell mitigates the first problem and Hippowdon and/or Jellicent can take care of Heatran in most cases. Sun-boosted fire moves pose a small threat, but I can nerf these by switching to Jellicent (when predicting a Mega-zard. It can either nerf Zard Y's obligatory fire move or pseudo-wall a Zard X, since I'm using a physically bulky set]) or killing the sun with Hippowdon.

Freeza (Togekiss) (F) @ Leftovers

Trait: Serene Grace
EVs: 248 HP / 216 Def / 44 Spd
Bold Nature (+Def, -Atk)
- Thunder Wave
- Air Slash
- Fire Blast
- Roost

TFS DBZ-A Episode 28 said:
Freeza: So, any last words, monkey? You know? Besides “gurgle gurgle”.
Goku: Yeah! KAIO-KEN!
Freeza: Kaio-what-?
*Dust clears*
Freeza: No, seriously. Kaio-WHAT?
Goku: Kaio-crap.
Freeza: I thought so.

This is possibly the most effective Togekiss I have ever used. Not only does it lure and KO practically every steel type (bar Heatran), but it can also survive a Choice Band Scizor's Bullet Punch
Damage calcs said:
252+ Atk Choice Band Technician Scizor Bullet Punch vs. 248 HP / 216+ Def Togekiss: 248-294 (66.3 - 78.6%) -- 31.3% chance to OHKO after Stealth Rock
4 SpA Togekiss Fire Blast vs. 252 HP / 4 SpD Scizor: 444-524 (129 - 152.3%) -- guaranteed OHKO
The second part of my Toge-Ubre-Saur core. This set was based off the Gen 5 UU Nasty Plot EVs, but with a para-flinch moveset updated for the common Steel threats that normally switch in on it. Fire Blast is necessary to ensure the OHKO in standard Ferrothorn, and still can only 2HKO Aegislash-S, but it can survive practically any single unboosted super-effective (or not) move. The only real threats (aside from mons that have already set up/that I would be forced to switch into) are Electric, Ground (defensive threat only, unless faster like Garchomp with DD and a SE coverage move), and bulky Poison types, almost all of which Hippowdon or another ally can counter quite nicely. Usually Togekiss will work to get Vegetasaur a free switch-in or nerf any Super effective moves coming in on Umbreon. Roost allows me to successfully ward off Megazard X and Talonflame (who dies to recoil if not KO'd via para-hax while forced to spam roost)

#19 (Hippowdon) (M) @ Leftovers

Trait: Sand Stream
EVs: 252 HP / 4 Def / 252 SDef
Careful Nature (+SDef, -SAtk)
- Slack Off
- Whirlwind
- Earthquake
- Stone Edge

TFS DBZ-A Episode 35 said:
Dr. Gero: 19! Kill him! Kill him proper!
Android 19: Executing Murder.exe...Loading...10%...20%...40%...70%...65%.

While added primarily as a response to the Sun teams out there trying to abuse the lack of other weather, Hippowdon still adds considerably to the team. Being the tanky 'mothah-truchkah' he is, coupled with a way to foil set-up sweepers and rack up SR damage (provided courtesy of Skarmory), he easily pulls his own weight. What makes my set unusual, is I voluntarily sacrificed the normal SR and/or Ice fang to carry Stone Edge. This has not only allowed me to 1-2HKO incoming Drought pokemon (namely Zard-Y and Air-Baloon Ninetails) but it also lets me get the jump on Flying types and Levitate mons trying to circumvent EQ (not to mention OHKOing more than its fair share of Volcarona trying to get in before a predicted SR). Protect no longer blocking Phazing moves also comes as a surprise and is a major blessing to my team. Between Venusaur, Jellicent, and Togekiss, I have practically all of Hippowdon's major weaknesses covered.

Cell (Umbreon) (M) @ Leftovers

Trait: Synchronize
EVs: 252 HP / 148 Def / 108 SDef
Careful Nature (+SDef, -SAtk)
- Protect
- Wish
- Heal Bell
- Toxic

Cell - DBZ said:
"I must admit, you have exceeded me Trunks, at least in the area of brute strength. And yet...you have absolutely no chance of defeating me!"

"They just keep lining up to die!"

OK, so it's not overwhelming powerful like the name suggests, but it's a total pain to take out (not to mention it claims several victims via Toxic stall in almost every match), albeit total taunt bait. This is the third and final member of my Toge-Ubre-Saur core. I have had little trouble out-predicting taunt-wield pokemon like Sableye and tricking them into hitting themselves with a status (via Synchronize). Espeon is especially fun since they still receive Toxic poisoning (indirectly through Synch) despite Magic Bounce and Dazling Gleam can't OHKO unless the run specs. While I may not be able to kill Poison/Steel types without Burn support from Jellicent, these inconveniences are usually removed by either Togekiss or Vegetasaur, if not Hippowdon.

Wish/Protect makes Toxic/Burn/Leech Seed/Sand stall easy and usually finishes several of the foe's mons, Toxic also easily spreads among the foe's team as they struggle to counter Umbreon, who can survive virtually anything bar a base 100+ power STAB Super-Effective move to the face (which Protect can help scout and allow a free switch to a resistance). In general, Umbreon acts as cleric, wish passer, Status-troll ('resets' after Synching a status with Heal Bell), and scout (locking choiced mons into a move for easy countering) when not status-stalling. The key to using this Umbreon is prediction, which I can pull off very well with this team. My biggest peeve about Synchronize is that it refuses to synch Sleep (and is the primary reason I refuse to fight teams with Darkrai, despite accepting battles vs. several Ubers teams and winning every one thus far that didn't include D***-move DV Drai). Smeargle and Breloom rarely pose a problem as Togekiss can foil both (especially with Paralysis after a Paton Pass to any non-electic, non-ground type in the case of Smash-Pass Smeargle). Even if it's a 1-0 win, I rarely have lost Umbreon in a battle I ultimately won (though it has been the reason I lost a couple 1-1 final showdowns to the opponent's final mon being Steel/Poison where I couldn't PP stall until they struggled to death).

Buu (Jellicent) (F) @ Leftovers

Trait: Water Absorb
EVs: 248 HP / 216 Def / 44 Spd
Bold Nature (+Def, -Atk)
- Scald
- Recover
- Will-O-Wisp
- Taunt

DBZ: Majin Buu saga said:
Buu (to Dabura): "Turn into a COOKIE!"

A very annoying, yet fairly standard Jellicent. This set is mainly meant to absorb Fire and Fighting moves while also foiling opposing Ditto (they are usually either forced to lock themselves into either Will-o-Wisp/taunt, or risk being outsped and taunted into uselessness if not choice scarved. Scald is easily foiled by either water absorb or Umbreon, who can not only tank the hit but also use the burn chance against Ditto, of Jellicent has been taunted)

Syn Shenron (Skarmory) (M) @ Leftovers

Trait: Sturdy
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Def / 4 Spe
Impish Nature (+Def, -SAtk)
- Defog
- Whirlwind
- Brave Bird
- Stealth Rock

Dragon Ball GT: Shadow Dragon saga said:
Syn Shenron: What do you think so far? I'm not the easy catch you thought, am I?

Transfering healing to Wish-passing from Umbreon, Skarmory here aims to not only lure trappers for Hioppowdon/Togekiss/Umbreon to dispatch (which is so predictable it's not even funny... Seriously people, Magnet-zone is not what it used to be and neither are Wobbawarrior and Gothitrap as they can be seen coming the moment my hazard setter is first sent in). Having both SR and Defog on the same set allows me to clear all hazards, then optionally reset my own or phaze with WW while the foe sends in their setter. Brave Bird obviously is to allow me to wait out taunt if need be, but doesn't see much use unless a foe is almost dead due to SR (and allows me to last-stand with Skarmory when 1-1 with an opponent)

Final Thoughts and Know Threats:
As I pointed out in the intro, this team is, indeed, often outclassed in many ways. My win but I have rarely lost using it (pushing 90% win rate, even against 'n00bers' using crap like mega Mewtwo Y, who I wall and KO with Umbreon every time, even when they have lol-aura-sphere, which can barely 3HKO. Only D***-move DV Darkrai rapes this team as far as commonly-seen Ubers go, bar well built Kyogre/Groudon sets). Latios and offensive Latias can sometimes make headway against me when I mispredict, but I generally can take them out and recover. Heatran and MegaZard Y pose moderate problems if I cant get them out of the way fast. Boosting Garchomp does pose a bit of a problem, but only if Togekiss is dead for the Fire Blast variants or Skarmory being down for the Rock Slide/Poison Jab/Iron Head variants. Electric types are a bit of a pain since they tend to outspeed my team and are immune to paralysis, but I can generally work around them between Umbreon's Toxic stall, Vegetasaur boosting to and healing in veritable immortality, as well as Hippowdon being... well, Hippowdon. Mega Heracross and Mega Pinsior occasionally cause problems, but their users generally jump the gun when I present a seemingly easy target in Umbreon/Vegetasaur. With practice I've learned to deal with them either through standard Toxic stall, outpredicting and wearing doewn with Sand/etc. or simply leaving Vegetasaur in if I'm at +2 or higher, since I can easily tank their hits and boost to +4 (or more) alongside Synthesis spam and racking up Leech seed damage (healing, too, due to how LS works, ofc)

Hippowdon (M) @ Leftovers
Trait: Sand Stream
EVs: 252 HP / 4 Def / 252 SDef
Careful Nature (+SDef, -SAtk)
- Slack Off
- Whirlwind
- Earthquake
- Stone Edge

Jellicent (F) @ Leftovers
Trait: Water Absorb
EVs: 248 HP / 216 Def / 44 Spd
Bold Nature (+Def, -Atk)
- Scald
- Recover
- Will-O-Wisp
- Taunt

Umbreon (M) @ Leftovers
Trait: Synchronize
EVs: 252 HP / 148 Def / 108 SDef
Careful Nature (+SDef, -SAtk)
- Protect
- Wish
- Heal Bell
- Toxic

Venusaur (M) @ Venusaurite
Trait: Overgrow
EVs: 252 HP / 4 Def / 252 SDef
Careful Nature (+SDef, -SAtk)
- Leech Seed
- Knock Off
- Curse
- Synthesis

Togekiss (M) @ Leftovers
Trait: Serene Grace
EVs: 248 HP / 216 Def / 44 Spd
Bold Nature (+Def, -Atk)
- Thunder Wave
- Air Slash
- Fire Blast
- Roost

Skarmory (M) @ Leftovers
Trait: Sturdy
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Def / 4 Spe
Impish Nature (+Def, -SAtk)
- Defog
- Whirlwind
- Brave Bird
- Stealth Rock
RE: Over 9000: TFS Style - OR - Vegetasaur: Rise of the Saiyan Elite

Looks really good and fun team to play with : )
You are right about the threats being Latios electric types such as Thundurus and MegaZard X
but from what I see the thing that you really need to be also prepared for is Rotom-W and Ferrothorn
together they can put a lot of pressure on your team.
Ferrothorn can set Stealth Rock and against Skarmory, Rotom-W can burn it and volt switch so that it will go out of HP very fast. Conkeldurr can find lots of opportunities with your team to get its guts up which is dangerous. Togekiss is the one that should deal with Ferrothorn and it is a shame that it needs Fire Blast to OHKO it.
Here is a scenario for example:
Jellicent can burn Rotom-W but then it will suffer from a Volt Switch. Even if you will switch for Hippowdon Rotom-W can take Stone Edge and use Hydro Pump.
Rotom-W can make sure Skarmory- the one who holds sr and defog- will think twice before entering.
Then back to Hippowdon VS Rotom-W: Whirlwind would be the only thing to do against him so you will get rid of him but you won't put any stealth rock pressure yet so you will need to bring skarmory set sr but if Ferrothorn will face it and will use sr Skarmory will have to use defog and as you say use sr again. that is if it won't be KO'ed by then or right after since it doesn't have roost.
If you are loosing Skarmory you cant set sr or get rid of them.
So maybe put Roost on Skarmory instead of Defog and replace Hippowdon with Excadrill.
Excadrill can use Rapid Spin and with Mold Breaker checks Rotom-W.

By the way I gave Rotom-W and Ferrothorn for the consideration because they are also very common.
In general.

Oh and its really interesting me : Who is the Pokemon from this team you lead with more then others?
RE: Over 9000: TFS Style - OR - Vegetasaur: Rise of the Saiyan Elite

scattered mind said:
Looks really good and fun team to play with : )
You are right about the threats being Latios electric types such as Thundurus and MegaZard X
but from what I see the thing that you really need to be also prepared for is Rotom-W and Ferrothorn
together they can put a lot of pressure on your team. Ferrothorn can set Stealth Rock and against Skarmory, Rotom-W can burn it and volt switch so that it will go out of HP very fast.
Ferrothorn is a pain, but it can do practically nothing to Vegetasaur and can barely 3HKO Togekiss with Gyro Ball (while one Fire Blast takes it out of the running). Ferrothorn rarely runs both Gyro Ball and Power Whip, so as soon as I find out which it has, I can counter with the appropriate mon (including Jellicent if it lacks Power Whip). Rotom is annoying, but the nature of my team allows me to wear down the other teammates until it is eventually forced to stay in or they will lose any mon they send in after a VS (assuming it's even a VS set). In general, I can wear down the team enough I can eventually Toxic Stall Rotom into oblivion. Hippowdon+Jellicent being immune to Rotom-W's STABs makes prediction relatively safe once I get into my opponent's mind (which I apparently have a knack for). Venusaur resisting both stabs also helps, as I can then either trick Rotom into burning itself (through Umbreon's Synch) if it's still in, or identify that it's a Twave set (letting me know I just need to get rid of Hydro Pump's pathetically low PP and then Hippowdon can destroy it relatively easily).

scattered mind said:
Conkeldurr can find lots of opportunities with your team to get its guts up which is dangerous. Togekiss is the one that should deal with Ferrothorn and it is a shame that it needs Fire Blast to OHKO it.
When Conkeldurr is in the team preview, I can easily identify when they're likely to send it in. As such, I usually send out Umbreon early to lure it out for Togekiss or Skarmory to remove. I don't throw around Burn or Toxic as freely until it is dead (and if one should have a status orb/I accidentally sic Conk with either, I can stall it out with Protect and/or by switching between Umberon and Jellicent or Togekiss, depending on the Conk set's coverage move) thus far it hasn't posed a threat I couldn't deal with.

I appreciate your scenario, but I know my team better than to let that go on for more than 3 turns tops.

scattered mind said:
Oh and its really interesting me : Who is the Pokemon from this team you lead with more then others?
Skarmory occasionally leads when I see trappers and/or other hazards setters, but as such he's primarily a lure to give me better footing at the start of the battle. Opposing Smeargle always are met by Vegetasaur, since I can boost along side them while being immune to Spore (which is still both common and effective, contrary to many opinions I've seen. I even used a Spore Smeargle myself to great effect in pre-bank), usually allowing me to KO nigh any switch in upon baton passing (if it's not just a hazard setter, which I can KO just the same with Knock Off). Umbreon is also one of my fairly common leads as it allows me to scout their lead with Protect (usually against teams expected to use a Hyper-offense strategy) while Jellicent easily shuts down most Ditto and slower support-based leads. I do most commonly find myself leading with Vegetasaur, though since it usually allows me to deal with it's threats straight off the bat, often resulting in an early mini-sweep as well if not a late game full sweep or simply weakening the opponent enough that they can't use their normal counters to my pokemon as effectively. Despite it's simplicity, Vegetasaur plays very dynamically and can gain momentum very quickly. It's easy to note when the opponent finally realizes Vegeatsaur's few significant weaknesses, and at that time I can easily shift tactics to compensate. By knowing my team as well as I do, combined with the very nature of how stall teams play (90% team design, 10% execution as one competitive player put it), I'm almost always prepared and a step or two ahead of my opponent. Without thorough knowledge of game mechanics and adept prediction, this team is simply nothing more than a collection of mostly outclassed pokemon with decent type resistances and unorthodox sets. Several of the pokemon I use don't even register in top OU usage charts, which generally denote what has been found to work well.
RE: (OU) Over 9000: TFS Style - OR - Vegetasaur: Rise of the Saiyan Elite

The tags are [.spoiler][./spoiler], not hide.
Since the threats you mentioned are all special attackers, how about using Chansey/Blissey/Sylveon? They can run pretty much the same moveset as Umbreon, so that would be the easiest replacement, but Jellicent doesn't seem to be doing much. You can already deal with Fighting types from Togekiss and Skarmory, while physical fire types would be handled by Hippowdon and special attacking ones would be handled by the special wall replacement. I really don't feel like Ditto is that much of a threat either, seeing as how this is a stall team and Ditto is pretty uncommon. Really the only thing it's providing is Taunt and the occasional burn, and both of which can be done better by a Pokemon who isn't weak to the common Knock Off. Landorus-I and Mega Charizard X can 2hko your entire team, so I would suggest using an Azumarill instead of Jellicent to cover them. I know this is a stall team, but does have decent bulk and more importantly is the most reliable way to check both of them at the same time.
RE: (OU) Over 9000: TFS Style - OR - Vegetasaur: Rise of the Saiyan Elite

Cinesra said:
The tags are [.spoiler][./spoiler], not hide.
Since the threats you mentioned are all special attackers, how about using Chansey/Blissey/Sylveon? They can run pretty much the same moveset as Umbreon, so that would be the easiest replacement, but Jellicent doesn't seem to be doing much. You can already deal with Fighting types from Togekiss and Skarmory, while physical fire types would be handled by Hippowdon and special attacking ones would be handled by the special wall replacement. I really don't feel like Ditto is that much of a threat either, seeing as how this is a stall team and Ditto is pretty uncommon. Really the only thing it's providing is Taunt and the occasional burn, and both of which can be done better by a Pokemon who isn't weak to the common Knock Off. Landorus-I and Mega Charizard X can 2hko your entire team, so I would suggest using an Azumarill instead of Jellicent to cover them. I know this is a stall team, but does have decent bulk and more importantly is the most reliable way to check both of them at the same time.

Totally didn't revert to BBcode I iused to use on a different forum

Umbreon was selecxted because it has proved to be an amazing mixed wall and cleric. Sylveon lacks as high of an HP stat and can't pass wishes as effectvely, while also causing problems with redundant typing with Togekiss. Chansey and Blissey are by no means true mixed walls, despite their typing being arguably better for a wall. Umbreon also seems to have a knack for calling M. Heracross and M. Pinsir out of the woodwork early for easier disposal than being unable to influence their appearance until my team is already too weak to counter them (although thanks for reminding me. I need to add them to the known threats).

As noted in the OP:
iSharingan said:
[m]y current iteration of this team has been pushing a 85-95% win rate [...] but this first version servers to illustrate the basic ideas much better, despite only a slightly lower win rate (percentage still around the mid to lower 80s).

Essentially, I'm now running Tormentran over Hippowdon and Greninja over Jellicent (and I'm testing a trapper Dusclops as a further Jelli replacement, since Greninja rarely does much more than simply clean up anyway). the GFW 'core' wasn't exactly planned. It kinda just happened. Also, I don't mind all-out attackers on my stall/bulky attack team, it just kinda developed into that when I first decided to use Vegetasaur's bulk as a weapon since no one had successfully done so yet (everything was focused on offense with the possible leech seed). I also kinda shied away from my normal choiced mons on this team since my focus developed into being able to out-predict my opponent defensively first and foremost with offensive prediction taking a secondhand role, allowing me to roll with the punches long enough to deduce (and break) opposing strategies. This was also why I originally planned to use a "Real Steel" theme for the team, but as I couldn't find enough content/references... (plus 'Vegetasaur' was too good a motif not to run with)
RE: (OU) Over 9000: TFS Style - OR - Vegetasaur: Rise of the Saiyan Elite

Not to burst any bubbles here, but I believe that Namek's supposed conquerer is spelled Frieza rather than Freeza. Not sure though so don't call me out on it haha.
RE: (OU) Over 9000: TFS Style - OR - Vegetasaur: Rise of the Saiyan Elite

LoneWolf2113 said:
Not to burst any bubbles here, but I believe that Namek's supposed conqueror is spelled Frieza rather than Freeza. Not sure though so don't call me out on it haha.
This is why I specified Team Four Star as what method. Not only did I like the quotes (for the characters they covered thus far), but it also removed the 'questionable' name spelling (since, in the TFS version, they have him mention to Trunks there is no 'i' in the name). I'm aware that in the canon episode names it's spelled Frieza (For example, episode 89's title: "Frieza's Boast"). I believe TFS did this to poke fun at the common misspelling as well as reinforce how they kept having Goku call him 'Freezer'.

Also: I'll likely be updating this with my current version of the team, since thus far my modifications have improved my win rate even further. Currently the updated team is at 43:0, but a loss could be hanging around any corner. I'd prefer posting it here in hopes someone else can help find a threat I may have missed.