Osama Bin Laden is dead.

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Oh Fox News, you so crazy.

Already, Fox has changed it's tune and begun talking down the achievement. I fixed the title since it's pretty much confirmed that he is dead.
Yeah. That he is.

I honestly also think it's a little inappropriate how much we're celebrating, I mean yeah, cheer and be happy, but fireworks because we killed someone? Eh. It seems almost like our two wrongs made a right. Not that shooting him was wrong.

I dunno man.
I still think the U.S. should've put bin Laden on trial under a court of law instead of killing him but then again it would've ended up like what happened with Saddam Hussein when he was given the death penalty in Iraq via hanging.

Alot of the things Osama bin Laden did were unforgivable especially orchestrating one of the deadliest attacks on U.S. Soil since the invasion of Pearl Harbor 75 years ago by the Japanese. Every person is innocent until proven guilty I don't see why it shouldn't be applied to other countries besides our own.

The more I think about it I don't necessarily think the death of Osama bin Laden was an achievement but rather something that could've been resolved through a court of law instead of just inacting a death penalty right away. It probably would've lead to a death penalty anyway however proof usually helps confirm cases.
Well, the someone we killed is the face of terrorism and the master mind of 9/11. All those lives lost on that single day, plus the many other horrible actions he's done, I don't think it's inappropriate. And we know it's not over far from it. but this is a major thing, a huge blow to terrorists.
This is awesome! Though we shouldn't be THAT celebratory over a death - we don't need to be like them. Also, I hope this death doesn't instigate an attack by those extremists.
The disturbing fact is that the terrorism isn't going to stop. I mean, if anything, there'll be more attacks.
Agreed Water Pokemon Master.

America is more vigilant since 9/11, though I do think we need to stay focused on what happens next after bin Laden's death. While NATO is taking care of Qaddafi and Libya we need to focus on protecting and rebuilding our own country.

There will be more attacks evidently, so yeah our work is never done.
although something was accomplished, i think it's unwise that it cost us more lives in the process. Not to count the extreme expenses and the hate produced because of the search for him. Not to downplay what he did, but we could have at least been more effective.
Was it really worth it? 1000s died fighting the war in Iraq and Afghanistan, America spent enough I read up somewhere to save the world from poverty 3 times over. Fine you killed him, but what has that accomplished? They should have caught him, you won't get any information from a dead man. Although everyone is celebrating, I think this whole war on terror was a complete FAIL. Not to mention the resurgent terrorist once they hear this news.

I just hope his death will help relationships between the West and the East.
kashmaster said:
Was it really worth it? 1000s died fighting the war in Iraq and Afghanistan, America spent enough I read up somewhere to save the world from poverty 3 times over. Fine you killed him, but what has that accomplished? They should have caught him, you won't get any information from a dead man. Although everyone is celebrating, I think this whole war on terror was a complete FAIL. Not to mention the resurgent terrorist once they hear this news.

I just hope his death will help relationships between the West and the East.

I feel, that, I completely agree with you. GREAT, WE KILLED HIM! Now what? The Middle Eastern Terrorists/Extremeists are probably plotting something against us now. This isn't really something to celebrate....
Sure it isn't anything to celebrate on (maybe it is), but at least the victim's and their families that were affected by the events of 9/11 can at least find closure on the ordeal at least. I would like to see better relations with the East and West but I'm not sure If bin Laden's death would result in that or not.
That's true.

I can only imagine what Social Studies today in school will be like -_-
At first I thought that this has to be false,then it lasted for so looong.By then I realized it was real....Wow...I....I...just cannot believe that they finally ''Eliminated.''
pfft. Bin Laden is totally undergoing re-engineering in Russia to create the next Super Soldier. He shall arise again with a new secret Russian identity Osamanov Binov Ladenov
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