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Aspiring Trainer
Hey guys, this is my approach to Ninetales/Amoonguss, which is still very much in testing.

The idea is to use Hypnotoxic Lasers or Amoonguss to inflict 1-2 status ailments, and having Ninetales follow up with 70 to 120 damage, but with Virbank City Gym, you're looking at 100 to 150 damage, it also has a built in 'Pokemon Catcher' which is awesome. I use Emolga as an early game set-up searching for Vulpix/Foongus/Sableye, which leaves the Level Balls for the evolutions. Sableye is primarily used for recycling Lasers, Devolution Sprays, and Super Scoop Ups.

Pokemon: 18
4-4 - Ninetales
3-3 - Amoonguss
2 - Emolga
2 - Sableye

Trainers/Supporters/Stadium: 33
4 - Professor Juniper
3 - N
3 - Skyla
2 - Bianca

4 - Level Ball
4 - Devolution Spray
2 - Random Receiver
2 - Switch
2 - Super Rod
4 - Hypnotoxic Laser
1 - Computer Search

2 - Virbank City Gym

Energy: 9
5 Fire Energy
4 Blend Energy FGDP

Any help at all would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.
RE: Ninetales/Roserade/Darkrai

I like ninetales as an early attacker, but I'm afraid that the Roserades will be used as bench fodder. I think you should get rid of them all together. I know you said you wanted to use darkrai for its ability and as another attacker, but I think with Ninetales ability you could better utilize another EX like PLS Lugia or even BC White Kyurem ex if you're feeling different :)
Just change your energy line to 8-fire 4-plasma if you use lugia or 8-fire and 4 blend for WK ex

Just my $0.02
RE: Ninetales/Roserade/Darkrai

-4 Prism Energy
+4 Blend Energy GFDP

Explain your suggestions next time, thanks. ~Serperior.
RE: Ninetales/Roserade/Darkrai

Darkshy said:
I like ninetales as an early attacker, but I'm afraid that the Roserades will be used as bench fodder. I think you should get rid of them all together. I know you said you wanted to use darkrai for its ability and as another attacker, but I think with Ninetales ability you could better utilize another EX like PLS Lugia or even BC White Kyurem ex if you're feeling different :)
Just change your energy line to 8-fire 4-plasma if you use lugia or 8-fire and 4 blend for WK ex

Just my $0.02

Sounds interesting. Obviously the prime choice of those EX's is Lugia, but it does cost a fair few shillings and I'm trying to remain relatively budget for now; so if I had to change Darkrai EX for another EX, it would be White Kyurem. What would you suggest to replace the Roserades?

Jareth43 said:
-4 Prism Energy
+4 Blend Energy GFDP

RE: Ninetales/Roserade/Darkrai

Wiggins said:
Darkshy said:
I like ninetales as an early attacker, but I'm afraid that the Roserades will be used as bench fodder. I think you should get rid of them all together. I know you said you wanted to use darkrai for its ability and as another attacker, but I think with Ninetales ability you could better utilize another EX like PLS Lugia or even BC White Kyurem ex if you're feeling different :)
Just change your energy line to 8-fire 4-plasma if you use lugia or 8-fire and 4 blend for WK ex

Just my $0.02

Quick ball is a useful card since you can search for Sabeleye, Vulpix and Ninetales. This way you can use your Skyla's just for trainers and your ultra balls for Darkrai.

Take this last suggestion with a grain of salt but devolution spray can be fun if you play a Nintales on your bench. You would have to watch out for Pokémon Catcher, but in theory you could evolve your Vulpix -> Bright Look ->devo spray so you can bright look next turn again.
RE: Ninetales/Roserade/Darkrai

Sounds cool, I could try perhaps 2 Sprays. So my Pokemon line would just be

3 - White Kyurem EX
2-2 - Ninetales

What about adding double Bouffalant to deal with the many Darkrai/Mewtwo/Landorus Match-ups?

Also I thought you said to use a different EX instead of Darkrai? Should I run 3 of each EX?
RE: Ninetales/Roserade/Darkrai

You could do that.
-4 blend energy
-4 dark patch
-4 roserade loine

+2 water energy
+2 DCE
+2 Bouffalant
+1 Skyla
+1 Crystal Edge
+2 whatever you want

How does that look?
RE: Ninetales/Roserade/Darkrai

Revised list looks like this:

Pokemon: 15
2 - White Kyurem EX
3 - Darkrai EX
3 - Sableye
2 - 2 Ninetales
2 - Bouffalant

Trainer: 32
3 - Crush Hammer
1 - Enhanced Hammer
4 - Hypnotoxic Laser
2 - Virbank City Gym
4 - Ultra Ball
2 - Super Rod
4 - Professor Juniper
4 - N
2 - Colress
2 - Bianca
3 - Skyla
1 - Crystal Edge

Energy: 14
8 - Dark Energy
2 - Double Colourless Energy
4 - Blend Energy GFDP

I don't know why you suggested to drop the blend energies, as I can't use any of the attacks of White Kyurem or Ninetales without them. Thoughts?
RE: Ninetales/Roserade/Darkrai

My fault! Sorry for the late reply. I was under the impression that you were replacing Darkrai with Kyurem. Give me a little to rethink ok?
RE: Ninetales/Roserade/Darkrai

Darkshy said:
My fault! Sorry for the late reply. I was under the impression that you were replacing Darkrai with Kyurem. Give me a little to rethink ok?

Cheers man, look forward to seeing your ideas. Thoughts on Keldeo EX?
RE: Ninetales/Roserade/Darkrai

Wiggins said:
Darkshy said:
My fault! Sorry for the late reply. I was under the impression that you were replacing Darkrai with Kyurem. Give me a little to rethink ok?

Cheers man, look forward to seeing your ideas. Thoughts on Keldeo EX?

That would be too many EX's in my opinion. If you wanted to add keldeo EX you would essentially be running darkrai/sableye/lasers with a ninetales tech. If that is what you want then I would suggest forgetting about running kyurem altogether.
RE: Ninetales/Roserade/Darkrai

Darkshy said:
Wiggins said:
Cheers man, look forward to seeing your ideas. Thoughts on Keldeo EX?

That would be too many EX's in my opinion. If you wanted to add keldeo EX you would essentially be running darkrai/sableye/lasers with a ninetales tech. If that is what you want then I would suggest forgetting about running kyurem altogether.

I'd say let's go for the Krurem/Ninetales/Sableye idea if that is the case, as I've already purchased the one White Kyurem tin hehe. I just need help having a consistent and balanced build, because it looks a mess right now haha.
RE: Ninetales/Roserade/Darkrai

Wiggins said:
Darkshy said:
That would be too many EX's in my opinion. If you wanted to add keldeo EX you would essentially be running darkrai/sableye/lasers with a ninetales tech. If that is what you want then I would suggest forgetting about running kyurem altogether.

I'd say let's go for the Krurem/Ninetales/Sableye idea if that is the case, as I've already purchased the one White Kyurem tin hehe. I just need help having a consistent and balanced build, because it looks a mess right now haha.

I'll come up with a list later tonight of what I think.
RE: Ninetales/Roserade/Darkrai

Darkshy said:
Wiggins said:
I'd say let's go for the Krurem/Ninetales/Sableye idea if that is the case, as I've already purchased the one White Kyurem tin hehe. I just need help having a consistent and balanced build, because it looks a mess right now haha.

I'll come up with a list later tonight of what I think.

Ok cool, cheers.
RE: Ninetales/Ammoongus

Deck has been edited, changing it from Darkrai/Ninetales/Roserade, to the more consistent Ninetales/Ammoongus. Thoughts?
RE: Ninetales/Ammoongus

I think...
-2 devolution spray
+1 Virbank city gym
+1 ultra ball

Just my stupid thoughts.

Please add reasoning to all your suggestions. ~alex
RE: Ninetales/Ammoongus

Daenordus said:
I think...
-2 devolution spray
+1 Virbank city gym
+1 ultra ball

Just my stupid thoughts.

I believe the Sprays are used to abuse Ammoongus and Ninetales' abilities. I use Skylas to fetch Virbank and Level Balls, should I have to, and I use the Sableye to recycle them.

Appreciating the input though, I'll definitely consider it. :3
RE: Ninetales/Ammoongus

You need 3-4 Devolution Sprays to consistently spam the Stage 1's abilities.
RE: Ninetales/Ammoongus

Wiggins said:
Daenordus said:
I think...
-2 devolution spray
+1 Virbank city gym
+1 ultra ball

Just my stupid thoughts.

I believe the Sprays are used to abuse Ammoongus and Ninetales' abilities. I use Skylas to fetch Virbank and Level Balls, should I have to, and I use the Sableye to recycle them.

Appreciating the input though, I'll definitely consider it. :3

Then try adding one moreand taking out something else. Four should do you good.