Help Newbie trying to understand deck strategies


Aspiring Trainer
Hi, so I admit I am a grown-up newbie, but trying to get into it as good quality time with my 10 year old son. We have played many rounds with our physical cards. Probably around 30x. We have opened 6 booster boxes of sword and shield variety, and also bought about 100 v/vmax/vstar singles from tcgplayer. I admit I do love the artwork and the shine.

So, this is what I am trying to figure out. I found another website called limitlesstcg. on there they post decks people. played in tournaments and the results. My problem is, I don't understand the deck strategies. I can't find any explanation, etc. Is there somewhere that talks about the strategies. why do these top decks have so many basic pokemon and not all or more v and vmax.

I did see on this forum in the deck garage some. people. providing strategy details, so that is cool and I will read up.
YouTube will be your best friend. Tablemon and Trainer Chip are easily my favorites in this department.
YouTube will be your best friend. Tablemon and Trainer Chip are easily my favorites in this department.
These creators are great. I would also recommend when you find a 'deck' from a site like limitless or otherwise, its usually refers to what's called a "Deck Archetype" which is essentially a strategy revolving around certain pokemon and/or trainer cards. So if you find a 'deck' that you like, you can almost always search that deck archetype on Youtube or online to watch people build a full decklist and play the archetype's strategy to learn about the deck. A good example is "Mew VMAX" which refers to the Archetype of using Genesect V and Mew VMAX to quickly get cards out and deal reliable damage every turn. As long as you know "Mew VMAX" you can search in Youtube and there will be plenty of content of people explaining the strategy, possible 60-card decklists, matchups, etc.