If you go above link, There's name for those 3 shadow pokemon.

Now...I'm very very sure it's a pre-Evo for mantine as it's name is Tamanta, which is very close to Mantine's Japanese name, Mantain.

And, Water Pokemon Master, I think you should add that Manafi is a Sea Prince Pokemon. Linky:

WOW thats great you found that but u think there still just asumeing just like we are now just have to wait till next month to find out :(

Kaito said:
If you go above link, There's name for those 3 shadow pokemon.

Now...I'm very very sure it's a pre-Evo for mantine as it's name is Tamanta, which is very close to Mantine's Japanese name, Mantain.

And, Water Pokemon Master, I think you should add that Manafi is a Sea Prince Pokemon. Linky:

Mmhmm, I am saving all Manaphy info for tomorrow when more is revealed to us about it, so I didn't bother doing an update for it today (actually, it's almost 4 AM, so I should be saying yesterday). The trademark database has also romanized Manafi as Manaphy, so we all should call it that now.
Well if CoroCoro said they'd reveal these 3 pokemon fully in next months issue then i cant wait. I still think that the bird on the right is a Farfetchd evolution. It does look like the top half of a quaver but it could be anything from an axe-like weapon, to a scythe. It clearly looks like a bird and it could possibly be holding that thing as a weapon, then the closest thing to that is farfetchd. It will probably turn out to be a completely new pokemon unrelated to everything but it's still nice to think about it.
jayh272416 said:
manaphy is a water type, so it CANNOT EVOLVE INTO PHANPY.
That's not entirely true, although the chances of it happening are essentially zero. Azurill is Normal, Marill and Azumarill are Water.

But there's a different reason for that. :D
No, I'd say the reason that Manaphy cannot evolve into Phanpy is because 1] they look nothing alike, and 2] Manphy is the star of a movie. Phanpy is waaaay too common, plus it's actually weak to water. No way its baby is the prince of the sea.