New Mighty Moshin Genkin Rangers

Rugby/Basketball/Hockey playing Dancer
(Ranger Fic)
The lines mean a new chapter(a day) has started.

Theme Tune
'Gooooooooo' Go, go genkin rangers,
'go go go' Riiiiight,
go go genkin rangers 'go go go' Riiiiight,
go go genkin rangers you mighty moshin genkin rangers,
loud cryyy thyyy enemies away,
loud cryyy thyyy enemies away,
go go genkin rangers ,
go go genkin rangers 'go go go' Riiiiight,
go go genkin rangers you mighty moshin genkin rangers,
Theme Tune End

As Mecero the gaurdian of genkin fled to earth after the sixth genkin power was stolen he set up a base outside of Cardigan, California, U.S.A
and waited 100 years...
When Cray finds Mecero he plans to steal the other five genkin powers but before he can Mecero recruits five teens to become...
Mighty Moshin
Genkin Rangers


Ryan...Red Fury Genkin Ranger
Liam...Blue Cool Genkin Ranger
Michelle...Yellow Sadness Genkin Ranger
Sarah...Pink Cheerleader Genkin Ranger
Brandon...White Justice Genkin Ranger

Mecero:Now go Genkin Rangers and protect this city...
Ryan: You guys ready... Red Fury Genkin Power...Red Fury Genkin Ranger!
Liam: Blue Cool Genkin Power...Blue Cool Genkin Ranger!
Michelle: Yellow Sadness Genkin Power...Yellow Sadness Genkin Ranger!
Sarah: Pink Cheerleader Genkin Power...Pink Cheerleader Genkin Ranger!
Brandon: White Justice Genkin Power...White Justice Genkin Ranger!

Radio:Good Mornin' Cardigan today we have Modonna's Hey You Song "HEY YOU...
Ryan:My Favourite Top has ripped oh AHHHHHHHHH!
At door...
Liam:'Knock Knock' Hurry up Ryan we're gonna be late, COME ON RYAN...
Space rock floating round earth (i'll call it eviltown)
Cray:It's time to take the other genkin powers MWUHAHAH! Send the Zombas...
On earth, Zombas:Bwalalah...
Mecero:Ryan,Liam activate your genkin powers to defeat the Zombas
Ryan & Liam:Right mecero, Red Fury Genkin Power/Blue Cool Genkin Power...
Ryan:Come on zombas whu,(kick/punch/kick) take that...
Liam:I've kicked serious but...
Zebra Zombie:How about me (bang,bang)...
At the Ranger Base...
Mecero:Michelle, sarah, brandon ryan and liam need your help...
Brandon: Right Mecero...
Brandon: White Justice Genkin Power...
Sarah: Pink Cheerleader Genkin Power..
Michelle: Yellow Sadness Genkin Power...
Brandon: Hi Ryan,Liam Lets put are power fists(special attacks) together...
Ryan:Alright... and FIRE...
Ryan:Yeah We did it...

Brandon: It's so hard to get my hair style right...
Radio:Good Mornin' Cardigan first a police update they have not yet found the crooks from last night's robiries...
Brandon: I wish i could help, oh well...
Cray: Time to make a monster, i know i'll fuse two earth animals together to make my monster MWUHAHAHAHAHAHAHA...
On earth...
Brandon: I think i'll call for Ryan let's see he lives at... oh yeah...
Sarah: Cheerleading practice is getting really hard...I hope the Smoothie Shack is still open...
(More Soon...)