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My Own Brew (Trevenant EX / Sceptile)


Aspiring Trainer
Pokemon: 17

4 Trevenant EX
4 Sceptile (8/160) PC
1 Grovile PC
4 Treecko PC
4 Shaymin EX

Trainers/Supporters/Stadiums: 25

4 Tierno
4 Lysandre
3 Professor's Letter
2 Energy Retrieval
4 Rare Candy
4 Skyla
4 Muscle Band

Energy: 18

18 Grass Energy



The ultimate goal of my desk is to load down Trevenant-EX with at least 7 grass energy then throw him out and do 190 damage to OHKO most other Pokemon in the meta. Even if you can OHKO something, just stack a few more energy onto it and be good to go.

More than likely in opening hand you are going to get a Trevenant-EX and an Shaymin-EX. Essentially you would throw out Shaymin-EX and sit Trevenant-EX on the bench. The reason I like Shaymin-EX was because for 1 energy(Helping Hand), I'm going to go and get an energy and throw it right onto Trevenant-EX. Another good part of this is Sceptile, His ability "Nurture and Heal" basically lets you play an extra energy from your hand every turn with that energy acting as a potion.

More times that not I have had Shaymin-EX active, Trevenant-EX and Sceptile benched. You get to play your energy for turn, use Sceptile's ability to play another energy, then use Helping hand with Illumise so search for a 3rd energy to go onto Trevenant all in one turn.

Tierno is a basic Supporter to just fill your hand with a few extra cards. Lysandre is very helpful as it lets you bring out and OHKO the Pokemon your opponent is trying to set-up with(Ex. a fire type). Professor's Letter is to get you the energy to play as you will run out fast playing 2-3 per turn. Energy retrieval is helpful for getting your energy back when your trevenant-EX is knocked out.

One of the biggest problems with this deck is it's weakness to fire. It can never seem to get around fire types as it is mono grass. Another big weakness for Trevenant-EX is Yveltal-EX's Evil Ball as it does 20 more damage for each energy attached to both active Pokemon.

I am looking for lots of help because this deck needs all it can get. Looking to keep it mono grass. This deck is supposed to be a cheaper deck so Virizion-EX and other pricey cards will not be added.
Also if you're worried about weakness remember weakness policy is a thing. I also suggest taking out 2 grovile and 1 treeko and replacing them with rare candy. That way you only need to evolve once instead of twice (plus you don't want to have an extra treeko when there are other more useful cards), and that 1 remaining grovile is there if you just happen to find it before sceptile. Faster set up overall and speed is key to most matches.
Tumble Tauros said:
Also if you're worried about weakness remember weakness policy is a thing. I also suggest taking out 2 grovile and 1 treeko and replacing them with rare candy. That way you only need to evolve once instead of twice (plus you don't want to have an extra treeko when there are other more useful cards), and that 1 remaining grovile is there if you just happen to find it before sceptile. Faster set up overall and speed is key to most matches.

Well sceptile isnt my main concern but I did originally intend to use rare candies. Also the reason I always have one more of the basic is because it gives me a better chance of actually getting the basic. I guess I will try that out though.