My new blog! ... but what to do?!


Aspiring Trainer
Hey PokéPals! :D

-My blog (clicky clicky!)-

So I officially opened my blog around a month ago, and I've only just had thee delayed reaction of 'so what do I do!?'. I'm thinking maybe a weekly or daily series of something? Maybe a card review daily, and something other weekly? Obviously, you're (hopefully!) the one's who'll be reading the blog, and I want to do something your enjoy reading and find interesting. I think doing card reviews would do me good as I only just started collecting and getting into the TCG about 2-3 months ago, and I want to just build and build my knowledge, and hopefully doing card reviews will give me a bit of confidence to enter tournaments and such, 'cause then I'll know what I'm doing and what the good cards are.

Thanks for reading!