My First Spriting Contest! Final Round due Jan 25!


Democrat to the End
Advanced Member
I was so interested in Infernape's contests, that I decided to make my own.

I need 2 judges and lots of contestants. Winner will recieve a trophy!
The loser in each round will be eliminated!

Here is how you will be scored!
Originatly 1-5
Creativity 1-5
Overall Art 1-5
Following the topic 1-5

Psychic Whisperer

Prof. Shinx
Piplup 321
Pokemaniac out
Fridge out
Tentacruel13 out
SF out
Andyman (out by not entering a sprite in round 1)
Shotgunn415 out
Light Venusaur
Poipon out

The first round is to fuse and recolor three or more Pokemon. Please post what Pokemon are in it. At least 2 of the fused Pokemon must be recolored!
Winner: Frozengallade
Out: Andyman for not entering a sprite

The second round is to take a trainer and sprite a pokemon costume on it. You cannot use ones already used in the games. No recoloring or fusing! Good luck!
Winners LV, Piplup321

Round 3 is to take a Pokemon and element it. This means to add affects that will change its type. If you colored a Manaphy purple, then added Gastly smoke, you have Shadow Manaphy.
Winner: LV

Round 4
Sprite a fakemon.
Winner: LV!

Round five is to create a fused evolution line that consists of 2 Pokemon. You may recolor and there is no limit on how many fused as long as you fuse at least 4 Pokemon per Pokemon. Good Luck!
Winner: Prof. Shinx!

Round 6 is to do something to impress me with your spriting skills!
Winner: Piplup 321!

Round 7
Fuse or hand draw a fakemon that is Christmassy!
Let begin!!!
Winner: Light Venusaur

Round 8
Make at least 4 evolution lines by fusing Pokemon or spriting fakemon.
Good Luck! However, bot will recieve trophies!
RE: My First Spriting Contest! Need Judges and Contestants!

Im in as a contestant.
RE: My First Spriting Contest! Need Judges and Contestants!

Cool!! You may begin working on round 1.
RE: My First Spriting Contest! Need Judges and Contestants!

I'll give this a go as a contestant..
But my sprites won't be very good. It's my first time, you see. :p
RE: My First Spriting Contest! Need Judges and Contestants!

Well, this is my first spriting contest. Hope that you do not get eliminated in the first round!
RE: My First Spriting Contest! Need Judges and Contestants!

Me too. :(
May I ask, where can I find some pokemon sprites that I can fuse and recolour?
RE: My First Spriting Contest! Need Judges and Contestants!

RE: My First Spriting Contest! Need Judges and Contestants!

You guys will need to do your best since INFERNAPE is one of the judges!
RE: My First Spriting Contest! Need Judges and Contestants!

Does every part of the sprite have to be re-coloured?
RE: My First Spriting Contest! Need Judges and Contestants!

Piplup 321: Well, at least 2 of the sprites fused must be.

Sure, you are the final judge!
RE: My First Spriting Contest! Need Judges and Contestants!


I shall call my creation, Rotallavoir!
..Well, anyway, as you can see we have Gallade's main body, Gardevoir's dress..thing and we have Rotom's thunderbolt things for the arms.
I used Rotom for the recolour.
So, it good? ._.
RE: My First Spriting Contest! Need Contestants!

Well, we will begin as soon as there are over 5 people. I really like it. Good job for your first one.
RE: My First Spriting Contest! Need Contestants!

Meh, I'll join in the fun :p. I'll get ma sprite up soon.
RE: My First Spriting Contest! Need Contestants!

Piplup 321: Just a little quick advice; Don't save your images as *JPEG*, save them as *PNG*. If you save them as *JPEG*, it messes up the image.

Yeah, FPM is in the house! XD
RE: My First Spriting Contest! Need Contestants!

Uhh, I did save it as PNG. :( It looks fine to me..
Maybe it's tinypic..
Should I try uploading it as an attachment instead?

Edit: So, I just attached it to this post.
Does it look any better now? :(


  • Sprite for contest.png
    Sprite for contest.png
    1.8 KB · Views: 45
RE: My First Spriting Contest! Need Contestants!

Huh...that's says your image is saved in JPEG, but now that I took another look at it, it doesn't look like a JPEG image. Weird. XD

Yes, it looks good. It always did, but since it said JPEG, I thought it might look better in PNG, but it doesn't look any diffrent.

muddy68 said:
Following the topic 2pts

What do you mean muddy?
RE: My First Spriting Contest! Need Contestants!

I think he means that you earn points for how well you followed the task you were given.
Like if it was a task that involved you fusing three sprites, you would get less points if you fused two.