MrShaun7's Awesome shop (I really need some people as workers)


King of the Mighty Turtwig!
Welcome to MrShaun7's Market. This is a new store awaiting some workers.

To work here, please fill this out-

User Name-
What you can do-

I really need the help.

I do not have many possible things to choose from until I can get some workers so thing thread will update when I can get some workers.


What we do-Fusions, Line less, recolors, banners, chaos, kirbymon, revamps devamps, fossil
User Name-Moneyking63
What you can do- Fusions, Lineless, recolers, banners, chaos, kirbymon, revamps devamps, fossil and if i get a surfboard and glacial sprites i can do those! here are some pics
Moneyking63 said:
User Name-Moneyking63
What you can do- Fusions, Lineless, recolers, banners, chaos, kirbymon, revamps devamps, fossil and if i get a surfboard and glacial sprites i can do those! here are some pics

^^^^ Do I need more? what are you looking for one of each thing I can do?
Ahh got ya!! Im forgetting lots of codes recently dont know why :p

I will add more to that when i can!! I see i dont have devamps or revamps on there ill get those to you soon!