mr mime MT


Mewtwo's best friend
does any one else think this card will rather great next format? Nearly all of the main decks AMU/kingdra/magnezoneX use 2 or less NRGs . what do you think?
Yay, you stalled me a few turns. Which I use to build up some backup while you build up your single energy guzzling attacker. I now own you even more. Ha. Ha. Ha.

Yeah, I dont think too highly of Mr. Mime.
i think is the most under estimated cards this format.
hes says get out of my face to AMU and kingdra
play him with metagross LA and he cannot be stopped
his only potential threat is autozone
Lou Cypher said:
Yay, you stalled me a few turns. Which I use to build up some backup while you build up your single energy guzzling attacker. I now own you even more. Ha. Ha. Ha.

Yeah, I don't think too highly of Mr. Mime.
I don't see how that works at all. I can easily power up 2-3 pokemon by the time you power up that kingdra with 3 energy. Kingdra is absolutely trashy against another, bigger swarm of any king (cept I guess houndoom
mr.mime is good if you could find a place in your deck i would do it for the first couple of BRs to annoy kingdra and AMU and any other decks that use 2 or less just to kinda scope out the decks being played in your area thats most likely what im gonna do whenever i find my battleroads deck or at least try to do :)
My brother tech'd one of those in his Eeveeloutions deck and it is very annoying and stops almost any warp point. As a counter though Regice is very good in a Kingdra deck if you are afraid of MR.Mime so he's not that hard to get around
i like it in decks that can switch their main attacker (donphan, gliscor LV.X, ect) so that they cat attack you and then you switch and hit them again and again it also works with call energy and TM-TS1
DawnOfXatu said:
My brother tech'd one of those in his Eeveeloutions deck and it is very annoying and stops almost any warp point. As a counter though Regice is very good in a Kingdra deck if you are afraid of MR.Mime so he's not that hard to get around
Why do people keep mentioning regice? Hes a waste of space, there are better ways to discard your hand (though you shouldn't need to anyways) and he doesn't answer a good list with mime in any way.