Movie Pet Peeves

Excuse me lady with the screaming baby. Do you not hear that?
You hear that. Dont try to ignore it. Like someone poking you chest every other second.

(This is rare) When people repeat the obvious pun in movies (Little "Fockers")
I think my worst movie experience was when I went to see Beyond the Lighted Stage and they didn't know how to use the projector or something, because they went through the menu 8 times. AT LEAST. I can't hear Limelight without shuddering. Oh, yeah, whenever I went to see Prince of Persia, these little kids and their grandparents or something went too, and they were SO FRICKIN' ANNOYING.

I once went to the movies with two friends, one of them being a complete ADHD psycho who had forgotten her ritalin and eaten half a tub of twizzlers. The theatre was relatively empty, there was like, one other couple there, but this girl (The one I was with, we can just call her Ren), so Ren keeps on switching seats and commenting on the movie pretty loudly so me and my buddy, Dasco, kept on being like "Ren, be quiet", and she got really emotional, flipped out, pretended to leave, then hid behind some seats and threw shoes a us for the rest of the movie.

So I guess it kinda bugs me when people do that.

Oh and the movie was 17 again, in case you were wondering.
CardSlingerJ said:
Endless 3D Gimmicks and Overused Cliches.
So.... all movies that play in theatres?

Oh, I'm also sick of watching the same gol-darn indie movie every two months. quirky dysfunctional family+social outcasts+strange philosophy+hand-drawn block letters/ lots of pictures in little boxes+Michael Cera= SUCCESS
I hate it when people bring lasers to the movie theater and purposely shine the light on the actors privates, then laugh and giggle. Also when the movie is based of a book and doesn't follow the storyline at all!
^which is why I vomit whenever somebody mentions the Eragon/Percy Jackson/Last Airbender/etc movies
^Percy Jackson was awful, I loved the books, hated the movie. I have to agree with Shadow Arceus and Bambu. I cannot read a book and watch the movie, it's one or the other...
When people don't laugh at the clearly funny stuff. Happens ALOT in England. People just don't seem to have an open sense of humour. In Toy Story 3, both times I saw it, I was lucky to have another person laughing with me. And in Despicable Me, me and my friend were both in hysterics at the "All characters in this book are completley fictional. Any resemblence to persons living or dead is completley coincidental" and not ONE chuckle out of anyone else. Not even at "It's so fluffy I'm gonna die!"
Rediculous, people!