Pokemon most powerful legendary

Metagross is not a legendary. Legendaries don't evolve of evolve from other Pokemon. And what set is that Pidgeot from?
This the most powerful Legendary Pokemon
HP: ?
Special Attack: ?
Defense: ?
Special Defense: ?
Speed: ?

I'd love to see this comboed with Helping Hand:D
Favorite: Zapdos. It's a long story why it is it.

Most powerful: I say Kyogre. No other. Water Spout will splash you elsewhere ;)
I think that the most powerful legendary pokemon is mewtwo, until a dark legendary pokemon appears.
Statisically overall speaking, Mewtwo beats all. Versitility, though would go to Mew as it learns every TM, Deoxys (if it could only form change in the game...), or Lati@s.
i think the most powerfull legendary is without doubt lugia. sure he is old but it was the one that most cativated me i really like lugia