Pokemon Most Overrated Pokemon

Thank you, Jackal. That's exactly what I was saying in my earlier post, why do people think legendaries are overrated? The only real thing for them to be overrated in (for the most part) is looks/design, because most of them are powerful.
MtheW said:
Thank you, Jackal. That's exactly what I was saying in my earlier post, why do people think legendaries are overrated? The only real thing for them to be overrated in (for the most part) is looks/design, because most of them are powerful.

Best guess, it's from watching/battling players who think having an entire team of legendaries means they're invincible, and employ no kind of strategy beyond brute force.
Poor pilots do not denote poor/overrated Pokemon, but w/e.
I personally think that the most overrated starter is Blaziken. I mean you hear people saying it's the best starter when it is not, you hear people gushing over it's design when I personally believe it is decent at best.

However, I am biased against it because I never actually started with. Also I do not think that charizard is overrated because only the new players think it is actually good competitively. It's my favorite ONLY because I started with it and it's a dragon.
kevmar said:
I think DARKRAI is overrated
DARK VOID makes everybody go "THAT'S ONE AWESOME MOVE!"

Said the Josh that has a Darkrai Gif as his avatar... jus' sayin'...

You know what? Actually, I changed my mind. The most over-rated Pokemon is Pikachu. Raichu's cool, but why does Pikachu have to be the main focus of every game? Mascot or not, he's just baaaaaddd. And he's such a disobedient jerk in the anime. I know that the anime's battle system is different than the games, and evolving doesn't matter yaddah yaddah yaddah but SERIOUSLY, Pikachu! Get your game together! Sure, Bulbasaur didn't evolve, but you're different! You're the mascot, and mascot's have to be likeable! And YOU, my friend, are just a horrible one. People like CHARIZARD, not Charmander! Garchomp, not Gabite! ou get the point. You don't have to be unevolved to be cool, man!
Electivire is the king of this shtick imo. When it came out, the hype-o-meter went soaring, and then it severely disappointed. Despite solid attack stats and jaw-dropping coverage and a seemingly great ability, it plays out poorly compared to on paper. It lacks the element of surprise in Motor Drive now, has fairly poor base power in its moves, and has a middling speed stat that is all but dwarfed in this generation. In addition to this, it has the frailty of a stormtrooper, has no viable way of boosting its power, and just lacks a defining niche in most metagames. I love the hype that accompanies Electivire at the turn of each new generation, fans in denial just hoping for a safety net to catch this failure. Jack-of-all, master-of-none here, and there is a valid reason why the infamous nickname of "Noobvire" exists.
Charizard is extremely overrated in my opinion, and he isn't even that good....
The only thing I like about Charizard is his mega evolution in Y, his X mega is terrible. Anyway why did Charizard get 2 megas and Venusaur and Blastoise only got one? Simple, he is overrated and Game Freak obviously wanted to make him evn more overrated.. Grrr.. Makes me mad thinking about it. His design isn't great, it's just an orange dragon with a flame on his tail, WOW amazing! (being sarcastic) Venusaur and Blastoise have much more interesting designs. Also he isn't that great in battle either, from what if experienced, Blaziken and some of the other fire starters are loads better.
I also think the Eeveelutions are very overrated, especially Umbreon and Espeon.
I've said this once and I'll say it again... Saying Charizard is overrated is more overrated than Charizard itself... Venusaur is a toad/dinosaur with a plant on its back and Blastoise is a turtle with steel (wtf?) cannons on its back.. wow, so much better than a bad ass dragon lol...

btw, I like Venusaur and Blastoise, I'm just comparing... Yes, Charizard is overrated but it has reasons to be overrated.

Complain about stuff like Pikachu... That's what's being meaninglessly overrated...
If I have to hear one more person ask for a Mega 3rd Gen Pokemon...

I just might explode. Srsly, Gen 3 is now the most occupied generation when it comes to Megas! I mean, at least gen 1, 2, and 4 got it right by doing exclusively really, REALLY popular Pokémon, but Gen 3 looks as if Game Freak held a raffle for the Pokemon and all the winners got a Mega of themselves. I won't say that the designs are BAD, I just think the selection was. Seriously, Mawile, Banette, and Medicham did not deserve those spots.
On a side note, with 8 different Eevelutions right now, I don't appreciate how it seems that Vaporeon and Umbreon are always the ones that get the most attention from the Pokemon Company. This isn't a fandom issue, but rather I think it's just a bit unfair. In the Japanese Spiral Force/Thunder Knuckle, Glaceon and Umbreon are the only Eevelutions that get Abilities and the only ones that are Holos. They aren't even from the same Generation! Why not do Glaceon/Leafeon or Espeon/Umbreon?? It feels like favoritism from the Pokemon Company and just doesn't make sense.
GadgetJax said:
If I have to hear one more person ask for a Mega 3rd Gen Pokemon...

I just might explode. Srsly, Gen 3 is now the most occupied generation when it comes to Megas! I mean, at least gen 1, 2, and 4 got it right by doing exclusively really, REALLY popular Pokémon, but Gen 3 looks as if Game Freak held a raffle for the Pokemon and all the winners got a Mega of themselves. I won't say that the designs are BAD, I just think the selection was. Seriously, Mawile, Banette, and Medicham did not deserve those spots.

I mostly like the weird 3rd gen megas. It's much more interesting to see them do something with underrated Pokemon rather than the overpowered, overrated psuedo-legendaries.

Now we just need a Tropius, Chimecho and Spinda mega and i'll be happy.
I feel like it only makes sense that Pikachu is overrated, he is the mascot after all. xD

Anyway, the pokemon that immediately come to mind are Lucario and Charizard, Charizard moreso then Lucario. The pushy advertising and such of the two is just gradually making me like them less and less... *sigh*
So many people call regular Charizard overrated, so regular Charizard is now underrated. All discussions about regular Charizard are invalid.

Mega Charizard X, on the other hand is overrated and even the company is acknowledging it. X gets so much hype by the company, he's in Smash Bros 4, he's in the mega evolution special, he's in the Pokemon Orgins, he's on the cover of Wild Blaze, he is the face of X and Y! Why does Mega Charizard Y even exist if the company doesn't even acknowledge it? The only reason he was in the TCG is because he was just a lowly promo. It makes me sad.

Hopefully my argument doesn't seem hypocritical. Basically I think that Mega Charizard X is unbelievably overrated, Mega Charizard Y has absolutely no presence at all anymore, and Charizard has so much hate that it's underrated.