(MORE INPUT NEEDED see post 126) - Does Pokemon Need to go Back to Basics?

RE: (NEED INPUT see post 112) - Does Pokemon Need to go Back to Basics?

Honestly, I don't care what the cards look like as long as they're readable.
RE: (NEED INPUT see post 112) - Does Pokemon Need to go Back to Basics?

I'm of the same opinion; I couldn't care less what they look like (its like playing Redshark) just so long as they're playable.
RE: (NEED INPUT see post 112) - Does Pokemon Need to go Back to Basics?

I also agree with the above.

worry about the art later, just give us something that's playable (then again, we're forging a new meta here, so everything is playable in one sense or another)
RE: (NEED INPUT see post 112) - Does Pokemon Need to go Back to Basics?

We've finished over 100 cards, probably closer to 200. The problem, as Celebi pointed out, is that the art takes a lot longer. We've planned out quite a few sets already, and the question really is if you guys want to see the new sets and play with them, test them out now, or wait until they're all 100% complete, which, by my best guesses, would be closer to two months than three. Maybe even less, if we get more artists.

Also, @DNA, I don't recommend playing these decks against current decks - the power level of our sets are far lower than the current format. Not to mention League Organizers might not approve.

However, if you print off a second deck you can take it with you so that someone who wants to try something different can have a fair game.
RE: (NEED INPUT see post 112) - Does Pokemon Need to go Back to Basics?

Yes, I'd like to see the new cards in a similar style to the ones Celebi posted.
RE: (MORE INPUT NEEDED see post 125) - Does Pokemon Need to go Back to Basics?

Most of the people working with me on this project seem to have abandoned it. It's pretty hard to do this entirely on my own, so I figured I'd try to work with the modified format instead. Would you guys still be interested if I made sets that are supposed to work with the cards in modified, instead of a completely alternate game? There would probably be a bit of a power imbalance, but the idea would be to make many things more playable. That way, all of the cards and decks wouldn't feel as foreign either. I realize this goes somewhat against the idea of going "back to basics" but it seems like the most plausible solution at this point.
RE: (MORE INPUT NEEDED see post 125) - Does Pokemon Need to go Back to Basics?

Celebi23 said:
Most of the people working with me on this project seem to have abandoned it. It's pretty hard to do this entirely on my own, so I figured I'd try to work with the modified format instead. Would you guys still be interested if I made sets that are supposed to work with the cards in modified, instead of a completely alternate game? There would probably be a bit of a power imbalance, but the idea would be to make many things more playable. That way, all of the cards and decks wouldn't feel as foreign either. I realize this goes somewhat against the idea of going "back to basics" but it seems like the most plausible solution at this point.

Yeah, sorry about that. *feels guilty* I had a lot of stuff come up and I haven't had too much time to go on lately. I'd still like to help though.
Yes, of course! I've actually decided to make this a public, community project. As more work is done on it, I'll release everything to the public for input. The most immediate way for you guys to help is to answer the question in the above post, though. :)
I'd be willing to help. I can't make the cards or anything but I'd love to make spoilers/playtest even if my qualifications are meh.
Here's my answer to the question.

I was really excited about this because I expected you guys making the cards to produce so many cards to make so many deck possibilities out of. This is something my friends that I go to league with would have plenty of fun with. The purpose of making these cards is so that we all play a game we're familiar with, but with more than just 5 meta deck possibilities (which is pretty much today's meta.) Making your cards working with today's modified format would kind of go against the whole purpose of why you started this whole "Back to Basics" deal. I realize it's tough to make nearly every Pokemon balanced, but that's what I was most excited for. Again, I'd love to help doing anything I can, whether it be creating cards, planning out sets, or designing new game mechanics.
Okay, makes sense. Thanks for your input.

I completely see where you're coming from. From a developer standpoint, it's a lot more fun to see if I can make a group of (to be blunt) terribly designed cards as balanced as possible while changing as few things as I can. However, from a player standpoint, I'd totally rather have a completely new set of cards and have more sets released. And hey, I'm aiming to please players.

Quite honestly, the art is where we really got tripped up. We never got a solid group of beta testers going, but I was able to do most everything myself anyway. So long as you guys are okay with the design I made (in Word with text boxes, lol) I think I could tackle most of the project myself. The cards won't look as nice as they could, but ultimately that's okay. I've been playing with that design for awhile, and it plays fine. Each card is identifiable, even if it's not pretty.

I'd basically leave the project in open beta. After cards are released, everybody could give their input on what cards they think are broken, bad, good, etc and erratas could be made from there. I'd always be open to card suggestions as well.
If you need beta testers I'd love to help... even if I'm not really that qualified.
We should go bug the playTCG people into putting an option for these cards on their website.
If card pretty-fying is something you need additional grunt work with (as it seems from the recent posts), I'd be happy to help out. While I've never specifically made fake cards, I'm pretty decent with graphic things, and have done work with photoshop, etc. in fun, volunteer, and professional settings.

All I'd need is someone to provide me with the needed materials: card blanks, artwork, text, and fonts.

The downside is that, starting tomorrow, I'll be leaving on a trip for Amsterdam for a week and a half, so it'd be a bit before I could even start, and the amount of free time I have varies, so I may not be the most efficient worker.

If you're interested, feel free to drop me a PM. I'd be happy to make up a sample card for you if you want, to get a feel for how I work.
I really like this! I would like to help. If there are actual cards released (as in not just text boxes), i could draw some pokemon.
Hey Celebi23! I totally agree with you about the power creep, it's one thing to creep the power of a stage 2 a bit further on another stage 2, but now they're making Basics that obsolete most stage 2s ever, it's awful.
I'd rather play with the stuff that's being designed in this thread than the real product. I just don't want to fund them when a fun and balanced game isn't their objective anymore and many other older players I know think so too. If the people with jobs / student loans etc. stop buying booster boxes they're going to be sorry.

I'd also like to point you at a post I made here the other week:
This is an Unlimited format that manages to create a balance between many old sets and newer ones which has become popular over the last year of insane power creep. If you miss the days of Metagross Delta you might want to give it a try. There should be a place other than "New players plaza" to post non-Modified decks eh?