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Mixed Team Plasma (Lugia EX / Kyurem)


Aspiring Trainer

  • 4 Deoxys EX
    3 Kyurem
    2 Thundurus EX
    1 Genesect EX
    1 Lugia EX
    2 Eevee
    2 Glaceon

  • 1 Ace Spec: Scramble Switch
    2 Frozen City
    4 Professor Sycamore
    2 N
    2 Skyla
    2 Colress
    2 Lysandre
    2 VS Seeker
    1 Switch
    2 shadow triad
    3 Muscle Band
    3 Cloress Machine
    3 Team Plasma Ball
    1 Ultra Ball
    1 Professor's Letter
    1 Startling Megaphone
    1 Lysandre's Trump Card

  • 4 Plasma Energy
    4 Rainbow Energy
    2 Lightning Energy
    3 Water Energy

Normalish team plasma deck and im thinking of using this list for both standard and expanded. Any advice to make this deck more consistent/ good?
I play a certain version of a Plasma Eeveelution deck and have included certain Eeveelutions like Leafeon and Flareon. Are you not concerned with VirGen, MetalBox and Seismitoad match-ups?
I would take out the Genesect EX because you could just use Lysandre to bring up bench pokemon, instead of using a Plasma energy, an attachment for the turn.
-1 Genesect EX

Since you have listed "Lugia EX/Kyurem" I suggest adding another Lugia EX. Lugia EX works really well with Kyurem, setting up OHKOs.
+1 Lugia EX

-1 Glaceon
+1 Leafeon PLF (This gives a way to fight back against Seismitoad EX. Good thing about Leafeon PLF is that it isn't that tough to get out under Item lock)
You currently only have 8 card-draw Supporters; this seems woefully insufficient to me, despite the 2 VS Seekers. I'd suggest adding 2 more N (-1 Rainbow and -1 TP Ball).

Other than the Eevees, all of your Poké are Team Plasma, presumably. So, I'd suggest replacing the Ultra Ball with a Pokémon Fan Club.