Help Misprinted cards?


Hi everyone. I recently joined these forums because I love collecting Pokemon cards. So not very long ago I go to Walmart and buy a Pikachu EX Challenge Box. It comes with a Pikachu theme deck, oversized Pikachu ex, Pikachu ex, and two XY evolutions packs.

In both packs I received a rare card. Holo Gyarados in one, and Dragonite EX in the other. (Which is especially pleasing as Dragonite is my favorite Pokemon) However my problem is that the cards seem to be printed off center. Too much yellow border on one side of the Gyarados card. Similar print issues with the Dragonite, although not as noticeable. The holo on both cards looks correct.

When I search for either card on ebay the borders appear to be printed perfectly centered. Are some cards printed off, with less care? I attached photos of both cards for reference. I'd appreciate it if y'all could let me know what you think, and if Walmart is a reputable place to buy cards. IMG_20170917_040055.jpg IMG_20170917_040136.jpg IMG_20170917_041602.jpg IMG_20170917_041515.jpg