Discussion Mill vs Blacephelon


Aspiring Trainer
Is there any way for stall/mill decks to beat clowns? I haven't tested any, but it seems like the vileplume variants would get beat by naganadel and any other variant would simply get run over by blacephelon. Is the matchup as bad as it seems? Have you all seen any techs that could help it?
The steelix variant in harragote was built to beat also clowns:
The idea is that clown has not enough energy to overcome the 190HP (assuming the pan is attached as tool)
Similar you can build around Regigias + tool
To beat this kind of build constantly the clown needs to rebuild with Nagandel GX
Ice wing one-shots both Blacephalon and Naganadel. Hoopa is immune to Blacephalon. muk (an occasional counter to said Hoopa) has 4 retreat cost. If you play the energy to attack with Articuno it's highly favorable, although I'm not sure how much the more standard lists with super low energy counts can do.
Tech in a nag GX and use its gx attack.
Then, you get beast ring which should power you for the next 2-3 knock-outs.
Stall has a very good matchup against blacephalon purley because regigigas takes 5 energys to knockout when it has muscle pad or ancient crystal attached. Naganadel isnt a good option either because it takes multiple hits which you can max potion and acerola loop and because beast ring will never come online you can commit all your efforts to keeping energy off of blacephalon so that they cant ever do the attack in the first place. If stall loses at all its probably because it can be very inconsistent with finding what it needs to keep the stall going.
regigigas takes 5 energys to knockout when it has muscle pad or ancient crystal attached
You only need to KO 3 if you use nag GX
beast ring will never come online
Also solved by nag gx
Naganadel isnt a good option either because it takes multiple hits which you can max potion and acerola loop
Baby nags do 160 when you use nag gx. It's not enough, but with beast energy, you hit 190.

Nag GX, the thing that I said right before you posted your comment, solves basically all of your proposed problems.
Did you not read my post before you posted that?
You only need to KO 3 if you use nag GX

Also solved by nag gx

Baby nags do 160 when you use nag gx. It's not enough, but with beast energy, you hit 190.

Nag GX, the thing that I said right before you posted your comment, solves basically all of your proposed problems.
Did you not read my post before you posted that?
Except nag gx is used in zero blacephalon list that actually win and would still have problems against hoopa not to mention it would be very difficult to get 3 energys on it
I disagree. I ran blacephalon in the Jan tourney and I won all of my stall matches with the exception of the one I played in Top 4 but it was my fault cause I made two misplays that cost me the game. Other than that it’s an easy match up mostly if you have nag gx
The only other thing you could probably do is tech in fiery flint or switch cards Incase they try to strand your muk but I don’t see how you would find room
You only need to KO 3 if you use nag GX

Also solved by nag gx

Baby nags do 160 when you use nag gx. It's not enough, but with beast energy, you hit 190.

Nag GX, the thing that I said right before you posted your comment, solves basically all of your proposed problems.
Did you not read my post before you posted that?
Yes Nag GX is a tech that hard counters Mill. Blacephalon also doesn't run Nag GX because it's not useful in any other match up.
Mill should beat Blacephalon every time, at least the Hoopa/Gigas version should. If Blacephalon plays Muk, it's even easier. The only way mill loses to Blace is if they Marshadow the mill player into nothing.

If that doesn't happen, it's pretty easy. Get as many Gigas in play with Ancient Crystal. If the opponent opts to go the all Naganadel route, it'll take four hits to KO Gigas. This is plenty of time to Acerola loop the Gigas, using Mars to dink away resources from the hand. Once they realize the Blace player realizes he can't do this all day, he'll play the Blacephalon and blow you up.

Now, your strategy shifts and focuses on trapping Blace in the Active slot by keeping Energy off of it with Hoopa in front. Search for Lanakila, Plumeria, etc. Mars when you can to try and tick away any Energy Switch or whatever, and...you should win.

If they play Muk, trap the Muk. Keep Energy off of the Muk when they try to Retreat manually, be aware of Energy Switch shenanigans, and you're fine.