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Masters: Garchomp/Altaria


Team Blitzkrieg FTW!!!
Hey guys long time no chat. Since my last post on here I have been busy dealing with life and Pokemon TCG. Now, it is back to the grind working hard on decks and getting things in order for the upcoming season. Anyways, after the first weekend of pre-releases I somehow got all but three cards to build Garchomp. It was a pretty sweet string of luck I do have to say, but now I find myself spending hours upon hours toiling over this deck.

So anyways here is the list

Gible: 4
Gabite(ability): 3
Garchomp: 4
Emolga: 2
Swablu: 4
Altaria: 3

Pokemon: 20

N: 4
Juniper: 2
Bianca: 3
Catcher: 4
Rare Candy: 3
Super rod: 2
random reciever: 3
level ball: 4
ultra ball: 2
max potion: 2

T/S/S: 29

{F}: 7
{F}{W}{L}{M}: 4

energy: 11

So as you can tell it is your typical Garchomp list. Yet now I am faced with the conflict of deciding where to put a four altaria, third emolga, and the worst one yet, WHY DO I KEEP DECKING OUT!!!? Just a few hours ago I played several test matches with my girlfriend only to find in EVERY game I decked myself out. So please guys help me the best way you guys know how to. I would love to hear feedback from anyone and everyone who reads this thread.

Sado out.
The Pokemon looks almost exactly like mine xD
Erm what I would do is take out a Level Ball and put in an Emolga. Gabite searches everything you need for you except itself. Emolga is essential for basics.
For the decking out thing, I don't really know what to do. Garchomp decks are meant to set up quickly and consistently, and then watch your opponents cry for mercy. (Unless Raikou EX)
You're probably not playing the game right if you're constantly decking out.

You're probably over extending for something only to realize that you've probably:

1) discarded valuable resources for a slim chance to get what you need
2) played cards for the sake of playing cards rather than assessing what needs to be done in your turns
3) Been attacking with Garchomp's second attack way more often than you need to.

Because of the speedy nature of the deck, you should be attacking the set up of opponent's deck through the energy effective attack of Garchomp. Using Pokemon Catcher and Altaria's Battle Song, KOing common support pokemon should be your first few prizes easy. 90HP seems to be a pretty common number for supportive pokemon in most decks, Emolga, Sableye, Eelektrik and probably others as well. With enough Altaria's in play, you should be 2HKO'in EX Pokemon anyway with the first attack as it's unlikely you will score an OHKO with it's second attack.
Yeah, I hardly ever use Dragon Blade. The only time I use it is when it gets me a OHKO, or I can't 2HKO with Mach Cut. That is, Eviolited Zekroms and Mewtwo EX with a Plus Power. Also, the fourth Altaria isn't really needed; you rarely get three out for more than a turn. Two just seems like a waste of space.

As for the list:
-2 Ultra Ball: With an attack that already discards two, Ultra Ball just doesn't do well in this deck.
-1 Random Reviever
+1 Emolga
+2 Juniper: I understand you keep decking out. It could be that you burn your resources too quickly and Dragonblade too often, but I run 4 Junipers and I don't think I've decked myself yet.