Pokemon (15):
Teal Mask Ogerpon ex TWM 025 x4
Hearthflame Mask Ogerpon ex TWM 040 x1
Wellspring Mask Ogerpon ex TWM 064 x1
Cornerstone Mask Ogerpon ex TWM 112 x1
Hisuian Lilligant VSTAR ASR 018 x1
Hisuian Lilligant V ASR 017 x1
Lumineon V BRS 041 x1
Bibarel BRS 121 x2
Bidoof CRZ 111 x2
Manaphy BRS 041 x1
Trainers (33):
Iono PAL 185 x4
Boss's Orders PAL 172 x2
Arven SVI 166 x2
Gardenia's Vigor ASR 143 x1
Kieran TWM 154 x1
Ogre’s Mask TWM 159 x4
Nest Ball SVI 181 x4
Ultra Ball SVI 196 x3
Counter Catcher PAR 160 x2
Bug Catcher Set TWM x2
Earthen Vessel PAR 163 x1
Super Rod PAL 188 x1
Energy Retrieval SVI 172 x1
Bravery Charm PAL 173 x3
Collapsed Stadium BRS 137 x1
Prime Catcher TEF 157 x1
Energy (12):
Luminous Energy PAL 191 x4
Basic Grass Energy SVE 01 x8
Untranslated Cards:
Bug Catching Set – Trainer
Look at the top 7 cards of your deck. You may choose up to 2 in any combination of Grass Pokémon and Basic [G] Energy cards you find there, reveal them, and put them into your hand. Then, shuffle the other cards back into your deck.
You may play as many Item cards as you like during your turn.
Teal Mask Ogerpon ex will be the main source of draw power in this deck, with Hisuian Lilligant VSTAR and quite a few Trainers being geared towards grabbing as much Grass Energy as possible to set up Teal Mask Ogerpon ex's Teal Dance Ability. Ogre's Mask will allow Ogerpon to switch into another of its forms to counter other threats, such as using Cornerstone Mask Ogerpon ex's Cornerstone Stance Ability to act as a wall against Pokemon that have Abilities and Wellspring Ogerpon ex's Torrential Pump attack to snipe your opponent's Bench. Luminous Energy will allow for smoother transitions between forms.
Here's my theory on how Ogerpon ex could work, but I won't pretend like I've gotten it all figured out. The gimmick of Ogre's Mask does give Ogerpon a very interesting mechanic, but it being a little on the weird side does make me worry for how it will play out in practice. As for the ACE SPEC, I ended up going with Prime Catcher because it's generally a very useful card, but I've also considered the idea of Scoop-Up Cyclone, Unfair Stamp, and Legacy Energy. I'm more partial to Unfair Stamp and Legacy Energy between those three, though, given Ogerpon's frailty as a Basic Pokemon ex. But Scoop-Up Cyclone could potentially allow you to rescue a wounded Ogerpon or get Lumineon back into hand so you can use its Ability again. But again, this is all just theorization. Any critiques and suggestions would be much appreciated! I really look forward to building Ogerpon when Twilight Masquerade comes out!
Teal Mask Ogerpon ex TWM 025 x4
Hearthflame Mask Ogerpon ex TWM 040 x1
Wellspring Mask Ogerpon ex TWM 064 x1
Cornerstone Mask Ogerpon ex TWM 112 x1
Hisuian Lilligant VSTAR ASR 018 x1
Hisuian Lilligant V ASR 017 x1
Lumineon V BRS 041 x1
Bibarel BRS 121 x2
Bidoof CRZ 111 x2
Manaphy BRS 041 x1
Trainers (33):
Iono PAL 185 x4
Boss's Orders PAL 172 x2
Arven SVI 166 x2
Gardenia's Vigor ASR 143 x1
Kieran TWM 154 x1
Ogre’s Mask TWM 159 x4
Nest Ball SVI 181 x4
Ultra Ball SVI 196 x3
Counter Catcher PAR 160 x2
Bug Catcher Set TWM x2
Earthen Vessel PAR 163 x1
Super Rod PAL 188 x1
Energy Retrieval SVI 172 x1
Bravery Charm PAL 173 x3
Collapsed Stadium BRS 137 x1
Prime Catcher TEF 157 x1
Energy (12):
Luminous Energy PAL 191 x4
Basic Grass Energy SVE 01 x8
Untranslated Cards:
Bug Catching Set – Trainer
Look at the top 7 cards of your deck. You may choose up to 2 in any combination of Grass Pokémon and Basic [G] Energy cards you find there, reveal them, and put them into your hand. Then, shuffle the other cards back into your deck.
You may play as many Item cards as you like during your turn.
Teal Mask Ogerpon ex will be the main source of draw power in this deck, with Hisuian Lilligant VSTAR and quite a few Trainers being geared towards grabbing as much Grass Energy as possible to set up Teal Mask Ogerpon ex's Teal Dance Ability. Ogre's Mask will allow Ogerpon to switch into another of its forms to counter other threats, such as using Cornerstone Mask Ogerpon ex's Cornerstone Stance Ability to act as a wall against Pokemon that have Abilities and Wellspring Ogerpon ex's Torrential Pump attack to snipe your opponent's Bench. Luminous Energy will allow for smoother transitions between forms.
Here's my theory on how Ogerpon ex could work, but I won't pretend like I've gotten it all figured out. The gimmick of Ogre's Mask does give Ogerpon a very interesting mechanic, but it being a little on the weird side does make me worry for how it will play out in practice. As for the ACE SPEC, I ended up going with Prime Catcher because it's generally a very useful card, but I've also considered the idea of Scoop-Up Cyclone, Unfair Stamp, and Legacy Energy. I'm more partial to Unfair Stamp and Legacy Energy between those three, though, given Ogerpon's frailty as a Basic Pokemon ex. But Scoop-Up Cyclone could potentially allow you to rescue a wounded Ogerpon or get Lumineon back into hand so you can use its Ability again. But again, this is all just theorization. Any critiques and suggestions would be much appreciated! I really look forward to building Ogerpon when Twilight Masquerade comes out!