Make A Wish

Typhlosion ex fans

NO1 typhlosion and mew fans
If Jirachi can make you a wish, what'll you wish?

I wish I can have all pokemon trading cards from base set to Crystal Guardians, including promo.

* Don't make a wish that's impossible!!!
I'd wish for... eternal life
*got that from DBZ*, but it's my dream
I'm going to let myself be freezed in when I'm 60, and be brought back 100 years later, live a year there, freeze back, and do that for every 100 years until the life-elixir is invented *lives in a dreamworld, I know, but it's my dream (other then pokémon being real)*
I would wish to be able to recover myslef, have the power to give life and death, also to be filthy RICH!
i'd wish for more self confidence (lol sounds really lame. . .but if i had more confidence in myself. . .i'd be able to make alot of things happen.)
RE:  Make A Wish

delta-mew-ex said:
i wish that i know what i should wish

thats a very bad wish if you only have one wish and you use it on that you have a wish but cant wish it isteed take your time to figure it out.