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Magnegatr (Seniors, Cities)


Now with one fewer 's'
Pokemon (21):
3-2-3-1 Magnezone Prime/Lv.X
2-2-2 Feraligatr Prime
4x Spiritomb
1x Uxie
1x Azelf

T/S/S (18):
2x Rare Candy
2x Interviewer's Questions
2x Bebe's Search
2x Judge
2x Pokémon Collector
2x Pokémon Communication
3x Broken Time-Space
1x Palmer's Contribution
1x Luxury Ball
1x Vs. Seeker

Energy (21):
4 Electric
2 Rescue
2 Warp
13 Water

Strategy is pretty simple, just get energy on Feraligatr with Rain Dance and then Lost Burn for OHKOs the entire game once set up.
Problem: Umbreon. I'm considering putting in Relicanth and switching electric energy for rainbow. Other techs would be either none, and try to attack with Crocanaw (50 for 3 energy, which I could Rain Dance), or Palkia Platinum (60 for 3 possibly-Rain-Danced energy).
Wow. Thats just about perfect.
Going to Fairfax? Now I know your list :p

I'd have an Unown Q for Spiritomb retreat. What do you do against VileGar?
I usually just sack the 'Tomb so I can have a good number of turns to get Maggy, Feraligatr, and maybe a 2nd Maggy as well.
Going against VileGar actually hasn't been a huge problem. I tested it against someone at my league, and because I only have 18 T/S/S (and only 6 of those are trainers), it's all good. I can only ever get 2 Magnezone out at a time because of no Rare Candy (so I try to use it in the beginning), but my opponent isn't doing huge damage. As far as Shadow Room goes, it takes 3 turns to KO a Feraligatr wit it, so I can get 3 KOs on Gengar for a good advantage.
No, I mean Fainting Spell to.
Would you use Gatr as a secondary attacker? I think You should.

Going to Fairfax?

Interseting Idea: since you don't want Crobat G, have a 1-0-1 or 1-1-1 Kingdra Prime. It gets the last 10 HP out of a Gengar, and can be used as an attacker too.
I would add another Magnezone Prime and get rid of the Lv. X. Prime has the same amount of HP and since you're not running any Metal energy you wont need it to attack. I dont think you really need his Poke Power because energy should not be a problem in this deck.
The list looks good though. Maybe find some space for 2 Warp Point if you are worried about Umbreon.
Yeah, I'm going to Fairfax. We'll see how that goes :/
The Lv.X is for Donphan and/or Machamp, but I may take it out. Warp Point only gets me 1 more KO each time I use it, so I'm not sure that would be ideal... plus, I'm worried about it in VileGar, too.
I just don't have room for Kingdra... I'd have to run 1-1-1 b/c of trainer lock, so no Rare Candy, and I'd prefer to just use 1 more energy.
As for Fainting Spell, it's a pain. But I have to rely on the coin flip to go wrong. Not the best strategy, but there's not much else I can do.
Umbreon. Still annoying me. I think I'll switch something out for Palkia PT if I can trade for one. Dunno what I would switch out though, Maggy X is oh-so-useful against Machamp and Donphan to avoid the OHKO...
As a suggestion, since this deck is supposed to hammer everything for 100+ damage wouldn't putting in a reversal be better then putting in a warp point? what if you only have the one magnezone out and one feraligator with a few tech's laying around, warp point could be used against you in that instance so reversal or circulator (no matter what can be said this card is uber useful at time's) could be more useful. cya
I am planning on playing a very similar list to this for my cities, only things i'd say is, maybe replace your 2 pokemon communications with two twins. As this deck normally gets behind on prizes to start with i think it would be a much better option, also i'd put in one or two expert belts. Especially when facing SP so many SP pokes have 110 hp and instead of wasting an extra energy just attach the belt. changing your electric energy to rainbow would be much better as you could then use magnezone lv.x's attack if needed.
Umbreon looks like trouble, maybe adding a 1-1 floatzel lv.x line could work. Floatzel Gl can do 50 damage for 2 energy and can return supporters to our hand. The lv.x can revive your gatr and refuel your deck if your hand gets to big(for magnzone draw)

Hope that helps:D
Add Kingdra prime for its power and getting the kos on gengar without getting fainting spelled... and yeah this deck is good if it can hold its own for a while during set up
I finally saw this deck in action. (this isn't saying much because my brother made and played it, so it was awful.)

It was a little slow, but hit for a lot of damage. I still think Kingdra would be a good tech.

He lost though because he LZ'd all his {L} energy :p.
^lol, that's why you LZ water energy...
TBH, though, I have pretty much no room for a 1-1-1 Kingdra line (as I wouldn't be able to play 1-0-1 under trainer lock). It does help a lot, but I just don't think I could make it work... and to get around Fainting Spell, I'd have to wait a turn and put the damage counter on then. So... probably not.