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Machamp/Donphan Prime (Cities, Masters)


Aspiring Trainer
Here is my list for Machamp/Donphan Prime:

4-4 Donphan prime
3-2-3 Machamp (2 Prime, 1 SF)
2 Uxie LA
1 Azelf LA
1 Unown Q

20 Pokemon

3 Pokemon Collector
3 Bebe's Search
2 Palmer's Contribution
2 Interviewer's Questions
3 Rare Candy
3 Expert Belt
2 Pokemon Communication
4 Broken Time-Space
2 Stark Mountain

24 T/S/S

10 Fighting Energy
4 Double Colourless energy
2 Rescue Energy

16 Energy

Strategy: Pull off a donk with Donphan, while damaging the bench. Set up a Machamp Prime, and Fighting touch to send it out. Machamp starts hitting for 150-170, depending on the belt. SF Machamp is for SP's. Lemme know what you think!
i'm running the same thing, so:
take out 1-1 donphan prime, it's not needed
only 1 palmer's is needed
take out stark mountain - bts should be your stadium, and machamp's power is like a built in stark/switch
interviewer's is definitely not needed
take out 1 dce and 3 fighting
rescue really isn't necessary with palmer's
and add 3 pont and 1 copycat