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Machamp Donk Cities Seniors


Aspiring Trainer
1 Machop TM
1 Machop SF
2 Machoke TM
2 Machamp SF
2 Uxie LA
2 Machamp lv X SF
1 Azelf LA
1 Smeargle UD
2 Sableye SF
3 Crobat G PL
Total 17
4 Super Scoop Up UL
4 Junk Arm TM
3 Seeker TM
4 Rare Candy UL
4 Poke Blower +
3 Bebes Search
3 Expert Belt
1 Pokemon Collector
2 Poke Turn
1 Luxury Ball
1 Broken Time Space
Total: 30
7 Fighting
3 Special Dark
1 Cyclone
1 Rescue
Total: 13
The decks fine the way it is but I would have a little more speed so:
-4 Junk Arm Its not needed and Why is it in there
-1 Rescue Needs to be at least 2-3
-1 Cyclone Its random in there.
+ 2 Collector for speed
+ 2 BTS
+ 1 Bebe's
+ 1 Machop Just in case
Darksonic you are wrong he should add in 2 Machamp prime
-4 poke blower
+ poke drawer ( which junk arm is for)
- 1 cyclone
-1 special dark
the level x doesnt need to be in here and this deck list is too confusing i mean machamp doesnt need a starter you just get machamp sf as fast as you can and start killing. Crobat g's are not needed and max out collectors. machamp prime is there for late game and for quick switching.
First, it seems that you are trying to donk with Sableye and the special dark energy. Thats fine but if you miss the donk, then you need to come back with something else, and I would use machamp prime. You either need to go with sableye or machamp sf in my opinion. You can donk with either but that 7 - 8 cards you use for the sableye could be used on acceleration.
My new list:
3-2-3-1 Machamp (sf, sf, prime, lv x)
1-0-1 magnezone prime
3 uxie
1 azelf
1 relincath sv (gyrados counter

4 rare candy
4 pokedex
4 pokedrawer+
4 junk arm
1 pokemon reversal
3 seeker
4 super scoop up
3 dual ball
3 night teleporter (for hand reset with uxie
2 warp point (to switch out all starters other than machop)
2 expert belt
1 luxury ball

5 fighting energy
1 rescue
1 cyclone (for spiritombs)

This has donked almost every 2 pokemon (other than spiritomb) start that I have played. I know that I need to take out the 1-0-1 of magnezone for another 1-0-1 line of machamp prime. So please, other comments to help.
take out relicant, if they really want to attack you, they will just warp energy seeker. if you are really trying to daonk, why not donphan and and 4 poketurn? you could get that extra 10, 20, etc. damage you need to kill your oppenents pokemon before they can get set up.
4-4 donphan prime
4 poketurn
1 more crobat g
Skeleton List:

4-2-4 (2 af and 2 prime)
2-1 Uxie Lv. X
1 Unown Q
1 Azelf
1/2-1/2 Umbreon UD
(4 Smeargle or Sableye, depends on you go for lots of consistency or donk/speed)

=17-23 Pokes


3 Pokémon Collector
2-3 bebes
2-3 pokemon communication
1 black belt or 2 expert belt
2-4 Seeker
0-4 Super Scoop Up
0-3 Warp point
4 Rare Candy


... Try out yourself
Machamp Donk (no starter: sableye/spiritomb) (no lock: umbreon)
Don't have uxie x so I play 3 uxie
trying to get another machamp prime
also, spriritomb trainer locks, over half my deck is trainers, that is my whole draw engine
Then try out Regice.

Remember, we are all trying to get your deck as good as possible with using cards all over the format, not cards in your binder. If we think your deck would be better with an Uxie X, then try to get one. Don´t tell us that your deck won´t need a Uxie X just because you don´t have one...

EDIT: If you are so obsessed in playing Machamp DONK, then try out this skeleton list:

4-4-4 Machamp (3 SF, 1 Prime)
4 Uxie
2/3 Crobat g
4 Unown R
1 Regice
(1 Azelf)

3 Pokémon Collector
4 Pokémon Communication
4 PokéTurn
4 Rare Candy
4 PokéDex
1/2 Bebe´s Search
4 Expert Belt
4 PlusPower
3/4 BTS

6 Fighting
1/2 DCE

I have no idea how many cards it is, I just scribbled it down fast right now...
^uh, sometimes people aren't on every day, and dont want to respond to shallow posts.

As a pretty experienced Machamp player, skeleton Machamp donk looks like this:

4-2-3 Machamp SF
3 Uxie LA
1 Azelf LA
1 Unown Q
1 Regice

3 Seeker
3 Collector
3 Bebe
3 Communicator
4 Candies
2 Warp Point (Wins games, bro)
2 Junk Arm
1 Palmer
1 Lux Ball

8 Fighting



Champ Prime
More Junk Arm
DCE (W/ Champrime)

Hope this helps.