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Standard M Alakazam


Aspiring Trainer
Hey there Pokebeach! So lately I've been playing M Alakazam without bats and found it to work a bit better than with bats because it's more consistent and it becomes really easy to get out the megas on the second or third turn. The issue I've been having however is dealing with Trevenant lock. This monster of a deck hits my for weakness, locks out my items (namely the spirit link) and I even help it out by using the same stadium.

I also find that late in the game I'm struggling to keep damage on the field to be able to 1HKO pokemon that I need to. Any suggestions to improve the list?

Pokémon: 13
  • 1 Wobbuffet PHF
  • 4 Alakazam EX
  • 4 M Alakazam EX
  • 1 Hoopa EX
  • 2 Shaymin EX
  • 1 Absol ROS
Trainers/Supporters/Stadiums: 39
  • 3 Professor Sycamore
  • 3 N
  • 1 AZ
  • 1 Xerosic
  • 2 Skyla
  • 2 Pokemon Fan Club (thinking about removing one)
  • 1 Lysandre
  • 3 VS Seeker
  • 1 Random Receiver
  • 4 Alakzam Spirit Link
  • 4 Super Scoop Up
  • 4 Ultra Ball
  • 1 Super Rod
  • 4 Trainer's Mail
  • 1 Float Stone
  • 1 Professor's Letter
  • 3 Dimension Valley
Energy: 8
  • 5 Psychic Energy
  • 3 Mystery Energy

So basically as you may have guessed, the best start is with an Alakazam. You ideally get an ultra ball or a Fan Club first turn search for Hoopa and get 2 more Alakazam + a Shaymin and possibly a mega. Get an energy down and hope you don't get hexed (cause chain Hex destroys this deck as well). Turn 2 you should be able to get at least 2 megas down (if the links are feeling generous and show up) and AZ'ing the Hoopa can help you achieve that with ease. Throw some damage here and there, using scoop ups as you see fit, then destroy whatever comes to the active slot with a dimension valley 1 energy attack.

Wobbuffet is there because he is essentially a 1 prize card weaker version of M Alakazam and can lock the abilities of your opponent. I included the float stone so I could have a pivot put on Absol, Hoopa or Wobb without having to attach mystery energy all the time.

Like I mentioned above, having the lock on the spirit links really sucks so a turn 1 toad also does a lot of work. I used to have devolution spray in this deck, but it became really clunky when I was facing a lock deck and because Trevenant is so prominent at the moment I can't take that chance.

I was thinking of adding some sort of secondary attacker, but I'm not entirely sure who that could be
Running one hoopa is rather risky; if it gets prized, your deck slows to a crawl.

If you're having issues with Trevenant and item lock, Hex Maniac is your best friend. You Hex to play your items and attach your links, then on the next turn you evolve and start OHKOing things. As for losing damage, you could increase your Absol count to use it more frequently, taking some extra damage off the active and placing it on a fresh Pokémon.

Personally I prefer the Mega Turbo+Sky Field variant over the D Valley variant since then you disrupt Night March and Trev, or just benefit from their own stadium, but that's a preference choice I think.
Very interesting. I had not considered playing Hex maniac because it counters my own deck really hard. I can see how it can be beneficial however and skyfield +
mega turbo could be an interesting combo as well. Thanks for the input :D
This is the list I made as my first build, if it may be of any help :)

Pokémon (16):
4 Alakazam EX
4 M Alakazam EX
2 Hoopa EX
2 Shaymin EX
2 Absol
2 Wobbuffet

Trainer (37):
2 Battle Compressor
4 Trainers' Mail
4 Ultra Ball
4 VS Seeker
4 Devolution Spray
4 Alakazam Spirit Link
2 AZ
1 Hex Maniac
2 Lysandre
1 Skyla
3 N
3 Professor Sycamore
3 Dimension Valley

Energy (7):
7 Psychic Energy

I run 2 Hoopa, 2 Absol, 2 Wobbuffet and 1 Hex Maniac. It doesn't really counter your own deck if you play it on the right time... Also if you get it in your starting hand when you have the first turn of the game, it's really useful to lock your opponent (no Hoopa, no Shaymin, no Unown)... It's also useful in mirror matches ;)
I fell like devolution spray would be a nice help to keep the damage flowing onto your opponents pokemon.
You could definetly run a split but I think 4 Scoop Ups is the way to go
I play a similar deck, I run two skyfields so you can turbo everything out turn one, then replace with a dimension valley to clear your shaymins and hoopa off the bench. Means you can Hoopa, shaymin, shaymin, alakazam, hoopa again for a second alakazam and two megas, maybe a third shaymin, draw through half your deck, compress away anything you don't need, have a massive hand, hit your manual then end your first turn and watch your opponent scowl at you. Assuming they don't N you (which is fine as you have six prizes still) then you have two M alakazams and likely have found two spirit links so evolve twice (or often three times) on turn two and take a quick KO.
You could definetly run a split but I think 4 Scoop Ups is the way to go
I think a split would be better. I haven't found any place yet in my deck for Scoops, but Scoops can fail. Devo Spray is always effective. Unfortunately when you have too much damage, you'd better not play it of course :p it's a tough choice, but I think a 3-3 line would be nice...
I play a similar deck, I run two skyfields so you can turbo everything out turn one, then replace with a dimension valley to clear your shaymins and hoopa off the bench. Means you can Hoopa, shaymin, shaymin, alakazam, hoopa again for a second alakazam and two megas, maybe a third shaymin, draw through half your deck, compress away anything you don't need, have a massive hand, hit your manual then end your first turn and watch your opponent scowl at you. Assuming they don't N you (which is fine as you have six prizes still) then you have two M alakazams and likely have found two spirit links so evolve twice (or often three times) on turn two and take a quick KO.

Do you have a deck list of your deck you want to share?
****** Pokémon Trading Card Game Deck List ******

Pokémon - 15

3 Shaymin-EX ROS 77
3 Absol ROS 40
2 Alakazam-EX FAC 125
2 Alakazam-EX FAC 117
3 M Alakazam-EX FAC 26
2 Hoopa-EX PR-XY XY71

Trainer Cards - 37

4 Trainers' Mail ROS 92
1 Dimension Valley PHF 93
1 Lysandre AOR 78
4 Super Scoop Up FFI 100
3 Professor Sycamore BKP 107
4 Ultra Ball FLF 99
1 Skyla BKT 148
1 Professor's Letter XY 123
2 N FAC 105
3 Sky Field ROS 89
1 Hex Maniac AOR 75
4 Alakazam Spirit Link FAC 90
2 Devolution Spray FAC 95
1 Max Potion BKP 103
4 VS Seeker PHF 109
1 AZ PHF 91

Energy - 8

5 Psychic Energy XYEnergy 8
3 Mystery Energy PHF 112

Total Cards - 60

****** Deck List Generated by the Pokémon TCG Online www.pokemon.com/TCGO ******
I just realised this isn't my most up to date list, I also run mega turbos now.

-1 absol
-1 devolution spray
-1 spirit link

+3 mega turbos

The idea is to run it like a super turbo vespiquen/nightmarch strategy, balls to the wall, give turn one everything you can, set up as fast as Mega Rayquazza does, turn two evolve everything and start one shotting.

Get rid of skyfield as soon as you are set up, take your shaymin off the field, scoop up a hoopa and then bounce absols around.
Thanks for all your help! Ill be sure to try out the skyfield variant this monday at my local league :)
****** Pokémon Trading Card Game Deck List ******

Pokémon - 14

3 Shaymin-EX ROS 77
2 Absol ROS 40
2 Alakazam-EX FAC 125
2 Alakazam-EX FAC 117
3 M Alakazam-EX FAC 26
2 Hoopa-EX PR-XY XY71

Trainer Cards - 38

4 Trainers' Mail ROS 92
1 Dimension Valley PHF 93
1 Lysandre AOR 78
4 Super Scoop Up FFI 100
3 Professor Sycamore BKP 107
4 Ultra Ball FLF 99
1 Skyla BKT 148
1 Professor's Letter XY 123
2 N FAC 105
3 Sky Field ROS 89
1 Hex Maniac AOR 75
4 Alakazam Spirit Link FAC 90
1 Devolution Spray FAC 95
3 Mega Turbo ROS 86
4 VS Seeker PHF 109
1 AZ PHF 91

Energy - 8

5 Psychic Energy XYEnergy 8
3 Mystery Energy PHF 112

Total Cards - 60

****** Deck List Generated by the Pokémon TCG Online www.pokemon.com/TCGO ******

Here is my current list after testing last night.

I think you will enjoy it as a deck if you enjoyed Mega ray or nightmarch style decks that explode turn one. All you need to do is hit an ultraball or hoopa turn one and you should be good to get your full board set up.