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Lucarios/Houndooms (Lucdoom) - Any Torunament - mods can lock if they please.

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( ゚∀゚)☞ !Stop You Criminal Scum! ( ゚∀゚)☞
Alright, I just came up with an idea and I was wondering if you guys could maybe make it any better.

Pokemon: 21

4-3 Houndoom CL
1 Houndoom Prime
4-2 Lucario UL
2 Lucario CL
3 Crobat G
2 Uxie LA

T/S/S: 28

4 Bebe's Search
3 Pokemon Collector
2 Expert Belt
4 Plus Power
3 Broken Time-Space
4 Poke Turn
3 Professor Oak's New Theory
2 Warp Point

Energy: 13

4 Special Darkness
4 Darkness
6 Fighting

Strategy: Get out Houndoom prime for burning, send out Houndoom or Lucario for easy 2-NRG-50, 70, or 110 Damage attack, adding all Crobat G it equals a whopping 220 Damage in one attack.
RE: Lucarios/Houndooms (Lucdoom) - Any Torunament

Nothing? Does anyone have anyway to improve this at all?
RE: Lucarios/Houndooms (Lucdoom) - Any Torunament

i don't like the deck simply because your damage output isn't going to win many games. a luxchomp, dialga chomp, vile gar etc. will easliy win the game. i would switch the lucario for a donphan. and come up with a way to fit in nidoquen. this way you can hit for damage and heal.
one more thing, fit in sableye. it WILL work wonders for you.
RE: Lucarios/Houndooms (Lucdoom) - Any Torunament

No synergy whatsover. You basically threw 2 Pokemon lines together and called it a deck. The two don't compliment each other at all. Houndoom does best in a disruption deck w/ trickery, weavile, iniciative whilst lucario's only good card is the CoL one and that's best w/ absol prime, relicanth CoL, and Palkia G x.
RE: Lucarios/Houndooms (Lucdoom) - Any Torunament

You have awesome trainers/supporters but your pokemon besides uxie are HORRIBLE.

^Third what they said
RE: Lucarios/Houndooms (Lucdoom) - Any Torunament

Why don't you play PL Lucario and LA Houndoom. These way you hit more the more bench you have. If removed, returned or KO'ed, you counter with Houndoom LA, while you restore your bench. Good luck!
RE: Lucarios/Houndooms (Lucdoom) - Any Torunament

So what I get from all this is I am good with the T/S/S I choose, but I need to work on my Pokemon choosing.

Ok, thanks guys, I will drop this deck right now as it will not work.

Mods you can lock seeing how you don't give members the power to lock there own threads. (;