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Expanded Lucario EX / Lycanroc GX

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Aspiring Trainer
Pokemon: 14
  • 3 Lucario EX FFI
  • 2 Riolu BUS
  • 2 Lucario BUS
  • 2 Landorus FFI
  • 1 Rockruff SM06
  • 1 Lycanroc GX
  • 1 Machomp GRI
  • 1 Machamp FFI
  • 1 Sudowoodo GRI

Trainers: 34
  • 3 Korrina
  • 2 N
  • 2 Professor Sycamore
  • 2 Professor Kukui
  • 2 Skyla
  • 2 Guzma
  • 1 Lysandre
  • 1 Acerola

  • 3 VS Seeker
  • 2 Fighting Fury Belt
  • 2 Focus Sash
  • 2 Field Blower
  • 2 Float Stone
  • 1 Rare Candy
  • 1 Special Charge
  • 1 Energy Retrieval
  • 1 Super Rod
  • 1 Trainer Mail
  • 1 Professor's Letter

  • 2 Brooklet Hill

Energy: 12
  • 4 Strong Energy
  • 8 Fighting Energy

In the early game the idea is to use Lucario EX to get early prizes. Usually only 2 energy is attached to use Corkscrew Punch to keep drawing cards. Then use Fighting Fury Belt mainly to raise Lucario EX HP and do a little extra damage. The BUS Lucario is your mid to late game hevy hitter, 120+ damage. Also he can be quite a nuisance with his Stance ability to prevent all damage through end of your opponents next turn. Then you throw a Focus Stash on him to keep him at 10 HP for a another turn. Next there is Landrous for the mid to late game to allow you to build up another Riolu or your Rockruff on your bench while still doing some damage. allows you to attach energy to the bench and do some damage at the same time. Then Lycanroc is in there to use a extra Lysandre if want to play a different supporter that turn plus his Dangerous Rogue comes in real handy for a OHKO. Thenyou have Machamp which makes all fighting type do a extra 20 damage and if you already have the Machomp down you can Korrina for him with a rare candy. With that though I usually never attack with him and try to keep a float stone on him. Then you have Sudowoodo to limit the size of your opponent's bench / block there Sky Field.

I know I should add in some Max Elixir to speed up the BUS Lucario but I don't know how many and what I should cut out? Then I need to add a Karen for a Night March counter, but should I cut a Skyla or a Korrina?
Then do you think I should a second line of Lycanroc by cutting Lucario line or a Sudowoodo and a Landrous? Or just leave them as they are since Zoroark is getting big with Sky Filed? Also I might to try and sneak another VS Seeker in. I thought about adding in Colress too?

This deck as gone through a lot of revisions since I first tried to make way back September. I've play a lot of games with it and figured out a lot of the clunk of it but there is still some there . I had made it to top 4 and finals quite a few times recently. Last week with this current list I came in first but a lot of that came down to luck and quite a few miss play by my opponents through the games.

All of your thoughts and comments are greatly appreciated! And thanks in advanced!
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