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LostGar :: Seniors :: States


Lost World, Lost metagame.
Hey guys.
Got a new LostGar build I'm gonna try out here.
Please, constructive criticism only :)

Pokemon (21):
4-3-3-1 (Gastly SF, Haunter TM, Gengar X)
1-1 Palkia G X
2x Spiritomb (T M)
2x Uxie (LA)
1x Azelf (LA)
1x Unown Q
2x Mr. Mime (CoL)

T\S\S (26):
2x Lost World
2x BTS
3x Twins
4x Seeker
3x Bebe’s
2x Pokemon Communication
1x VS Seeker
1x Luxury Ball
3x Rare Candy
3x Collector
2x Palmer's Contribution

Energy (13):
4x Rescue
9x Psychic

Set up quick with Gengar then start to Hurl like-a beast. Drop a Mr. Mime, if no Pokemon, either play Seeker, Lookers, or Spiritomb, and then (like said) start to Hurl (obviously with Lost World out). But I don’t want to play Lost World too early, so that’s why I got the BTS in there for the quick set up. *Please don’t nag on me for this, I know it benefits both players, it’s just pretty necessary.* I also have some back-up Rare Candy in there.

I am also considering putting in Spiritomb (AR) in there and taking out the BTS. That seems like a waste of precious attack time, though. I believe he is only used in the Trainer-Lock version of this deck.

Thanks for reading, and once again, please only constructive criticism :)
-2 Poke Turn
-1 Lost World
-2 Rescue Energy
-2 Looker's Investigation
-1 Spiritomb
-1 Pokemon Rescue

+1 Smeargle
+1 Uxie Lv x
+1 Broken Time Space
+1 Palmer's Contributions

Hope this helps
-4 Looker's Investigation(This is what Mr. Mime is for...)
- 1 Bebe's Search(4 is overkill IMO)
-1 Twins
-1 Lost World(Only play it when you know you can fulfill the "win" condition)
+1 Mr. Mime CoL
+1 BTS

This should get you to exactly 60 cards. Also, which Spiritomb are you running? The correct one would be the one with Spooky Whirlpool.
@volkner747- Thanks for your advice! Changes have been made accordingly.

@XFlameMasterX- Well, the Lookers were for if I were to play a Mr. Mime, opponents got a bad hand, drop the Lookers and have then draw for 5 instead of 6. Or just in case I needed to shuffle, but these all seem like some pretty down-the-dump ideas now that I think about it... :p
But yes, the Spiritomb is from Triumphant.
If you play Lookers and have them get a new hand, they don't have to draw any cards, so keep them out. I would also -2 poketurn. To help with having too many cards. Palkia doesn't need saved that many times.
@dragonpulse20- The Turns weren't just for Palkia, they were for abusing Uxie's, Azlef's, and Spiritomb's Power :)
And you always have to shuffle then draw if you get Looker'ed.
^Poketurn only picks up SP. :p

You don't run any Pokemon Collector. I suggest you drop the 2 Poketurn and a Seeker for 3 Collector.
@Quedus: yes, they shuffle, bu they don't have to draw. It was in questions and rulings a while back. And yes, poke turn only gets SP.
^No. The card says "up to 5 cards", so they must draw at least one. Correct me if I'm wrong, but I believe that's the ruling.

I would drop a Pokemon Rescue or two and add Palmer's Contribution. It has more versatility, and you can search for more than 3 Rescues, and helps grab those Energies you lost.
@Yoshidude10- *jumps off cliff* I always get confused with Turns! This is my first non-SP deck, so yeah XD Anyways, thanks a bunch for the advice. I was considering putting in some Collectors, but then I thought that they would be a waste of deck space. I was thinking that I would get a pretty fast start to begin with.
Changes have been made accordingly! :)

@dragonpulse20 *Same goes for what I said, about the Turns, with Yoshi* And I just started playing the game back in August, so I didn't know that :p

Also, just a question for anyone to answer, but would running an Azelf X be a smart move? Since Absol G X is going to start seeing some more play, maybe even in some LostGar's. Thanks!

EDIT: Yes, I believe Yoshi is correct about the Looker's.
Quedus: Yes, Azelf Lv.X is a good card to use in LostGar decks becuase the retreat cost is 0 for every of your Psychic pokemon. Or a better choice is Exploud LA. The retreat cost for every pokemon is 0. So if you started with wrong pokemon, you can just switch it whit the pokemon you want. so a 1-0-1 line or a 1-1-1 line of Exploud is mabye better to use than Azelf Lv.X

BTW, thats only what i think. :D
alright, there's a lot of advice being posted on this topic so I'm just going to base my comments on the list that's posted up there on the top.

Absolutely run 4 Seekers. They are one of the 2 mandatory Supporters in this deck. They force pokemon into your opponent's hand, which by itself make them probably one of the best cards in a LostGar deck. They also help you in so many possible ways. You can re-use a Spiritomb (so I only run 1 in my deck. I can just re-use it whenever I want), Uxie, you can pick up wounded Pokemon, you can clear bench space for another tech, ect. ect.

Twins is the other mandatory supporter, but there's a bit more wiggle room with that card. Depending on your metagame and the other cards in your deck usually you run 3-4. Since this deck gets no prize cards, it's basically a supporter that lets you get 2 of whatever you want. Those 2 cards are enough to let you set-up pretty much whatever you want-need. I'd say try out 3 and see if your deck is fast enough that way.

You're running rescue energies, you shouldn't need pokemon rescue. Rescue energies are superior anyways because you can get the entire line back in your hand, and they can't be trainer locked.

You already know about PokeTurn, so drop those. Also drop Cyrus's Conspiracy since Twins lets you search out anything at all.

-2 Cyrus’ Conspiracy
-2 Poketurn
-2 Pokemon Rescue

+1 Seeker
+1 Twins
+2 Pokemon Communication (speedier, but can be locked)
+1 VS Seeker (to keep using those Twins and Seeker)
+1 Luxury Ball

Those are just a few suggestions to try out for cards to add. Depending on your metagame and everything, you might want to take out some Bebe's search for more Communication, or not have the communication at all, depending on trainer locking.

VS Seeker is a bit of a filler. I run one in my deck and it has helped me out a lot, but you may find you don't need it. It is kinda nice because later in the game it's about the same as giving you a card that lets you choose what supporter you want it to be, but again it can be locked.

Luxury ball is a great little card, most decks find room for one.

Some other cards that might be nice to consider are Uxie Lv. X. It's power is amazing, and can really speed up your deck considerably. It's easy to get out too (once a pokemon gets KO'd, or if Uxie just happens to be active, you stick Unown Q to it and level it up, then switch it back to the bench). Only problem is is that I believe it's the most expensive card in the current format.

Azelf Lv. X is another one to consider... I haven't personally tried this card out in my deck yet, but it's one you might wanna think about. The thing is, I don't expect a counter to LostGar to be too successful at tournaments. Taking a deck to a tournament to counter only one deck is likely to be crushed by every other deck. Also, if you plan to use Uxie Lv. X, I can imagine it might be difficult to manage having both of them out at the same time, especially considering limited bench space. Leveling both of them up and retreating them back with only 1 unown Q would be bothersome too.
@HorribleGhost- Thanks so much for taking your time to write your advice :)
Well, I truthfully knew I should be running 4 Seeker, it's just that since I was in a hurry, I made all the changes people advised me to make.
3 Twins is what I was aiming for since I started building, hopefully it will be enough.
I really like the idea of the VS Seeker and Luxury Ball. But, if I were to run Luxury Ball, wouldn't Junk Arm also be it's necessary component?
Once I get my hands on an Uxie X, I may possibly put it in. Thing is, I am currently running a DialgaChomp that uses Uxie X, and if I do manage to get one, it will most likely go in there :p
The point you made about the Azelf X and the counters was really nice, so I'm really stuck between 2 rocks on this one.
Luxury ball goes well with Junk Arm, but that's only a nice little added bonus of using Junk Arm in a deck (for Gyrados or something). Otherwise it's just trading that card in for whatever pokemon you want.
Alright, well, thanks again!
This deck seems about right now. I really don't think anyone runs AGX in my area, so that solves the Azelf X problem, and I most likely won't be adding in the Uxie X. So, if I'm correct, that clears up everything :)