TCG Fakes Lorde's TCG Mini-Sets! (Text Based) - CLOSED


Aspiring Trainer
Lorde's TCG Mini-Sets - CLOSED

Hello everyone! I'm just a newbie TCG faker, trying to get better in a terrain they're not incredibly familiar with. I'm doing this for fun, but of course, I'd also like to get better at this. Please please PLEASE give me suggestions on what I could change for future fakes I may make. They'll help me learn a lot!

So here's what I'm starting off with, a set called 'Fairies vs. Dragons' I've been working on for a while. It features a few of the fairy and dragon type Pokémon that live in the Alola region! It's just a mini-set though, only 18 cards, but I hope you enjoy what I do put up here in the time being.

Here are the first cards here, all being fairy types, or if not, their evolution is. Here they are, enjoy :D

Cutiefly HP: 30 - Fairy
Basic Pokémon

[Y] Buzz 10
Flip a coin. If heads, your opponent's active Pokémon is now Confused.

Weakness: [M] x2
Resistance: [D] - 20
Retreat: None

Pokédex: Cutiefly can detect the auras of living things. They search out flowers by the color and brightness of their auras and then gather their nectar and pollen.
Ribombee GX HP: 190 - Fairy
Stage 1 - Evolves from Cutiefly

[Y] Buzz 40
Flip a coin. If heads, your opponent's active Pokémon is now Confused.

[Y][C] Pollen Puff 70
Heal 30 damage from this Pokémon.

[Y][Y] Pollination Bomb GX
Heal all damage from all of your Benched Pokémon.

Weakness: [M] x 2
Resistance: [D] - 20
Retreat: [C]

Pokemon GX Rule: When your Pokemon-GX is knocked out, your opponent takes 2 Prize Cards.
Vulpix (Alolan) HP: 40 - Water
Basic Pokémon

[W] Light Snow 20
Your opponent's active Pokémon is now Asleep.

Weakness: [M] x 2
Resistance: None
Retreat: [C]

Pokédex: In hot weather, Alolan Vulpix make ice shards with their tails and spray them around to keep cool.
Ninetales (Alolan) HP: 100 - Water/Fairy
Stage 1 - Evolves from Vulpix (Alolan)

Ability: Peaceful Flurries
When you play this Pokémon from your hand to evolve 1 of your Pokémon during your turn, you may heal all damage from 1 of your Pokémon.

[W] Aurora Veil

During your opponent's next two turns, this Pokémon takes 20 less damage from attacks (after applying Weakness and Resistance).

[Y][Y][C] Replenishing Snowstorm 70+
If your opponent's active Pokémon is affected by a Special Condition, this attack does 70 more damage. Then, remove all Special Conditions from that Pokémon.

Weakness: [M] x 2
Resistance: [D] - 20
Retreat: [C][C]

Pokédex: Possessing a calm demeanor, this Pokémon was revered as a deity incarnate before it was identified as a regional variant of Ninetales.

The area below will be constantly updated. In the brown parenthesis, it says what post number and page you'll find that card on. GX cards will have their names in blue as well. Set lists will be put below:

Fairies vs. Dragons Set List:
1. Exeggcute - [Post #9, Page 1]
2. Exeggutor (Alola) - [Post #9, Page 1]
3. Vulpix (Alola) - [Post #1, Page 1]
4. Ninetales (Alola) - [Post #1, Page 1]
5. Tapu Lele GX - [Post #20, Page 1]
6. Zygarde GX - [Post #12, Page 1]
7. Clefairy - [Post #9, Page 1]
8. Clefable - [Post #9, Page 1]
9. Jigglypuff - [Post #12, Page 1]
10. Wigglytuff - [Post #12, Page 1]
11. Cutiefly - [Post #1, Page 1]
12. Ribombee GX - [Post #1, Page 1]
13. Gible - [Post #8, Page 1]
14. Gabite - [Post #8, Page 1]
15. Garchomp - [Post #8, Page 1]
16. Jangmo-o - [Post #18, Page 1]
17. Hakamo-o - [Post #18, Page 1]
18. Kommo-o GX - [Post #18, Page 1]

Skull vs. Alola Set List:
1. Ledyba - [Post #31, Page 2]
2. Ledian - [Post #31, Page 2]
3. Spinarak (Skull) - [Post #31, Page 2]
4. Ariados (Skull) - [Post #31, Page 2]
5. Wimpod (Skull) - [Post #24, Page 2]
6. Golisopod GX (Skull) - [Post #24, Page 2]
7. Salandit - [Post #31, Page 2]
8. Salazzle GX (Skull) - [Post #31, Page 2]
9. Alolan Vulpix - [Post #26, Page 2]
10. Alolan Ninetales GX - [Post #26, Page 2]
11. Togedemaru - [Post #26, Page 2]
12. Dhelmise (Skull) - [Post #23, Page 2]
13. Rockruff - [Post #28, Page 2]
14. Lycanroc - [Post #28, Page 2]
15. Minior GX - [Post #23, Page 2]
16. Alolan Rattata - [Post #30, Page 2]
17. Alolan Raticate - [Post #30, Page 2]
18. Yungoos - [Post #30, Page 2]
19. Gumshoos - [Post #30, Page 2]
20. Drampa (Skull) - [Post #28, Page 2]

1. Turtonator (reuqested by @NinJamezor) - [Post #6, Page 1]
2. Drampa (requested by @NinJamezor) - [Post #6, Page 1]
3. Togekiss (requested by @NinjaPenguin) - [Post #8, Page #1]
4. Sylveon (requested by @rainyman123) - [Post #12, Page 1]
5. Hydreigon GX (requested by @Corgimaster) - [Post #18, Page 1]
6. Gardevoir GX (requested by @Corgimaster) - [Post #18, Page 1]
7. Cherrim (requested by @Little Cherrim) - [Post #28, Page 2]
8. Pichu (requested by @thegrovylekid) - [Post #30, Page 2]
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These look pretty good! Can you make a Drampa or Turtonator card?
I'm glad you like them :D

I've actually already planned what cards are in this set, but I'd gladly make both of them as commissions if you'd like?
That's a pretty interesting concept for a miniset. Looking forward to seeing which Pokémon you include. :)

Wanted to note, though, that the usual abbreviation for Fairy-type Energy is [Y], not [F], the reason being that [F] is used for Fighting (and [R] for Fire). In a similar vein, Dragon's usual abbreviation is [N] because Darkness uses [D]. Even PCL screws this up sometimes––the SR Charizard (as well as Blaine's Charizard, from back in the day) from Plasma Storm was printed with a Fighting Energy symbol in its attack cost instead of a Fire one, likely for this exact reason. :p
That's a pretty interesting concept for a miniset. Looking forward to seeing which Pokémon you include. :)

Wanted to note, though, that the usual abbreviation for Fairy-type Energy is [Y], not [F], the reason being that [F] is used for Fighting (and [R] for Fire). In a similar vein, Dragon's usual abbreviation is [N] because Darkness uses [D]. Even PCL screws this up sometimes––the SR Charizard (as well as Blaine's Charizard, from back in the day) from Plasma Storm was printed with a Fighting Energy symbol in its attack cost instead of a Fire one, likely for this exact reason. :p
Thanks for the info. :) I'll be sure to fix that.
The fact that I have almost no responsibility over Big Brother for almost two weeks leaves me so much leftover time...

I got this done really quickly, even though I basically spent an hour on each card. I like how they turned out, and I hope you do as well. Here are Turtonator and Drampa, requested by @NinJamezor! These are not part of the 'Fairies vs. Dragons' mini-set, just a request. I guess this tells you all I'm taking requests now. :) Anyways, here they are:

Turtonator HP: 100 - Fire
Basic Pokémon

Ability: Sturdy Shell
This Pokémon takes 40 less damage from attacks (after applying Weakness and Resistance).

[R][R][R] Shell Trap 200
Flip a coin. If tails, this attack does nothing.

Weakness: [W] x 2
Resistance: None
Retreat [C][C][C]

Pokédex: Because Turtonator lives on volcanoes, feeding on sulfur and other materials found near volcanic craters, its shell has a layer of explosive material—mostly sulfur. When something strikes this Pokémon, sparks fly from the horns on its shell, igniting an explosion!
Drampa HP: 110 - Normal
Basic Pokémon

[C] Act of Kindness
Heal 30 damage from 1 of your Benched Pokémon.

[C][C][C] Dragon Pulse 130-
This attack does 130 damage minus 10 damage for each damage counter on your opponent's active Pokémon.

Weakness: [F] x 2
Resistance: None
Retreat: [C][C][C]

Pokédex: While Drampa is usually a very gentle Pokémon, it can fly into a rage if a child it cares for is hurt in some way.

Don't worry, I'm aware of how hysterically unplayable these two are, but they fit both of them don't they? As for the next 'Fairies vs. Dragons' mini-set update, the next 3 cards should be up within two days.
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Hey lorde! It's exciting to see you moving into the realm of faking. You already have a great start, with crisp, readable wording and balanced effects. My suggestion for you is that you should go a bit more out of the ordinary, and start including more zany effects. For that, I suggest you look at the Pokedex entries for that Pokemon, and use the weird details for an attack/ability. For example, Alolan Ninetales was once viewed as a deity. Wouldn't that be an interesting ability to try to make?
P.S. I request an Togekiss with an ability based off of the Pokedex entries.
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I thought this would take around two days, but my schedule is abnormally light so... here are the next three cards from the 'Fairies vs. Dragons' mini-set! Gible, Gabite, and Garchomp! Gible was done really quickly, but the other two took awhile to finalize. Anyways, I hope you enjoy them!

Gible HP: 50 - Dragon
Basic Pokémon

[F] Sudden Bite 30

Weakness: [Y] x 2
Resistance: None

Pokédex: Gible skulks in caves, and when prey or an enemy passes by, it leaps out and chomps them. The force of its attack sometimes chips its teeth.
Gabite HP: 90 - Dragon
Stage 1 - Evolves from Gible

Ability: Scale Healing
Once during your turn (before your attack), you may flip a coin. If heads, you may heal 50 damage from 1 of your Pokémon.

[W][F] Tear Up 20x
This attack does 20 damage times the number of Pokémon on your Bench.

Weakness: [Y] x 2
Resistance: None
Retreat: [C]

Pokédex: In rare cases, Gabite molts and sheds its scales. Medicine containing its scales as an ingredient will make a weary body feel invigorated.
Garchomp HP: 150 - Dragon
Stage 2 - Evolves from Gabite

[W][F] Devour 60
Flip a coin. If heads, discard all Energy attached to your opponent's active Pokémon.

[W][F][C] Dragon Scythe 190
Discard all Energy from this Pokémon.

Weakness: [Y] x 2
Resistance: None
Retreat: None

Pokédex: It can fly at speeds rivaling jet planes. It dives into flocks of bird Pokémon and gulps the entire flock down whole.

Gible's fairly boring, but not all cards can be interesting. I'm proud of what I did with Gabite though, and how it's ability takes away from what one of it's Pokédex entries is based around. Then Garchomp, it's first move is based off of the Pokédex entry. If it's devouring the Energy of the opponent's active Pokémon, then I think it's a very powerful move for how much it costs. The Dragon Scythe is basically just showing how much damage it can dish out. Overall I'm happy with the way they turned out.

However that's not all I have for you! I've also got a Togekiss requested by @NinjaPenguin! Hope you guys like it, here it is:

Togekiss HP: 130 - Fairy
Stage 2 - Evolves from Togetic

Ability: Gifts of Kindness
When you play this Pokémon from your hand to evolve 1 of your Pokémon during your turn, you may search your deck for up to 4 [Y] Energy, and put them on your Pokémon in any way you like.

[Y][C] Hesitant Moonblast 90
Flip a coin. If tails, this attack does nothing.

Weakness: [M] x 2
Resistance: [D] - 20
Retreat: [C][C]

Pokédex: As everyone knows, Togekiss visits peaceful regions, bringing them gifts of kindness and sweet blessings.

I actually expected to have difficulty with this one, but once I read it's Pokédex entry, the ideas kept coming from there. Gifts of Kindness is like Togekiss gift giving to your Benched Pokémon, giving them as much [Y] Energy as they may need. Hesitant Moonblast fits Togekiss's nature in my opinion, as it's peaceful and doesn't like violence. Also, the next 'Fairies vs. Dragons' mini-set update, the next 4 cards should be out in around 2-3 days. :)
And it's been a 2 day wait, so here are the next 4 cards from the 'Fairies vs. Dragons' mini-set are here! Exeggcute, Alolan Exeggutor, Clefairy and Clefable! Enjoy!

Exeggcute HP: 40 - Grass
Basic Pokémon

Ability: Super Sunshine
When you attach a basic [G] Energy from your hand to this Pokémon during your turn, you may search your deck for an Exeggutor (Alola) and put it onto this Pokémon to evolve it. Then, shuffle your deck.

[C] Egging 20
This attack does 10 damage to itself.

Weakness: [R] x 2
Resistance: [W] - 20
Retreat: [C]

Pokédex: Six of them together form a full-fledged Pokémon. It’s often hunted by Crabrawler, but uses psychokinesis to drive it off.
Exeggutor (Alola) HP: 110 - Grass/Dragon
Stage 1 - Evolves from Exeggcute


Ability: Clashing of Ideas
Once during yout turn (before your attack) you may flip a coin. If heads, this Pokémon can attack twice this turn.

[G][C] Tail Smack 30
Switch your opponent's active Pokémon with one of their Benched Pokémon.

[G][P][C] Wrath of the Dragons 80+
This attacks does 80 damage plus 10 damage for every [N] type Pokémon on your bench.

Weakness: [Y] x 2
Resistance: [W] - 20
Retreat: [C][C][C]

Pokédex: Each of its heads has its own will. They use telepathy to discuss their plans before coming to a joint decision.
Clefairy HP: 60 - Fairy
Basic Pokémon

[Y] Scattered Dance 20

Weakness: [M] x 2
Resistance: [N] - 20
Retreat: [C][C]

Clefairy's adorable behavior and appearance make it popular with men and women, young and old. Its numbers are few, however.
Clefable HP: 90 - Fairy
Stage 1 - Evolves from Clefairy

Ability: Instellar Dance
Once during your turn (before your attack) you may discard this Pokémon and all cards attached to it. If you do so, you may heal all damage from your Benched Pokémon.

[Y][C] Blissful Moonwalk 50
Flip a coin. If heads, prevents of attacks (including damage) during your opponent's next turn.

Weakness: [M] x 2

Resistance: [N] - 20
Retreat: [C][C][C]

Pokédex: According to tradition, people who see a pair of Clefable skipping by can look forward to a happy marriage.

Yes. Alolan Exeggutor can be very, very broken at times. Like seriously, a full Bench of dragons and a heads from it's ability will knock out almost anything. It's hilariously broken. As for Clefairy, it's boring, but I think Clefable is an interesting card, and quite the durable one at that. As for the next update for the set, it should be in maybe 2 days. I am promising a GX card in this update (because 3 of the 7 cards left are GX cards)! :D
Ribombee GX! :D It's actually quite interesting, good job! And the rest of your cards are really good as well! Great set thus far! Quite creative effects, I must say!

May I request a Sylveon?
Well screw 2 days, I was too hyped to get this out so I did. Here are the next 3 cards from the 'Fairies vs. Dragons' mini-set! I spent A LOT of time (like a full night) on the first one. The next two didn't take nearly as long though. Enjoy! :D

Zygarde GX HP: 200 - Fighting
Basic Pokémon

Ability: Core Enhancer
Once during your turn (before your attack) you may discard a [F] Energy attached to this Pokémon. If you discard a [F] Energy, this Pokémon's attacks do 40 more damage.

[F][F] Cell Regeneration 60
Heal 30 damage from this Pokémon.

Blast of Justice GX 240
Discard one [F] Energy attached to this Pokémon.

Weakness: [Y] x 2
Resistance: [L] - 20
Retreat: [C][C][C]

Pokemon GX Rule: When your Pokemon-GX is knocked out, your opponent takes 2 Prize Cards.
Jigglypuff HP: 50 - Fairy
Basic Pokémon


[C] Mysterious Melody
Your opponent's active Pokémon is now Asleep.

Weakness: [M] x 2
Resistance: [D] - 20
Retreat: [C]

It hugely inflates its stomach and sings a mysterious melody. If you hear this melody, you’ll become sleepy right away.
Wigglytuff HP: 100 - Fairy
Stage 1 - Evolves from Jigglypuff

Ability: Inflation
Once during your turn (before your attack) you may flip a coin. If heads, prevent all damage done to this Pokémon during your opponent's next turn.

[Y][Y][C] Fur Blast 60
Attach 2 basic Energy cards from your discard pile to your Pokémon in any way you like.

Weakness: [M] x 2
Resistance: [D] - 20
Retreat: [C][C]

Pokédex: As it inhales, it expands...and expands...and expands. Wigglytuff compete to see which one can inflate itself the most.

I'm very proud of Zygarde GX. I love how it dishes out an incredible amount of damage and can heal itself (though at a slow rate). I absolutely love it's GX attack the most though. Discard an energy as well on that turn and you can knock out pretty much anything. Jigglypuff is fairly average, but it's gimmick is there. Wigglytuff is interesting however. It's ability may be by chance, but it's powerful. That kind of protection can keep this Pokémon alive for a few turns with fairly small consequences if you're lucky enough. As for the next update, it should be out in around by tomorrow! :)

But I'm not done here just yet! @rainyman123 requested a Sylveon, and I try not to disappoint! Here's the Sylveon you requested. Hope you enjoy it (why have my last two requests been fairy types)! :D

Sylveon HP: 90 - Fairy
Stage 1 - Evolves from Eevee

Ability: Distracting Ribbons
This Pokémon takes 20 less damage from attacks (after applying Weakness and Resistance).

[Y][Y][C] Moonblast 80
Flip a coin. If heads, this attack does 30 more damage.

Weakness: [M] x 2
Resistance: [D] - 20
Retreat: [C][C]

Pokédex: When this Pokémon sights its prey, it swirls its ribbonlike feelers as a distraction. A moment later, it pounces.

It's not the MOST unique card, but it's ability makes me think of how it battled (and danced) in the XY and XYZ anime. The ribbons ALWAYS got in the way. In this kind of ability, it makes me think of the ribbons as being a distraction for the opposing Pokémon to deal with. Then it's move is fairly generic, but I was actually fairly stumped on what I could do with that, especially since throwing more ribbons in there would've been more than necessary.
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Well screw 2 days, I was too hyped to get this out so I did. Here are the next 3 cards from the 'Fairies vs. Dragons' mini-set! I spent A LOT of time (like a full night) on the first one. The next two didn't take nearly as long though. Enjoy! :D

Zygarde GX HP: 200 - Fighting
Basic Pokémon

Ability: Core Enhancer
Once during your turn (before your attack) you may discard a [F] Energy attached to this Pokémon. If you discard a [F] Energy, this Pokémon's attacks do 40 more damage.

[F] Cell Regeneration 60
Heal 30 damage from this Pokémon.

Blast of Justice GX 240
Discard one [F] Energy attached to this Pokémon.

Weakness: [Y] x 2
Resistance: [L] - 20
Retreat: [C][C][C]

Pokemon GX Rule: When your Pokemon-GX is knocked out, your opponent takes 2 Prize Cards.
Jigglypuff HP: 50 - Fairy
Basic Pokémon


[C] Mysterious Melody
Your opponent's active Pokémon is now asleep.

Weakness: [M] x 2
Resistance: [D] - 20
Retreat: [C]

It hugely inflates its stomach and sings a mysterious melody. If you hear this melody, you’ll become sleepy right away.
Wigglytuff HP: 100 - Fairy
Stage 1 - Evolves from Jigglypuff

Ability: Inflation
Once during your turn (before your attack) you may flip a coin. If heads, prevent all damage done to this Pokémon during your opponent's next turn.

[Y][Y][C] Fur Blast 60
Attach 2 basic Energy cards from your discard pile to your Pokémon in any way you like.

Weakness: [M] x 2
Resistance: [D] - 20
Retreat: [C][C]

Pokédex: As it inhales, it expands...and expands...and expands. Wigglytuff compete to see which one can inflate itself the most.

I'm very proud of Zygarde GX. I love how it dishes out an incredible amount of damage and can heal itself (though at a slow rate). I absolutely love it's GX attack the most though. Discard an energy as well on that turn and you can knock out pretty much anything. Jigglypuff is fairly average, but it's gimmick is there. Wigglytuff is interesting however. It's ability may be by chance, but it's powerful. That kind of protection can keep this Pokémon alive for a few turns with fairly small consequences if you're lucky enough. As for the next update, it should be out in around by tomorrow! :)

But I'm not done here just yet! @rainyman123 requested a Sylveon, and I try not to disappoint! Here's the Sylveon you requested. Hope you enjoy it (why have my last two requests been fairy types)! :D

Sylveon HP: 90 - Fairy
Stage 1 - Evolves from Eevee

Ability: Distracting Ribbons
This Pokémon takes 20 less damage from attacks (after applying Weakness and Resistance).

[Y][Y][C] Moonblast 80
Flip a coin. If heads, this attack does 30 more damage.

Weakness: [M] x 2
Resistance: [D] - 20
Retreat: [C][C]

Pokédex: When this Pokémon sights its prey, it swirls its ribbonlike feelers as a distraction. A moment later, it pounces.

It's not the MOST unique card, but it's ability makes me think of how it battled (and danced) in the XY and XYZ anime. The ribbons ALWAYS got in the way. In this kind of ability, it makes me think of the ribbons as being a distraction for the opposing Pokémon to deal with. Then it's move is fairly generic, but I was actually fairly stumped on what I could do with that, especially since throwing more ribbons in there would've been more than necessary.
Ooh that is a great Sylveon! I love the Distracting Ribbons Ability a lot! Very well made! For Zygarde GX, that seems very powerful. Maybe trying needing the first attack a bit? 60 for one is very powerful Andy it heals itself, along with that ability it can be very easily overpowered. Other than that, your cards are very creative! Most loving all your fairies so far! :3
Ooh that is a great Sylveon! I love the Distracting Ribbons Ability a lot! Very well made! For Zygarde GX, that seems very powerful. Maybe trying needing the first attack a bit? 60 for one is very powerful Andy it heals itself, along with that ability it can be very easily overpowered. Other than that, your cards are very creative! Most loving all your fairies so far! :3
Oh, Zygarde was purposely made EXTREMELY broken. It was what I tried to do when I made it, but I do see what I could fix with it...

EDIT: There, fixed.
Oh, Zygarde was purposely made EXTREMELY broken. It was what I tried to do when I made it, but I do see what I could fix with it...

EDIT: There, fixed.
Thats cool! Also, I've noticed in some of your cards have some grammar errors, like lack of punctuation and capitalization mainly. The Common Wording Errors Compilation is very useful for smaller things like this. For example, Asleep in Jigglypuff's Mysterious Melody should be capitalized. I hope I helped! :)
Thats cool! Also, I've noticed in some of your cards have some grammar errors, like lack of punctuation and capitalization mainly. The Common Wording Errors Compilation is very useful for smaller things like this. For example, Asleep in Jigglypuff's Mysterious Melody should be capitalized. I hope I helped! :)
Oh, woops! Just an error. Don't worry I'm fully aware that that needed to be capitalized. Sometimes I just don't check through everything thoroughly enough :p
Please can you do a Hydregion GX or a Gardevoir GX!? Please? Or even just a Haxorus line or Goomy? Any would be fine.
And only 24 hours later, here are the next 3 cards guys! Hope you enjoy them, because a lot of work went into those last 2! :D

Jangmo-o HP: 60 - Dragon
Basic Pokémon

[F][C] Scale Smack 20

Weakness: [Y] x 2
Resistance: None
Retreat: [C]

Pokédex: It expresses its feelings by smacking its scales. Metallic sounds echo through the tall mountains where Jangmo-o lives.
Hakamo-o HP: 90 - Dragon
Stage 1 - Evolves from Jangmo-o

Ability: Scattered Scales
Whenever your opponent's active Pokémon retreats, put 1 damage counter on their new active Pokémon.

[F][C] Echoing Scale 30
Your opponent's active Pokémon is now Confused.

Weakness: [Y] x 2
Resistance: None
Retreat: [C][C]

It sheds and regrows its scales on a continuous basis. The scales become harder and sharper each time they’re regrown.
Kommo-o GX HP: 250 - Dragon
Stage 2 - Evolves from Hakamo-o


[F][C] Echoing Scale 50
Your opponent's active Pokémon is now Confused.

[F][M][C] Clanging Scales 110

[F][F][C] Call of the Dragons GX 230
Discard all Energy attached to this Pokémon.

Weakness: [Y] x 2
Resistance: None
Retreat: [C][C][C]

Pokemon GX Rule: When your Pokemon-GX is knocked out, your opponent takes 2 Prize Cards.

And that's the next three, the Jangmo-o line! Like pretty much all my weak basics, Jangmo-o is boring. I like Hakamo-o's ability however, it's like Spikes for the TCG. Then it shares it's move with Kommo-o GX here, with Kommo-o GX having a buffed version of the same move. Then Clanging Scales is a normal move, but it's Kommo-o's signature move, so I had to include it somehow, then Call of the Dragons GX is pretty much just a powerful KO move with a price. However, that's 17 cards now out and released. One card remains still unreleased. It should be out in about 2 days...

Oh wait! A request from @Corgimaster! I actually spent a lot of time on these, maybe 2-3 hours each. A lot of time went into it, and no matter how odd the cards are, I like how they turned out. Hope you like them, here they are! :)

Hydreigon GX HP: 250 - Dragon
Stage 2 - Evolves from Zweilous

Ability: Extra Heads
During your turn (before your attack) you may flip two coins. For each heads, this Pokémon may attack one more time during this turn.

[D][D][P] Destructive Force 60

Will of the Heads GX 60x
This attack does 60 damage times the amount of heads able to attack this turn.

Weakness: [F] x 2
Resistance: [P] - 20
Retreat: [C][C]

Pokemon GX Rule: When your Pokemon-GX is knocked out, your opponent takes 2 Prize Cards.
Gardevoir GX HP: 220 - Psychic
Stage 2 - Evolves from Kirlia

[P] Psy-Scout
Have your opponent reveal your hand to you. Discard 2 cards you find there.

[P][P][C] Guardian Angel 80
Flip 2 coins. If both are heads, during your opponent's next turn, prevent all effects of attacks (including damage) done to this Pokémon.

[P][P][C] Molecular Blast GX 120
Search your deck for up to 3 Energy cards and attach them to your Pokémon in any way you like. Then, shuffle your deck.

Weakness: [P] x 2
Resistance: [F] - 20
Retreat: [C][C]

Pokemon GX Rule: When your Pokemon-GX is knocked out, your opponent takes 2 Prize Cards.

Well I hope you like those Corgimaster, because I had a lot of fun making those, Hydreigon especially, as I love the very broken possibilities that can come with it. However, if it were in the real game, it'd be too "up to chance" to ever make it big if you ask me, but how those chances affected how much damage you do, it could be as little as 60, to as high as 300 on it's own. Super unpredictable, just like the actual dragon itself.

Just letting you know guys, any requests you guys make by Friday will not be included in the final update for this set, but they will all be included in the first post for the next set, which will be revealed when those first cards come out. :)
Whoa. These are amazing! Thank you! (And with the cards in the current competitive TCG format, Hydregion GX would be really broken, and that would be the only deck at Worlds. It is still amazing though!!!!)
And here it is... The missing card from the 'Fairies vs. Dragons' mini-set, the one and only...

Tapu Lele GX HP: 170 - Psychic/Fairy
Basic Pokémon

Ability: Burst of Light
Once during your turn (before your attack) you may search your deck for 1 [P] Energy and 1 [Y] Energy and put them onto your Pokémon in any way you like. Then, shuffle your deck.

[P][P][Y] Guardian Shield 80
During your opponent's next turn, prevent all effects of attacks (including damage) on your Benched Pokémon.

Guardian of the Fairies GX 60x
This attack does 60 damage times the number of [Y] Energy attached to your Pokémon.

Weakness: [P] x 2
Resistance: [F] - 20
Retreat: [C]

Pokemon GX Rule: When your Pokemon-GX is knocked out, your opponent takes 2 Prize Cards.

^^ Listen to it ^^

And that's it! My first mini-set has been completed! I've begun work on a second mini-set, a bit bigger than this one, but not by much... You should see the first cards from this new set to begin rolling out by Monday! :D I had a lot of fun making these, and as a results I will continue doing so! Hope you guys take a look at the new mini-set once it's revealed!
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