Looking to get back in with a cheap competitive deck


Purple Lightning
I know this probably sounds very silly as most competitive decks will cost a good amount of money but I am looking for one thats reasonably competitive in tournaments while also being pretty cheap to build from the individual cards. I have all the time to play right now but not too many resources to spend on an expensive meta deck. Any suggestions with the current meta? I am just looking for a reasonably strong deck with reasonable matchups.
Three good options right now for cheap deck archetypes:
  1. Nightmarch - Loses Mew EX with the upcoming rotation, so it probably isn't going to quite as good after August. Still the current stand-by cheap deck.
  2. Raichu XY - Raichu itself is expensive right now, but not as expensive as comparable competitive EXs. Combine with Crobat, which also isn't very expensive.
  3. Vespiqueen/Eeveelutions - The new hotness, releases in Ancient Origins. Cost will depend on how popular the Eevee lines will be.
Outside of that, Fighting-type support from Furious Fists (Strong Energy, Korrina, Fighting Stadium) are relatively inexpensive and can make allot of Fighting type cards playable. Maybe not "competitive," but playable while you ramp up on the more expensive cards.
Along with the decks that Crann mentioned, Medicham PRC is a decent budget deck with the Fighting support, and is perhaps most viable Fighting budget deck.
Do you happen to have a sample decklist for the Fighting type budget deck? Any example will work I just need to know what trainers I will need and such so I can determine the cost.