Looking For a Talented TCG Tutor~


~Swift and Deadly~
Hi everyone here at Pokebeach~ Some of you may know me, and some of you may not, however I am Kurama, and I've been a part of these forums since the end of last year~

As some of you also know, I am very experienced in battling in the Pokemon games, as I've been doing it for a long time... However, I face a problem...

I am an absolute lover of the TCG... It has been a part of my life for longer than almost anything else has. I was collecting cards before I even knew about the games, though I did get into both, and I enjoy both greatly... however, as some also know, my talent for TCG isn't so great...

I used to think I was really good at the TCG until I came to Pokebeach, so many very talented individuals, talking and making forums about cards and strategies that I still have no clue what anyone is talking about... I feel like a complete nub, and yet I still wish to be able to play on a network such as Hamachi, and possibly enter tournaments in my area...

So this thread, is for me to search for a very talented individual who has a little spare time, and would be willing to "tutor" me. The tough part, is that I'm not exactly sure what I need to learn...

So anyways, I am looking for a talented person at Pokemon TCG, who has possibly won tournaments, and would be willing to possibly teach me what they know about it all~

I don't really have much I can give in return, however I would be very appreciative of help. If you would be possibly interested, please reply to this thread and tell me some information about yourself, what you would be able to teach, and also your timezone/what time/how much time you would be willing to devote so that I could work something out.
[Having an MSN would be nice as well~]

If I am lucky enough to get more than one reply, I will pick whomever I feel would be the easiest for me to get the most out of it~

Well, thank you so much in advance everyone~ =]
Kurama said:
Hi everyone here at Pokebeach~ Some of you may know me, and some of you may not, however I am Kurama, and I've been a part of these forums since the end of last year~

As some of you also know, I am very experienced in battling in the Pokemon games, as I've been doing it for a long time... However, I face a problem...

I am an absolute lover of the TCG... It has been a part of my life for longer than almost anything else has. I was collecting cards before I even knew about the games, though I did get into both, and I enjoy both greatly... however, as some also know, my talent for TCG isn't so great...

I used to think I was really good at the TCG until I came to Pokebeach, so many very talented individuals, talking and making forums about cards and strategies that I still have no clue what anyone is talking about... I feel like a complete nub, and yet I still wish to be able to play on a network such as Hamachi, and possibly enter tournaments in my area...
Saying hat you are a n00b, doesn't make you a n00b. :]

So this thread, is for me to search for a very talented individual who has a little spare time, and would be willing to "tutor" me. The tough part, is that I'm not exactly sure what I need to learn...

So anyways, I am looking for a talented person at Pokemon TCG, who has possibly won tournaments, and would be willing to possibly teach me what they know about it all~

I don't really have much I can give in return, however I would be very appreciative of help. If you would be possibly interested, please reply to this thread and tell me some information about yourself, what you would be able to teach, and also your timezone/what time/how much time you would be willing to devote so that I could work something out.
[Having an MSN would be nice as well~]

If I am lucky enough to get more than one reply, I will pick whomever I feel would be the easiest for me to get the most out of it~

Well, thank you so much in advance everyone~ =]
Sorry if I can't help you, but there is a thread for this.
You should quickly learn to differentiate between those who are actually talented and want to help you and those who think they're talented and want to try and prove it to people by volunteering for you.
Kurama, you think I gave up the TCG?

I'm still on Hamachi from time to time, so lemme know if you want help. ;)
http://www.pokebeach.com/forums/showthread.php?tid=56488 Official Pokebeach tutor thred. Enjoi!