Writing Legend of Zelda: A Shadow Rises

Hey guys. I've been thinking and I think when A Shadow Rises is done I think I might make a sequal ( or maybe more than one ) . They will all be posted here if I decide to make them. What do you think?
linkex: Thank you for all the positive support. If you're willing to would you advertise this fan fic? I'd love to get more readers.
Chapter Eleven
The Army Approaches

" So Ganon is attacking the Deep Forest. " said the Queen cooly. " David! " said Link. " Yes. " replied David " Are you fast? " " Very " " Then go! Alert the Armies of Hyrule that Ganon is attacking the Deep Forest! " Yes sir! " said David and with that he ran out of the Throne Room. " Chris. " said the Queen " Yes my Lady. " " Alert the elfen army that the time has come to defend their home land. " " Yes madam. " and Chris ran from the hall too. " Madam. " Link said to the Queen. " Call me Angelina. " " Right then Angelina. With your permission I would like to take a few of your soldiers on a scouting mission. " asked Link. " You may. " said Angelina. " Thank you. " and Link ran from the hall too. " Zelda. " asked Angelina. " Would you mind commanding the forces that are on the walls around the city? " " Not at all. " said Zelda " Come on Daron I'll need a good archer. " " Right. " said Daron and they both ran from the hall. Then after they had gone and they door had shut Angelina stood up. She reached behind her throne and pulled out a quill of arrows, a bow, and a sword. She put the quill on her back, straped the sword to her waist, picked up her bow and ran from the hall. It was nightfall by the time Link returned. He told them that Ganons army had hundreds of Bokoo Goblins, two giants, and about thirty Gerudo. He said the army would be there in a couple of hours. Men, and women alike gathered either on the battlement, or around the cities walls. At nine o clock the army of Ganon arived and the battle began.
speceltay:longswords full body armor
race: elf

hows that i have more ideas if you need them
Chapter Twelve
The Battle of the Heart

Ganon's army began their attack. The giants roared and charged with all the rest of the army folowing them. " Aim for the eyes! " said Daron. " Link and his troops were doing their best to distract one of the giants. The problem was they were surounded by Bokoo Goblins who were attacking as well. " RRRROOOOOAAAAAARRRR!!! " one of the giants boomed. It had been struck in the left eye with an arrow and was stomping all over the place. It was stopming on everything including about thirty goblins. " Zelda! " shouted Daron over the tumult of the battle " Hit it in between it's eyes with an arrow! Do it now Zelda! " . And Zelda fired an arrow into the air and it struck the giant right in between it's eyes. Then the giant fell with a crunch onto several platoons of both Hylin and Ganons soldiers. " Die scum die! " yelled Link killing a goblin. Then a Gerudo leaped in front of him and began fighting him. " Take this! " she screamed and cut his arm with her sword. He fell to the ground and she raised her sword to kill him. But then an archer fired an hour into her chest and she fell to the ground, dead. Link rushed inside the walls. He could'nt fight with his arm like this. He climbed the stairs up to the battlements intending to find Zelda but when he got to the top froze. When he was up so high he could see the true carnage of the battle. He uprooted himself and ran to find Zelda. " Zelda! Zelda! " he called. " What! " Zelda called back. He saw her. Her blonde hair wipping around her as she fired arrow after arrow into the battle below. " Zelda. Could you fix my arm? " asked Link. " Of couse. " she said. She touched the wound with her forefinger and it healed. " Thanks. " said Link. He turned to run back down the stairs when he saw them. A massive army or Gorons, and Humans was running towrds the battlefeild shouting " TAKE NO PRISONERS!! " . They suged as one onto the battlefield killing everythig in teir path. The other giant shouted as a well aimed arrow made it fall to the ground where twenty goron climbed onto it and began stabing it with their swords. They were winning. Just as Link was about to turn and run onto the battlefield he saw something out of the corner of his eye. A black shadow was flying twoards the wall. It landed and formed itself into Ganon. " DIE YOU EVIL LITTLE MONSTER DIE!!! " shouted Doran as he charged him. Link started running twoards Ganon. There was a flash of silver and Ganon dissapeared. Link stopped and watched as Daron fell to the ground a dager protuding from his chest.
Next chapter will come tommorow morning. Just try to contain yourself until then. You seem really into this fan fic.
Chapter Thirteen
Darons Fate

"NO! " yelled Link running over to Daron. " ZELDA! ZELDA! " " What is it Link? " said Zelda. She ran over and saw Daron. " No. Not again. I won't let you die! " she said. She pulled the dagger from his chest and started muttering incantations whil running her finger up and down the wound. She then held up her hand and flicked her finger upward. Daron rose several inches of the ground and Zelda levitated him inside the castle. " My I help you my.... OH MY GOSH! " said the elf infront of the door to the infermary. " I need bandeges NOW! said Zelda. She laid Daron down on a hospital bed. The elf ran of to get bandges. " Here you go! " said the elf handing Zelda the bandages. " Link help me wrap these bandages around him. " she said. " He's lost so much blood. " said Link. " I know but I've done what I can with magic so now we just need to bandage him up and let him heal. " Zelda said her voice shaking a little bit. They got him all wrapped up and then it was just a waiting game. In an hour Angelina arived wipping sweat and blood off her face. " How is he? " she asked. " He's breathing at least. " said Zelda. " I'll wait here with you. " said Angelina. So the three of them paced around the room for three more hours and then Darons eyelids flittered open.
Chapter Fourteen
A Shadow Rises

" Ow. " said Daron as he woke up. " How do you feel? " said Zelda. " Like a bag of bricks just hit me in the face. " said Daron " Where are the others. David and Chris. Are they ok? " " Well. " said Zelda " David has a deep cut in his leg and Chris has an arrow sticking out of his shoulder. They're both being treated right now. " . " How many casulaties? " asked Daron. " 300 elves died, 70 Goron died, and 250 humans died. There are also no less than 200 wounded. " said Angelina. " The evil monster! " said Daron " His only goal is to kill us all! Well if I die I want to go out fighting. " " Well this time you didn't die thankfully. " said Link. " What were you thinking going after Ganon like that?! " I wanted to kill him. " said Daron " I wanted to kill the beast that has slaughtered so many. " " Well for now just rest. " said Zelda. " You can't travel in this state. " " Alright. " said Daron. And with that he went to sleep. It took a week for Daron to be able to get out of bed and another before he was ready to ride. " Goodbye. " said Link to Angelina." Wait! " said Angelina " Take Chris with you to represent our race. " " Alright. " said Link as Chris mouted his horse. " Come on pups! " called Chris to his wolves. " You're bringing them? " asked Daron. " Yep. " said Chris " They're my family. I can't leave them. " " Alright then. " said Link " Let's go. " . It took them four days to get back to the palace. While they were riding they noticed a dark shadow seemed to have desended upon the Great Sea. When they got back to the palace they found out why. " The Forsaken Fortress has fallen. " said Captin Davis when they arrived back at the palace. " It was a massacure. 75 humans and 30 Zora were killed. Ganon now has a fortress inside Hyrule. " " A shadow is rising over Hyrule. " said Link