Writing Legend of Zelda: A Shadow Rises

Chapter twenty-three
Steven Captured

“ Well I’m off. “ said Steven. He was going to begin his journey home today. He would be riding a brown mare and four soldiers would accompany him riding horses as well. And then they all rode off. They got about 70 miles away from the palace when it happened. “ Kill the soldiers, leave the elf! “ sceamed a womans voice. And the one by one the soldiers fell from their horses, arrows in their chests. Steven began riding as fast as he could but he didn’t make it. Saloina caught up with him. She was riding a black mare. She saw rage flash through Stevens eyes as he saw her. But before he could do anything though Saloina punched him in the face and he fell of his horse, which galloped away without him. Saloina jumped lightly off her horse. She stuffed a wad of fabric in Stevens mouth and bound him with rope. She then threw Steven onto the horse and rode towards the sea. It took her only three days to get there by which time a search was going on for the missing elf and soldiers. “ Fools. “ thought Saloina as she got on a boat. The boat would take her back to her master so she could give him her prey. It took only two day to reach the Forsaken Fortress because the sailed swiftly. “ Come on filth. “ said Soalina coldly to Steven dragging him of the boat to her master. When she arrived at the door to his room she knocked once. “ Who is it? “ said a cold voice from inside. “ It is I. “ said Saloina. “ Enter. “ said the voice. So she drug the bound and gagged elf inside. “ My master. “ said Saloina dropping to her knees. “ If you would permit me to play with the elf. “ You may. “ said Ganon his back to her. And for four hours people, and goblins below the window could see bursts of green light over, and over.
Chapter Twenty-Four
The Zora Attack

" Where could he be? " asked Zelda to the room at large. Steven had been missing for a week and there had been no sign of him. " Maybe he's at the- " started Daniel but stoped as a soldier came into the room out of breath. " My.... Lord. " he panted. " Yes? " asked Link. " My Lord..... the zora are.... attacking a fleet of.... five of.... Ganons ships. " he said. " David! " said Link. " Yeah? " said David. " Fly to the shores and find the battle then come back and tell us what's happening. " " No. " said Zelda pulling a small crystal ball out of her pocket " Use this instead. " " What is it? " said David taking it. " It's a communication orb. Talk into it and we will be able to hear you. " said Zelda. " Got it. " said David. He turned into his dragon form and dove out the window. He soared like the wind itself twoards the Great Sea. It only took him a couple of hours to get there. He then flew about fifty miles from shore and saw it. A massive attack force of zora was taking on the four ( one had been destroyed ) enemy ships. He could hear the screams and yells from below as he circled, occasionly throwing a fire ball at them. He heard something from his pocket. He pulled it out and Zelda's face looked back at him from the orb. " What's it like there? " she asked. " See for yourself. " said David turning the orb so Zelda would be able to see the fighting. " Join the battle! " said Link voice from somewhere out of sight of the orb. " Alright! " said David and he started fighting furiously. He was just about to throw another handfull of fire at a ship when he felt pain in his left wing. He turned and saw an arrow sticking out of it. Then he fell. He plunged into the water with a splash and everything went dark.
I AM SO SORRY! I've been super busy lately and haven't had time to write a new chapter.


Chapter Twenty-Five
The Black Tower

David fell. The water was filling his lungs. He couldn't take a breath! But then from the depts of the waters a massive form hurtled twoards David. It propeled him out of the water and fifty feet into the air. He looked around and saw the battle. He saw one of the zoran ships outside the range of fire. He soared to it landed on the deck and collapsed. David awoke laying on a soft feather matress. He open his eyes and saw Daniel looking down on him. He tried to sit up but when he did pain shot through him and Daniel pushed him back down. "Rest." said Daniel. "You lost some blood and we had a time turning you back to your human form but Zelda was able to put you right in the end.". "What happened?" asked David. "You were wounded." said Daniel. "I know that." said David annoyed "But how did I get back here?". "Valoo." said Daniel simply. "I need to talk to Link." said David. "O.k. Be right back." said Daniel trotting away. He returned several minutes later with Link. "What is it?" asked Link. "When I fell in the water." said David. "This massive creature pushed me back out. Do you know what it was?". "Could it have been the creature of the Black Tower?".
Chapter Twenty-Six

"The what?" asked David. "The creature of the Black Tower." said Link "It is a giant water monster. It's very gentle when outside battle. But when in battle it will destroy all opponents.". "It might have been that." said David unsurely. They talked for an hour. But while they talked hundreds of miles away something was happening in the Forsaken Fortress. "You let him escape!" Ganon sceamed at a navy captin. He shot a jet of green light at him and he twitched and writhed on the ground screaming in agony. "Saloina! Finish him!" Ganon yelled to Saloina who was standing next to the door. "Gladly." Saloina said and she fired a blue jet of light at the man and he was still. "The creature of the Black Tower has escaped. We are in deep trouble.".

Mods please don't lock this! I've been having a hard time thinking of a new idea!


Chapter Twenty-Seven
The Shadow Aproaches

"Why is the creature so terrible?" Saloina asked. "Because it was what stoped me from taking over last time." Ganon said looking out a window. "Before I fled I sealed it inside the Black Tower but now it's free..... We must act now!" Ganon roared. "Mobilize the troops! Prepare the ships! We must attack now!". "Yes master." said Saloina before running out of the room shouting orders. The whole of Ganon's army was loaded onto over twenty ships and set out twoards the shores of Hyrule. It took them a week to get there and when they arrived they stormed the shore shouting and screaming battle crys. Mean while at the castle they knew something was wroung. "Link!" Zelda said staring out a window. "What asked Link getting up and walking over to the window. Then he saw it. A huge black shadow was slowly making it's way up from the shore.