Kyle "Pooka" Suchevich's Contributions


Does anyone feel like he was a great addition to the TPCi team? Could the decision to reprint Level Ball, have GPF help Grass Stage 2 decks compete with EXs (at least in theory) and other recent stuff be the result of Pooka's suggestions? He works in the "r&d" part of TPCi.
Does anyone feel like he was a great addition to the TPCi team? Could the decision to reprint Level Ball, have GPF help Grass Stage 2 decks compete with EXs (at least in theory) and other recent stuff be the result of Pooka's suggestions? He works in the "r&d" part of TPCi.

If he contributed to this, I suspect it would be quite small; as far as I can tell, TPCi doesn't get to make most of these decisions, rather the-powers-that-be in Japan do.
If he contributed to this, I suspect it would be quite small; as far as I can tell, TPCi doesn't get to make most of these decisions, rather the-powers-that-be in Japan do.

The Pokemon Laboratory in Japan still design every single card released. I severely doubt Pooka has any say in what they do.
As others have said, TPCi really doesn't have much input to what Japan does (who frankly don't playtest new sets much, if at all). Besides, from what I know from other TCGs, a set is usually finalized and to the printers 3-6 months in advance, so I doubt he could flip an entire expansion in a couple of weeks.

Based on his title though I have a feeling he is more involved in the Play! side of things rather than production.
As others have said, TPCi really doesn't have much input to what Japan does (who frankly don't playtest new sets much, if at all). Besides, from what I know from other TCGs, a set is usually finalized and to the printers 3-6 months in advance, so I doubt he could flip an entire expansion in a couple of weeks.

Based on his title though I have a feeling he is more involved in the Play! side of things rather than production.

This is how I saw it too. Here's hoping he could convince them to give us better League prize support.
It would be great if he could do an article or a video showing what it is he actually does since so many people are interested in him specifically.

I'm not saying they show us all their in-development secrets and ideas but a little behind the scenes feature would be so cool. Here's my office, here's what I do in an average day, here's the kind of things we work on the decisions we make, etc. No actual specifics just a general look at the life of a TPCi employee. Video game companies do that kind of thing all the time.