RMT KeyGuys

Xon Suprimes

Aspiring Trainer
This is my first RMT posted here. I'm not the best at teambuilding, but hey, I tried!


Kelly (Klefki) (F) @ Light Clay
Ability: Prankster
EVs: 248 HP / 252 Def / 8 SpD
Bold Nature
- Light Screen
- Reflect
- Thunder Wave
- Foul Play
Here's the star of the crew, Dual Screens Klefki! The EVs are spread across the stats that give the best defense for Klefki. The nature helps out the defense as well, since attack isn't Klefki's priority. Light Clay and Prankster give good power to the Dual Screens. Thunder Wave and Foul Play is good just in case.

Pikablu (Azumarill) (M) @ Sitrus Berry
Ability: Huge Power [EDITED]
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Atk / 4 SpD
Adamant Nature
- Belly Drum
- Aqua Jet
- Play Rough
- Knock Off
Here's Azumarill! Azumarill has good synergy with Klefki, being more attack-focused and with Huge Power. Nature and EVs are focused on a balance between health and attack. Sitrus Berry makes up for the lack of health when Belly Drum is used. Aqua Jet goes first, so that makes up for a lack of speed. Play Rough has a 10% chance to lower the target's attack, which makes up for a lack of defense. Knock Off does 1.5x damage if the foe is holding an item, which is pretty likely, and knocks it off. Gets rid of those pesky Mega Pokémon that happen to be slower ;).

Knuckles (Excadrill) (M) @ Life Orb [EDITED]
Ability: Mold Breaker
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Atk / 4 SpD
Adamant Nature
- Rapid Spin
- Earthquake
- Iron Head
- Stealth Rock
Yep, It's Excadrill! I feel like having a Rapid Spinner/Stealth Rocker on your team is kind of obligitary since I have a Charizard on this team. Stealth Rock helps with taking down those Talonflames and other typings that happen to be 4x weak to rock. Mold Breaker feels better than Excadrill's other abilities. Leftovers are always nice to have if nothing else works. EVs help with extra attack on Earthquake and Iron Head, as well as some health.

Vertica (Cloyster) (F) @ Life Orb
Ability: Skill Link
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpA / 252 Spe
Naughty Nature
- Shell Smash
- Icicle Spear
- Rock Blast
- Hydro Pump
If anything goes wrong with Klefki, Cloyster is here to help! I tried to balance Cloyster between defense and attack, focusing a bit more on attack, hopefully I succeeded. EVs are spread out in stats where Cloyster lacks. Skill Link helps out Rock Blast, so Rock Blast will always hit at maximum. 25 * 5 = 125, so that's 125 power right there. Shell Smash is useful in case of any emergency. You know what they say, offense is the best defense! Actually no one says that. The rest of the moves are just standard attacking moves. Life Orb helps with attack as well.


Jordan (Charizard) (M) @ Charizardite Y
Ability: Solar Power
Shiny: Yes
EVs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Timid Nature
- Flamethrower [EDITED]
- Solar Beam
- Ancient Power
- Protect
This is Charizard! Charizard is here for even more attack, except he's faster. EVs and nature are there to power up his main spots even more. Heat Wave and Ancient Power are just some standard attacks. Protect helps out with Charizard's lack of defense. M-Evolving Charizard as soon as possible is important, for that easy one turn Solar Beam. Suspect Test when?

Superman (Venusaur) (M) @ Leftovers
Ability: Chlorophyll
Shiny: Yes
EVs: 248 HP / 4 SpA / 252 Spe
Timid Nature
- Sunny Day
- Giga Drain
- Sleep Powder
- Protect
Last but not least, Venusaur! Venusaur is pretty neutral with the EVs, the moves, and nature. Of course, it has Chlorophyll/Sunny Day so I can pump out Sleep Powder as fast as possible. Giga Drain+Leftovers is good for some added health in case anything goes wrong. Protect is also there just in case.

EDIT: Sorry about the low quality picture for Excadrill, I couldn't find one for XY.
EDIT2: Actually sorry for all of the low quality pictures XP
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Hey Xon Suprimes, I have some suggestions and some questions about your team.

Klefki is standard and does its job of setting up screens very well with its ability. Thunder wave works great for your team as the majority of it is pretty slow.
Azumarill without Huge Power is not recommended. It is Huge Power that makes Azumarill one of the most powerful Pokémon in OU after Belly Drum.
Excadrill holds Leftovers. May I ask why? It doesn't seems effective to me unless you have the defensive set. This set with these EV's looks more offensive and so it is more effective IMO to run Life Orb since it gives you much more power, Choice Scarf to give you a really fast Pokémon or Focus Sash since it is your SR and RS user.
Venusaur is very interesting since you are not using it as a sweeper with Mega Charizard Y (which is good because you already have 2 set up sweepers) but as a fast Sleep powder user. In this case why not using Breloom? Breloom may not be faster than Venusaur but its Spore has 100% to put the opponent to sleep. With Focus Sash, Breloom can almost guarantee using Spore before dying. Amoongus is another great alternative which also uses Spore and in addition carries the Regenerator Ability, which allows you to bring it in and out to put the rival to sleep while taking many hits with ease.
Charizard uses Heat Wave. I think that Fire Blast is better duo to its much higher power and the fact that 85% accuracy is not that bad when you compare it to Heat Wave's 90% accuracy. However, even if you prefer accuracy over power, why not using Flamethrower which has 100% with only 5 points less in power?

The pictures are fine btw :)

Thick Fat -> Huge Power

Leftovers -> Life Orb

Heat Wave -> Flamethrower

BD Azu is probably better with 92 HP / 252 Atk / 164 Spe to outspeed Skarmory, Tyranitar, Clefable, etc.

You might want to try out specially defensive Excadrill if you haven't already to see if that might work better for you.

Protect really isn't oing to be very helpful to Zard, while Roost will let you heal, so use that instead. What does Ancientpower help you with? Focus Blast is probably better because it helps you with Heatran and T-tar.

Your Venusaur doesn't look very useful. Regular Venu is generally pretty outclassed by other Grass types like Celebi and Amoonguss, but your set can really only hit one thing with Sleep Powder since Sleep Clause is a thing in OU and then be completely useless against anything that doesn't take much from a Giga Drain. I'd highly advise replacing it with something else, but if you really want to keep it, you'll be better off using Black Sludge and replacing Protect with something more useful like Synthesis, HP Fire, or Sludge Bomb.
I'll also suggest specially defensive Excadrill with Leftovers/Assault Vest. Right now, Excadrill isn't really that good; it's too slow to take advantage of its power and not bulky enough to utilize SR. Going 252 HP/252 SpD is more effective if you're going for a Rapid Spin+SR set.

Knock Off doesn't remove Mega Stones. Also, I suggest going for 164 Spe on Azu in order for you to outspeed stuff like Clefable and Tyranitar; use the remaining 92 EVs on HP.

That's advice and not a change, but Shell Smash isn't on Cloyster for emergencies. It's its selling point. Cloyster is a late game sweeper and cleaner, and that's the purpose behind Shell Smash.

Again supporting Cinesra for Zard. Protect isn't useful since MegaZard has the same Speed. Go with Roost. Ancient Power is pretty much meaningless in terms of coverage, so go with Focus Blast or EQ in order to beat Heatran and Tyranitar. Also, since you're going with Timid Nature, I'd rather pick Fire Blast over Flamethrower. If you don't mind the slight Speed drop, you can keep Flamethrower and change nature to Modest.

Venusaur... isn't a good idea. If you want Sleep support, use something like Amoonguss, it does the job much better. Alternatively, you can go with an offensive set, or replace it with something completely different that you feel it helps.