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Keldeo/Blastoise Needs Help 4 States


Definatly Baby Giratina
My Prerelease for Plasma Storm was on February 3rd so I wanted to know for future local league tournaments and states which is on March 9th I don`t know how stiff the competition in seniors is going to be this year so I want to be ready.

3-0-3 Blastoise
1 Manaphy
3 Keldeo EX
1 Mewtwo EX
1 Black Kyrem EX Black Balista
2 Skyla
3 Professor Juniper
1 Bianica
3 N
2 Colress
1 Computer Search
3 Pokemon Catcher
3 Rare Candy
2 Hypnotoxic Laser
2 Ultra Ball
3 Energy Retrieval
1 Eviolite
1 Virbank City Gym
1 Super Rod
12 Water
2 Lightning
- 1 Super Rod
- 1 Rare Candy
+ 1 Plasma Energy
+ 1 Colress Machine
- 2 Plasma Energy
- 2 Colress machine
- 1 Lugia EX
+ 1 Lightning Energy
+ 1 Zekrom
- 2 Water Energy
+ 1 Black Kyrem PLS
+ 1 Super Rod
+ 3 Lightning Energy
UPDATE 3.0 Last update before states this Saturday March 9th Hopefully:(
- 1 Squirtle
- 1 Articuno
- 1 Zekrom
- 1 Bianica
- 1 Eviolite
- 1 Colress Machine
- 2 Plasma Energy
- 2 Lightning Energy
+ 2 Xtransceiver
+ 2 Pokedex
+ 1 Ultra Ball
+ 1 Energy Search
+ 4 Water Energy
Anybody who know or played or even plays this deck or a deck like it get squirtle X2 turn 2 evolve to blastoise. Get Keldeo EX on the bench and get energy on pokemon that need it and go to town on your opponent. Black Kyrem is there to take prizes on EXs or really tough Pokemon. Any suggestions will still be good because I`m a senior.
RE: Keldeo/Blastoise/Gallade

First off you need to organize your list alot better! Nobody will attempt to help you if it is not organized.

When you post a list make sure to post the pokemon more like so...
4-0-3 Blastoise
2-0-2 Gallade
3 Keldeo EX
1 Keldeo

Now down to bsuiness... My reccomendations for the pokemon would be 4-0-3 Blastoise and maybe a warturtle, a 2-1-2 Gallade and 3 Keldeo EX and no Plain Keldeo. I would not add the plain keldeo due to the fact that you will have a gallade that can OHKO (One Hit Knock OUT) Sigilyph. Also, in my decks I always run a stage 1 for every stage 2 just to play it safe. After that I do not think this deck will work. This deck is to slow and bulky. Almost any deck that has two stage 2 pokemon is too slow. I would probaly take out the Gallade and add maybe an Articuno EX or Kyreum or something else and maybe a bulkier Blastoise line.

Other big issues I will mention are that running 1 Pokemon Center will not help much, especially with Virbank going around soon. It will get discarded fast and it wont end up helping you at all.
-1 Pokemon Center

4 Energy Retrieval is a little overboard. I reccomend closer to three.
-1 Energy Retrieval

Next thing is a the Supporter count. 10! That is not enough. I know you have the Random Reciever but lets say we catergorize that as a supporter yous till have only 11. You need 12 to 13 in my opinion. I would...
+1 N
+1 Bianca
+1 Cilan/Other Supporter
-1 Random reciever
+1 Random Reciever
+1 Cilan/Other Supporter

Hope I Helped! :D
RE: Keldeo/Blastoise/Gallade

Alright I fix it and made some changes so if people want to help me it can be done without people not attempting to help like Tyrant said above.
Any help will still be great

Thinking on putting in Colress&HypnoToxic Beam
RE: Keldeo/Blastoise/Gallade

From th new list... The manaphy I do not think is going to help you especially with three energy retrieval. Then I definently think you need a Kirlia cause the Gallade is for more late game.
-1 Manaphy
+1 Kirlia

With the supporters you said you should add colress and you are right. So Bianca will have to go. I prefer the following option 1
+1 Colress
-2 Bianca
+1 Juniper/Skyla
-1 N
+1 Colress

If you want HTL I would take out...
-1 Water
-1 Eviolite
+2 Hypnotoxic Laser

Looks a lot better now! Hope I Helped! Again! :D
RE: Keldeo/Blastoise/Gallade

OK I`m going to change the deck again because of what I pulled today so here we go. :p
RE: Keldeo/Blastoise/Team Plasma

All right I still think this deck needs some help but if someone does not think so please TELL ME!!!!!! Please :p
RE: Keldeo/Blastoise/Team Plasma

-1 ArticunoEX. I know people like ArticunoEX, and I know auto-paralysis is really good in theory. But in practice, nearly every deck either runs a very high switch count or can easily tech a KeldeoEX in to get out of it. I'd trade it away while there's still hype.
+1 MewtwoEX. The deck that won a regionals I watched used to three Mewtwo and two Keldeo, and said he sometimes wished he had one less keldeo. Not saying i recommend that, but Mewtwo is very strong, and you should probably run two.
Other then that, pretty solid. I'd take out the biancas for one more Juniper and N, but that's just because I really don't like Bianca. And you might want to drop the virbank and Lasers for more pokemon search, but if you can get out blastoises with this then that's fine.
RE: Keldeo/Blastoise/Team Plasma

I can do pretty good right now getting out Blastoise right now and my league master helped put together this deck before Plasma Storm came out I just Plasmatized it and it`s working just fine. I always want to play it safe until to the point where being safe will kill me so for right now I might and it is a huge maybe on the might that i`ll keep Bianca in for now. Plus my league master will kill me metaphorically if I put in 1 more Mewtwo EX because Mewtwo is a easy kill right now if your opponent has Mewtwo powered up it might put me behind in theory and I`ve had it happen in real life too. Plus Articuno can save my life in a game because of the auto-paralyzes true right. I`m not saying your idea is crap but it won`t work right now any other suggestions if not please say so.
RE: Keldeo/Blastoise/Team Plasma

Blastoise / Keldeo / Lugia EX


4 - Squirtle
3 - Blastoise
3 - Keldeo EX
1 - Lugia EX
1 - Keldeo - [BC47]

= 12


4 - Juniper
4 - Skyla
2 - N
2 - Colress
2 - Bianca 
1 - Cilan

= 15


2 - Tropical Beach

= 2 


4 - Rare Candy
4 - Ultra Ball
3 - Energy Retrieval 
3 - Pokemon Catcher
1 - Heavy Ball
1 - Super Rod
1 - Dowsing Mechine - ACE SPEC

= 17


11 - Basic Water
3 - Plasma

= 14

Deck Total = 60
RE: Keldeo/Blastoise/Team Plasma

1 that`s crazy
2 You did not say anything so what do you want me to do
3 I don`t have any tropical beach and i`m not going to buy 1 especially not 2 that`s 140 dollars there
4 how are you supposed to get the plasma energies out to power up lugia and get the deck rolling with keldeo and blastoise
5 the deck i have up there came trump that deck
7 Whops had the caps lock button on the whole time sorry :p
RE: Keldeo/Blastoise/Team Plasma

Check said:
1 that`s crazy
2 You did not say anything so what do you want me to do
3 I don`t have any tropical beach and i`m not going to buy 1 especially not 2 that`s 140 dollars there
4 how are you supposed to get the plasma energies out to power up lugia and get the deck rolling with keldeo and blastoise
5 the deck i have up there came trump that deck
7 Whops had the caps lock button on the whole time sorry :p

In what way is it at all possible for the deck like the one you've posted to "TRUMP" my build?

Thats a build of mine ive been testing over the last few days, i feel the only way blastoise / keldeo can harness the power of Lugia EX is with 1 mid - late game attach with Lugia (T4 onwards) the deck is very tight and you really can't take anything out... The only thing you could do is replace Dowsing Mechine with Scramble Switch if you feel help would be needed to charge Lugia EX. For example, T4 Skyla for Scramble Switch, ultra ball for Lugia, Attatch Plasma, Play Scramble Switch and Boom. Essentially Needing only 3 Cards to perform this manoeuvre, easy enough? :)

I hope this helped!
Keldeo/Blastoise/Team Plasma

I personally don't like Lugia EX because of the fact that you can only attack with it a max of 4 times. Not to say that it's a bad card mind you.

Articuno EX is a little problematic too. Auto PRZ only works if you have Plasma Energy attached. Colress Machine helps here though perhaps running 1 more may help speed the attachment up.

Mind you, both Lugia and Articuno could work in a deck.

Although PSN will likely be rampant with HTL and Virbank in format, I personally find that, unless you're running something that can PSN to begin with, in a deck like this it seems a waste of space. That space could be utilized for Cilan or another Plasma Energy.

On that note, I would suggest running 4 Plasma rather than 3 if you don't want to change the lineup. Both Articuno and especially Lugia need Plasma Energy to fully function. Having 3 gives you 1 less attack with Lugia, and does not effectively empower the two of them in battle. This puts you at a disadvantage.

I like the Manaphy tech. I was thinking of running it myself in mine but after much consideration, I knew it wouldn't work. With this variant of BKEX it should work nicely though.

With the exception of the extra Plasma Energy, I'm not saying change anything with your deck. This is something some people forget - its your deck and you get to choose how you want to run it. Choose for yourself what advice you want to take, and go from there. :)
RE: Keldeo/Blastoise/Team Plasma

Sorry did not have a lot of time to read your post Khion but here is what I say.
I think it`s going to be true with most people running Virbank and having 4 of plasma energy and colress machine would help so I`ll try to work them in because I have a local tournament tomorrow Feb 16 and playing everybody I know will give good practice for states in 3-4 weeks don`t know how long it is away from today :p. so I`ll consider it at school today and get back to this later se ya.
RE: Keldeo/Blastoise/Team Plasma

all right thought about it and here is my new updated deck list! update momentarily :p
RE: Keldeo/Blastoise/Team Plasma

this is 99% likely of being my states deck too anything for that?
RE: Keldeo/Blastoise/Team Plasma

Update pending
2/27/13 Update pending again may take a while doing it via PS3 :p
Sorry PS3 froze I`ll get it to you soon.
RE: Keldeo/Blastoise/Team Plasma

Finally I can update this post pending ...
OK everybody please help I went 3-4 3 wins 4 loses at states so help if you do help please do so by March 23rd so I can have the deck ready for another states that day any any any help will be nice so look and post Check out.